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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
The excesses of Nazism didn't happen all of the sudden, they happened over years.

In my state, Jan 31st marks a new escalation in totalitarian authoritarianism. Think MaoClown will stop there? I don't.

I would like you to listen to the Gigi Foster vid I posted. In it, she very carefully highlights why everything has been a massive overeaction and why eventually these people will possibly face criminal charges.

Nuremberg 2.0 also possibility.
That's your conspiratorial nonsense again coming to the fore.
You are choosing to believe people who have little to no credibility, as with your last link.
Given it's a uncommon temporary side effect that's just a rubbish claim.

Firstly, I appreciate the time you spent on the post.

I still disagree with many of your conclusions however.

It looks like we will never agree on much of this covid related stuff, but that's no big deal of course.

Just on myocarditis: The incidence has consistently risen, with the second dose for young men proving more "dangerous" than the first

I'm a bit concerned on what the 3rd dose statistics might end up showing in a few months time?

And then a proposed 4th (Omicron specific) jab. I just don't like the thought of that particularly for the young males.

I think you might be underestimating the potential harm it causes but again, we disagree on that.

If we play only the statistics, a recent report suggested a substantial increase, but this report was on data up till around August 2021 I think

We have a lot more data to assess to get to current stats so I can't say what they may be (hopefully better than indicated)

Obviously on a % per thousand, mathematicians might suggest the risk is still low ( I accept that statistically that is a fair comment at this stage), but any young men who have had a severe reaction and permanent heart damage may not appreciate the stats.

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So I wonder what is the current health data that says its more likely you will either catch or spread COVID because you buy alcohol with your groceries??

Given that obesity is recognised as a Covid comorbidity I assume people will have to be double vaxed and boosted before buying any food that is not recommended by dieticians
I still disagree with many of your conclusions however.
They are not my conclusions as my links provided evidence of gross dishonesty, yet you refuse to acknowledge this as the case. Why do you believe a proven liar?
I note your poorly written extract from the Israeli News website on myocarditis.
Contradictory to your initial claim, second doses are not more dangerous than the first, as they are just more prevalent.
Next, until second dose vaccination data became available, the prevalence of myocarditis was very close to normal distribution profiles. However, second doses showed a significant case rise for males, and this became more and more obvious as vaccines became progressively available to younger age groups.
You should read/quote from actual studies rather than continuing to use second hand material as my link is the real McCoy and shows this in relation to symptoms:

In the real world - without covid - we would expect an annual number of deaths from myocarditis in America in the 50 - 100 range and the average age to be mid forties (and mostly male). Contrast this with the 2 possible deaths (so far unconfirmed) from vaccination.
They are not my conclusions as my links provided evidence of gross dishonesty, yet you refuse to acknowledge this as the case. Why do you believe a proven liar?

If people decide to determine Peter McCullough and Senator Ron Johnson are liars based on fact checkers and journalists, that is their prerogative.

Personally, I'll take 100 McCullough's over 1 Fauci everyday of the week!

ps 97.9% of cases in the JAMA report showed abnormally high troponin levels

Not a great baseline for the potential ongoing health of those patients I'd suggest, especially given they are all under 30 years old.

Similarly concerning, the Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging results .. Showing 223 of the initial 826 patients with acute myocarditis

Now maybe you are right Red, and the myocarditis levels will prove to be within normal levels this year?

The proximity of the vaccinations/myocarditis relative to this particular age group does raise suspicions though

The CDC seems totally comfortable giving the vaccines to young people so maybe I'm being overly concerned

Time will tell of course, but given anyone suffering a mild case of myocarditis is suggested to not do any serious/strenuous sport for 3-6 months I believe?

That is something I would call serious for any young person.
If people decide to determine Peter McCullough and Senator Ron Johnson are liars based on fact checkers and journalists, that is their prerogative.

Personally, I'll take 100 McCullough's over 1 Fauci everyday of the week!
Medical professionals call him a liar, so you are deluding yourself. I could provide dozens of links to his lies and distortions going back to 2020 but I can see you will not be swayed by facts nor data. You are just like all the conspiracy theorists who post.
That is something I would call serious for any young person.
The clinical data shows most vaccine cases are temporary and atypical, with serious illness at levels below one in ten million, and deaths fewer than one in a hundred million. Peanuts are much more dangerous!
Try to absorb the data and stop relying on fruitcakes for your poorly based beliefs.
Medical professionals call him a liar, so you are deluding yourself. Peanuts are much more dangerous!
Try to absorb the data and stop relying on fruitcakes for your poorly based beliefs.

You are a very impolite person at time Red

Just to confirm;

I am deluded

Peter McCullough is liar

I am unable to absorb data efficiently

And my belief bases are poor because i use "loonies" to help me work out what I think is correct

Lol, All sounds pretty fair really
Medical professionals call him a liar,

On a slightly more serious note than my previous post

Medical professional calling out other medical professionals is pretty common practice particularly in the US as we know.

Personally I'd love to see the MP's you refer to, take on Dr Mac in a public discussion where these assertions can be confronted

I know he said early in the Pandemic that once you've had Covid, you can't get it again. New data obviously shows that has changed

Other than that, I only see other MP's who "disagree" with his interpretations of the data. Blatant lying I'm interested to see.

Interestingly, Dr Mac was one of the first Doctors to come up with a working early treatment for Covid

Since then, his main "beef" with the CDC/FDA etc has generally been the lack of SAFETY DATA on all things related to covid.

His stance on the "lack of safety" has cost him a great deal. It seems odd that a man with his obvious credentials would risk so much, unless he genuinely believes there are real safety issues. (Disregarding he may be a loonie of course! )
At no point have you understood the data, and you repeatedly link to junk.
You are no different to @DB008 who keeps posting about the US election being stolen from Trump despite there being no credible evidence.
The early treatment of covid you referenced is a scam. There is zero data showing the treatment works. We have covered this ground so many times in this thread but again I realise you believe anything and don't require evidence.
On the other hand there are proven treatments available and in everyday use, rendering your posts somewhat meaningless.
In relation to safety data, your claim is absurd. Have you actually looked for what's available or do you keep repeating things without checking?
You are associating yourself with an equivalent of the flat earth society and seem happy about it.
I don't care to change your mind, but just point out that if you post rubbish I will call it out as such.
So the media a couple of months ago showing we were all doomed, ambulances ramping in caravan parks, because the hospital will run out of corridors and broom closets to put people, didn't eventuate. Code Brown, code Brown, Oh well wait for the next headline, stand down.
Also good to see Victoria's new laws working, which give the health minister the authority rather than the chief medical officer, are working smoothly. ?

From the article:
Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton believes the number of Victorians in hospital with COVID-19 may have already peaked, bettering caseload modelling by half in the weeks after a statewide “code brown” was declared.
Professor Sutton faced testy questioning from the new pandemic declaration accountability and oversight committee on Monday when explaining the way binding orders relating to the pandemic are now made.

The new legislation transferred the power to make rules during a pandemic from the chief health officer to the health minister of the day.

Professor Sutton, who provides health advice to help form the basis of Health Minister Martin Foley’s decisions, said he had advised Mr Foley he had no view on whether it was safe for crowd capacity at the Australian Open to be lifted from 65 to 80 per cent in time for the tennis finals.
“I had a request for a public health view and I provided no recommendation for or against. I said it was primarily a matter really of social licence and social considerations as a really significant public event,” he said
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Don't worry, it will soon be a brown suppository, so that the authorities will now you are full of it. ?
The missus and I aren't having any booster, until it is absolutely required to go on overseas holiday, the way it is going there will be a booster every three weeks. ?
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On the other hand there are proven treatments available and in everyday use, rendering your posts somewhat meaningless.

Alrighty then.

Thanks for all the "compliments" yet again Red. You are indeed a class act!

I'll try and refrain from irritating you further as there are only so many insults I can handle in a 24 hour period

Just so we can all be equally educated by your research,

Please describe to all and sundry your preferred "early treatment" protocol,

Or even just plain "treatment" protocols for that matter, that you would recommend everyone should partake in

Either as a prophylaxis, or as an immediate/early treatment post diagnosis, based on your research and approval?

And perhaps tell us who devised or initiated said treatments that are now proven, and apparently far more effective than McCullough's "very" early treatments that you consider of little value?

How else can they maintain the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" mantra.

Once the 3rd and 4th boosted victims continue to contract covid at ever increasing rates

The mantra will be what I wonder?

Of the 50 patients in the ICU, 47 were unvaccinated.

Translation: They were triple boosted but were a week late in getting their 4th booster!

Too cynical?? Yeah, probably, but I feel like this guy

I'm surprised there hasn't been more main stream media comment (choke) on the connection between the periods of high vaccine rollouts and the corresponding increase in cases. Pure coincidence of course.
Quick reminder for all the conspiracy theorists (I am one apparently) .... Printed back in September 2021

For those who don't like to read all the details:

study showed a drop in efficacy (post 2nd jab) of the Pfizer vax from 96% down to 39%

And, a rise in hospitalization and deaths in the 5 month period from January to May 2021

From 9% to 15%
amongst the "fully vaccinated"

Even when the CDC are forced to admit the truth, they still try and hide it with cover up

I guess they figure that most people don't read past the headlines

Essentially they admit (back in September) the vaccines were failing miserably compared to what they had been projecting

4 months later I wonder what those percentages are now?

It was a simple fix of course .... Get more "vaccinated"

Headline malfunction

The headline said this:

The conclusions (part of, below) were strangely juxtaposed to the headline:

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