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Coronavirus vaccine news

Nor would anyone sane enough and not antiwaxer
But i can not and probably never will, manage to believe our government..worse multiple governments after the amount of misinformation we have been subject to.

Agree re the politics but its TGA and others that will sign off on any vaccine to be used outside of politics and I do know people in the system that are involved with these processes besides being well versed in the tech / safety aspects who do genuinely care about the outcomes.
TBH I think we will be in safe hands.
I hope you are right, but i will not rush and really make sure i understand the concept used for this new vaccine
You lot go first, I'm going to wait and see.

I've never had flu shots (mainly because I just can't be bothered), friends and acquaintances have had various reactions. Some have no reactions whatsoever but it seems roughly 1/3 have some sort of fluey type reaction with a couple, may as well having the flu itself.

Which reminds me, I'm really due a tetanus booster.

On a side issue (he says derailing his own thread ), is Hendra virus still an issue ? Any vaccinations for that ?

Even more interesting, looking at the list, I wish I had have been vaccinated.

I am and have been a walking petri dish.

Measles (x3), Mumps, Varicella (x2 = Chickenpox), Shingles, Influenza (just a few times), all things that I could have been immunized from but have managed to escape Tuberculosis and while often it would seem that I have Rabies, so far the frothing at the mouth only lasts a short time.
On a side issue (he says derailing his own thread ), is Hendra virus still an issue ? Any vaccinations for that ?
There is a vax that's been around a few years now.

It has been highly controversial with a high percentage of negative reactions especially laminitis. In my job I often see mild laminitic reactions, not enough to ruin the horse, but visible.

There is actually a class action against Zoetis regarding it
I am so terribly grateful, to all those Australians, eagerly awaiting the coming Covid 19 vaccine:

Please! By all means, jump ahead of me in the queue!! I shall be more than happy to move as far to the back of the queue, as the coming legislation allows.

Perhaps, if enough guinea humans perish ahead of me, the chanting of the "correlation is not causation" mantra, will provide sufficient cover, for those of us remaining, to effect a quiet escape.
Two points.

1. If you are providing the vaccine at cost, as Astrozenica say they will, you want to be free of litigation. Particularly if you are providing it to a country where litigation is a national sport. It is just a sensible business decision.

It does not mean an event 5 years after taking the vaccine is likely. It is very likely that anti vaxxers will fund a case given a chance though.

2. Once the population has generally vaccinated, all restrictions will be removed and the virus will travel freely and do as it may.

If you are willing to catch it in preference to a vaccine so be it; but I would look at your particular situation as if you have any pre existing conditions or are over 45 you will be taking a gamble. As share investors we are meant to be good at weighing risk.

And if like Wayne you think you have already caught it, but didn't get tested, then it is likely you didn't get it. Most tests come back negative so I wouldn't hang my hat on that.
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Righto then!

Let's wait, watch, and see what happens when all accountability for the outcomes of one's product is completely stripped away!!

You think it's a gamble to forgo a vaccine that has been hastily rushed through testing! Fine!! I am more than happy to allow you to go first!!
No,no! No need for false courtesy, please do take my place in the queue! Better yet, you can have mine also if you like, since you think it’s that good!!!

But please, hold off just a moment more, whilst I brush the dust off my Ouija board (in preparation for needing it for receipt of your progress report).
I want it tested properly before I take it of course. And as a pretty successful share investor I would suggest that the Ouija board is not a good way to assess risk.
I want it tested properly before I take it of course...
Careful Knobby. You are beginning to sound like an anti-vaxxer!

BTW, just so you know for future reference, Ouija boards are traditionally used as a medium for communication with the spirits of the recently deceased.
Some side effects and percentages from the China-dote phase 2 trails.

“Severe adverse events (most commonly fever but also induration, headache, fatigue, dyspnea, and myalgia/arthralgia) occurred in 9% given the high dose and only 1% given the low dose. No serious or life-threatening adverse effects occurred.

“Severe adverse reactions were reported by 24 (9%) participants in the 1×10¹¹ viral particles dose group and one (1%) participant in the 5×10¹⁰ viral particles dose group. No serious adverse reactions were documented.”

Numbers needed to treat ratio (NNT) = ????
Side note: Phase 1 trails stated in March, that's early.
(but then villains always have an antidote ready, don't they)

The vaccine may be rushed but COVID-19 wasn't tested for safety at all.

If the choice is rushed testing but no problems found versus no testing at all well then I'll take the rushed testing.

Testing of course is just testing. What's commonly overlooked when it's claimed that something has been "tested" is what were the results of those tests? Plenty of products etc will claim to be tested but rarely does it state the results of those tests.

Yep, fish oil's been tested for mercury - that's great but now much mercury is in it? Ahh, well we're not telling you that sir, we're only telling you that we tested it. Sounds silly but it's very common in practice that things are tested but the results are kept secret.
What you say would make plenty of sense, provided that covid19 were to prove to be deadly enough to tilt the risk/reward ratio in favour of some desperate methods.

The problem is, based upon what I can discern from the reports, this virus is likely to prove less deadly than the adverse reactions that will likely ensue from forcing a relatively untested vaccine upon the general populace.

How many 60, 70,80, 90 and 100 year olds are being accepted for testing in the safety trials?
How many people undergoing chemotherapy are accepted for testing in these trials?

Now look at the demographic of the people reportedly succumbing to this purportedly deadly virus!

I am sure you can see why this might, be yet another strking example, of mankind's propensity to meet with destiny, on the very path taken, for avoidance of same.
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I would love to know what % of people who have died have had the flu shot, I believe it would be extremely high

It is possible that having the flu shot makes one susceptible to a worse case of Covid because the people that have died mostly live in places where the flu shot is encouraged or is mandated

I am disappointed that so little research is being done on the sick here in OZ, what was their Vitamin D level ? What treatment were they given ?

In today's paper there was a photo of some poor sick soul and they are flat on their back, overseas the research shows that people should be on their stomach so that their lungs have room to move.

Oz medical people are very blinkered in their outlook and suffer from the "big fish, small pond" syndrome, just because they may have clocked up the most years of practice does not mean they know everything.

I have crossed paths with two locally and their egos are huge, they get really snooty when I quote international research that proves them wrong.

With one bloke I printed stuff out from an internationally recognised expert who gives lectures at world seminars as the lead speaker and took it along the next time, probably threw it in the bin
there's a report out the FDA:
US allows emergency use of blood plasma treatment for coronavirus patients
The agency said it concluded it was safe after reviewing the results of 20,000 patients who had received the treatment so far.
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