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Coronavirus vaccine news

For the record, I am not an anti vaxxer.

And I am not against a mandatory vaccination program for truly deleterious viral/bacterial infections... Smallpox, TB, and whatnot.

And... If I thought a CV19 vaccination was demonstrably safe and proven to the effective, I might even be on board *voluntarily* for that.

But there has been discussions about any future CV vaccine being mandatory, or at least functionality mandatory.

On balance I am vehemently against such a notion, *especially* with the currently rushed program.

Just my thoughts, carry on chaps and chappesses.
Horace, I can't remember whether it was the cmo or his deputy has muted some measures which would make it functionally mandatory, ie, no travel, either interstate or international, no restaurants, no welfare payments and so on.

Which begs the question is how would they ascertain whether someone has had the vaccination or not. Additionally, someone who has already acquired immunity from being infected with the virus obviously do not need the vaccination, what then?

Are they going to put a tattoo on forehead, insert a chip, perhaps a branding (I can make them if anyone interested lol)?

This government's totalitarian wet dreams are seriously concerning in my opinion.

Good questions wayne.

I think there are a lot of thought bubbles going around at the moment in political/medical circles.

Presumably you would get some sort of certificate like a drivers license which you would carry around.

It will definitely get messy.
Presumably you would get some sort of certificate like a drivers license which you would carry around.
that's a bit low tech. As long as each state issues its own, that will preserve the status quo of travel restrictions.
Alternatively, it might be simpler to employ the already tried and tested method of making, all unwelcome (i.e. non vaccinated) members of the populace, wear a yellow star!!
Not aware of anyone saying any of the vaccines will be a silver bullet (other than politicians) but would expect most to offer some protection and any released in Australia to be safe and have some level efficacy but not 100%.

Expect health professionals and politicians to be lining up for photo ops getting the shot as there will need to be wide acceptance of the vaccine and travel wont happen without one even between states in Australia I would think.

One point I do wonder about is when the virus causes the over reaction of the immune system that ends up killing the patient if a vaccine would protect against this happening.

the big question is could a vaccine cause an over reaction ?

I have never had the flu, neither has my wife, for that reason we have never had the flu vaccine.

Of our friends, 5 get the flu vaccine every year, 4 out of 5 get sick each year about 10-14 days later, the other one doesn't.......... weird !!

Not aware of over reaction problems Macca.

My wife never gets the flu but I used to get it every year up to 2 or 3 times depending on how many strains around.

If I get the jab i don't get the flu, guess everyone is different.
One of my brothers used to work at a professional football club(AFL). All the staff were given free flu shots. One assistant coach refused it saying he never gets sick.

He caught it and was so sick he couldn't work for 3 months. Lost his job and his football career. Club was quite angry with him.

I work with some guys most who don't take the flu shot. 2 years ago it went through our office, I had had the flu shot so was unaffected as was the boss.

One of the guys who had never had a sick day in his life aged in his late 40s got so sick he ended up in a serious condition in hospital, missed our Christmas lunch.

Coronavirus is worse by about 10 times so if the testing is done properly I won't hesitate. I will be first in line.
Alternatively, it might be simpler to employ the already tried and tested method of making, all unwelcome (i.e. non vaccinated) members of the populace, wear a yellow star!!


Just stamp everyone's wrist with a barcode in the way nightclubs stamp wrists at the door. Use permanent ink. No Stamp No Entry.

More seriously - putting aside the arguments for or against it being developed and whether vaccination is compulsory or not, does anyone have thoughts about companies which could benefit from this in any way?

I'm thinking if someone's licensed to produce it in Australia?

Or the possibility that there's some mass immunisation program - does that create demand for anything else that's likely to be supplied by listed companies?
My CSL bet has not gone bad so far.
They are the only one to my knowledge to have both scale and know-how to produce something to that scale.
As for the side beneficiaries, i do not see any monopolies so no raining money.
But interesting thought
so if the testing is done properly I won't hesitate
Nor would anyone sane enough and not antiwaxer
But i can not and probably never will, manage to believe our government..worse multiple governments after the amount of misinformation we have been subject to.
I fully agree with your view being covid is basically 10 times aka one order of magnitude the usual..real and serious, flu..4 times the worst years.10 times average
I have been getting the flu shots yearly
Except for the years when i was commuting with China which gave me constant exposure to the developing various strains and amazingly kept me often flu-ey but never really sick.
Being below 55, reasonably healthy, number wise, i i will
not play lotto with my life and hope i i will not be forced
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