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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
@barney point in question, how can they keep calling it a vaccine, when you are having to have boosters every 3 months?
I mean all us people had vaccines, when were kids, but we didn't have to roll up every three months, for the rest of our lives.
Why not just call it what it is a covid shot, that covers the last strain, or maybe just include it in another one called the flu shot?

I remember when I came over from England as an 8 year old, the doctor cut my arm near the shoulder with a pen knife, to give me the small pox vaccination. All I can say is thank flck vaccinations were better then, it would have scarred my for life, having to face that every 3 months. ?
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@barney point in question, how can they keep calling it a vaccine, when you are having to have boosters every 3 months?

Many have asked the same question Homer

I know I may appear to be a raving anti-vaxxer on this thread, but really, I am just a concerned citizen

And from the very outset (a zillion posts ago), my main concern has always been giving the "vaccine" to the kidz

That stance has not and won't change

I don't mind "RED" giving me both barrels much of the time ...

If my fears/suspicions relating to covid "conspiracies" turn out to be incorrect, I'll be happy to eat humble pie

The pie is still in the oven however
I agree, even from the beginning they say children are least affected, but the daughter who lives with us has had to have the grandkids done, for school.
There will be a some weird $hit go on, if in 5 or so years unpredicted reactions start happening, hopefully it doesn't happen and all is good.
But in my 66 years, I've never seen any global responses like this, if it is just another bird flu.
As we said in the beginning, either they aren't telling us something, or they are using it as an excuse to give everyone in the world a shot of something.
Even the initial strain, was only knocking off the elderly with an underlying health issue, now when the mortality rate is infinitesimal they are still filling the media with stats it is absolutely weird. IMO
I wonder if more men are dying from prostate cancer than covid, yet there isn't a massive injection into a vaccine for that.

In 2019, there were 3,582 deaths from prostate cancer in Australia. In 2021, it is estimated that this will decrease to 3,323. In 2021, it is estimated that a male has a 1 in 55 (or 1.8%) risk of dying from prostate cancer by the age of 85. In 2019, the age-standardised mortality rate was 25 deaths per 100,000 males.5 Jan 2022

There you go.
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Are school kids vaxes mandated?
Are school kids vaxes mandated?
I don't know, just asked the daughter if she is having the boys vaxxed and she said the school asked for it, but she is deaf so whether she got the facts right or not is always questionable.
When she had the first boy with IVF, centerlink told her she would get single parent pension and family tax benefit and she had to supply her group certificate, then seven years later they tell her she owes $6k because single parent pension she had to ring in her payslip every week.
She didn't now and being deaf couldn't use the phone anyway, back in 2010 sms and my gov wasn't around, so like I said who knows the kids are vaxxed she just does anything anyone in authority says now.
She's scared not to in case it incurs a fine.
Please describe to all and sundry your preferred "early treatment" protocol,
If you don't know what the protocols are then look them up.
I have previously linked to them but you seem keen on a completely unproven regimen, so take it if you sick rather than getting proper medical treatment.

In relation to data, I can guarantee you have no idea what your quoted sentence means:

So why are you continuously drawing your material from anti-vaxxer's sites when you don't understand it?

For your information, the quote above was drawn from this data:

I look forward to you telling me you made a mistake, but won't hold my breath as nothing from you tells me you have a clue.
And if you don't believe me then I will post a few charts your source authors linked to that prove my point.
If you don't know what the protocols are then look them up.

I didn't save your previous link to protocols and can't remember where to find it.

Please re-post it or post what you consider a suitable prophylaxes protocol; I'm interested in comparing it to Dr. McCullough's early treatment suggestion which you state is "useless"?

Just to be clear, I posted the link in my previous post so everyone (including you) COULD see the data I was referring to so they could make up their own minds.

ie. I knew the data was from a PRO-Vax source; That's WHY I chose it;

ie. (X2) So there could be NO retaliation that it was doctored or from an "anti-vax" site (even though you suggested it was)

For the record, my cut and paste was from the NCBI../NIH/gov (US Government article in other words)

I assume the chart you posted is from one of the sub-referenced page from the page I posted?

No problem. That's fine. I'm happy for you to post whatever fits your argument. As I say, I posted the link, I wasn't trying to hide it.

That WAS the point I was trying to make

ie. The "Headline" contradicted the real world performance of the "vaccines"

I'll post it again (+ another paragraph) with zero prompting from me. If people read the Findings/Interpretation and think the vaccines are doing well, and there is no possible correlation between the roll outs and actual cases, fine. I see it differently.

If you don't know what the protocols are then look them up.
I have previously linked to them but you seem keen on a completely unproven regimen, so take it if you sick rather than getting proper medical treatment.

Ok, So is this the Protocol (or something similar) you meant, taken from the American Journal of Medicine? (Minus Budesonide which has now been added I believe?)

Just to be clear, I posted the link in my previous post so everyone (including you) COULD see the data I was referring to so they could make up their own minds.
I know why you posted the link, but the problem is that you did not understand it. If you did then you would not have posted it, and that's why I challenged you on the data. I note your reply omitted an explanation of the highlighted section. Here's what the same data showed when unvaccinated persons were included:

Your point was that:
The "Headline" contradicted the real world performance of the "vaccines"
but the article was about measures preventing infection, noting that Delta (and the possibility of future variant) breakthroughs meant case counts were similar for vaccinated and unvaccinated.

I know you thought you were not trying to hide anything because you didn't know what you were talking about.
Hold onto your hats, here comes the next one.
But the good news is, double dipped tim tams work as well as the vaccine, in combating it. ?
A study has found the Omicron subvariant — dubbed 'son of Omicron' — is more infectious and more able to infect vaccinated people.
The Danish study found the BA.2 subvariant, which has quickly spread in Denmark, is more transmissible than the more common BA.1, infecting all groups regardless of sex, age, household size and vaccination status.

The study analysed Covid-19 infections in more than 8,500 Danish households between December and January, and found that people infected with the BA.2 variant were 33 per cent more likely to infect others compared to those infected with BA.1.
Know a large group of unvaxed (50 or so, ages 30-60) that have basically all caught the virus by now. Majority have had the same symptoms as vaxxed. 2-3 days of bad symptoms and about a week recovery time after those 3 days.

However the guy I usually talk to who was very anti vax caught it worse then usual. He's been out for roughly two weeks with symptoms. No hospitalisation though. Mainly due to the fatigue.

After Omicron you should have a basic idea of if you get it more seriously or not. Probably better targeting at risk groups rather then everyone. Mandates are stupid for a vax that's not doing a lot.

All these rapid tests to everyone is a fking waste of taxpayers money and time. It imo caters to uneducated fear driven hypochondriacs. Keep it for frontline services.

NSW seems past the peak and initial fear cycle.

True, yet in spite of the fact that over 100k people have had Omicron as well as two vaccines, which seems very little difference to the healthy folk, they still expect people to get Another jab.

People around here are saying I have had Covid, I am now immune F@#$ off
Interesting response, one of the statistics that are missing is the number of breakthrough cases, i.e. where someone has caught covid a second time.
Its obvious from the recent stats that you can still get covid despite your vax status, though it seems to lessen the severity of the illness..
Maybe these folks are correct, unfortunately we will be unlikely to find a definitive answer.
I know you thought you were not trying to hide anything because you didn't know what you were talking about.

Ouch (again)

Nah, fair enough Red. If I present data incorrectly, I would expect/want to be corrected.

To be fair though, the point I was trying to establish in my recent posts was questioning whether covid cases are rising in close proximity to increased vaccination rates, and not to do with hospitalization/death rate, but I take your point re the chart.

In fact I was having a similar discussion with a friend who continues to badger me to get vaccinated based around similar stats to what your chart suggests. I admitted to him that the stats from our medical authorities indicate that the vaccinated are less likely to get "severe" covid. That's what the data says, I agree.

As I suggested to him; if that were in fact not the case, there would be a plethora of law suits with "please explain" Even accepting those stats, I'm obviously still not a fan of the mRNA concept.
Nah, fair enough Red. If I present data incorrectly, I would expect/want to be corrected.
Do you actually know why the highlighted data was meaningless?
One reason is due to the whole article being based on an ecological fallacy.
Can you tell me the other?
There was a time in 2020 where vaccinations actually provided a reasonable level of immunity from infection - aka cases - and although BA.1 and BA.2 variants are highly effective infectious vaccinations still make a meaningful (and significant) difference to hospitalisations and death in particular:

As I suggested to him; if that were in fact not the case, there would be a plethora of law suits with "please explain" Even accepting those stats, I'm obviously still not a fan of the mRNA concept.
Nor am I. But we never really had many other options and still don't, despite 10 being approved by the WHO.
Do you actually know why the highlighted data was meaningless?
One reason is due to the whole article being based on an ecological fallacy.
Can you tell me the other?

Ok, I think we just stepped past a "blockage" in the system, and I appreciate the introduction to "ecological fallacy"

I may be incorrect, but would "the other" possibly be "Reductionism"?

Obviously I am not University educated, but am certainly interested in such philosophical constructs.

I know we have disagreed on many aspects of "covid" information, but I will definitely try to put my future points of view forward,

With perhaps a bit more "substance", and less "opinion"

And I am happy to be "fact-checked" by yourself or whoever ... (transparency is important)

If I could add a little "teaser" (just to keep suitable friction in play), lol

Do you really believe Tony Fauci is "squeaky clean" and that Doctors like Peter McCullough are the "bad guys"

I again reference Dr Mac. and your suggestion that his "early treatment" protocol for Covid was "useless"

Without any intention to try and bait or humiliate; My above referenced "Early Treatment" protocol

Printed in the American Journal of Medicine

Was headlined by Dr. Peter McCullough.

This chap is not a quack or charlatan. He is a dedicated physician trying to help his patients

Any number of videos online highlights his passion for effective "doctoring"

If you still disagree, fair enough, but I think many people have done him a massive disservice, and this seems very unfortunate.

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