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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Yea big news. Funny it's called code Brown.

All good Red. Just having a dig regarding the Dentist thing as i'm sure you know. ps I think it was @DB008 who referenced the study etc but I'm happy to stand in the same camp so to speak.

I went and had a listen to a couple of Jennifer A. Hibberd's interviews etc after you mentioned her being a Dentist, so in that respect, a bit of disagreement/confrontation can be a useful catalyst in learning stuff we may otherwise never look at.

She seems to me to be a genuine lady with good intentions, but of course, i could be gullible and a poor judge of character.

She is obviously interested in Ivermectin because she has many "associates" who report having had good results with it. There are lots of them including Argentinian Doctor Hector Carvallo who seems to be suggesting along similar lines. (link to one interview below)

I admit I have only listened to a portion of this interview, but he seems equally genuine (ie. no obvious agenda that I can see ) so after a short listen, I'm happy to suggest it is worthwhile listening.

Dr Carvallo on Covid/Ivermectin

Regarding the clip you showed from Dr Peirre Kory/Ivermectin. It was from December 2020 I believe?

To be fair, I could post up dozens of Tony Fauci/Rochelle Walensky videos (etc etc etc ), exposing their change of position/faux pars over the past 18 months where they made statements which could now be shown to be pretty "crappy" at best, and where they have changed their collective tune to fit what could be conceived a "contrived" narrative (my opinion of course/could be totally wrong)

Pierre Kory, I believe, was speaking in good faith, and has maintained his pro-ivermectin stance from the start

It surely raises the question: Why would a well respected Doctor:

Maintain an opinion (while under social and political duress)

Plus maintain an opinion which caused him potential/likely loss of credibility, AND the loss of his financial stability?

To promote something, if he knew it to be ineffective?!

I would suggest that for that to eventuate, that Dr Kory is either a lunatic, or he must have an alternative agenda !

So assuming he is not mad, what is his alternative agenda at risking ruining his career? (That is a genuine question/thought)

Lots of questions yet to be answered before this story gets to a final chapter methinks.


I am involved in a study right at this very moment, the hypothesis regarding equine biomechanics as it relates to specific digital pathologies.

The lead PhD is a microbiologist, we do have a DVM on board, but mainly for a bit of credibility for people like you. The rest of us are non-degreed, but those who have made a lifelong study of the field referenced.

We may also soon have a gross anatomist onboard, also.

None of us have any sort of degree specific to the hypothesis, however real pink cat we have something to add to the field of study.

Is it your contention that we should immediately desist from our study, because we don't have specific degrees?

Science follows a process, ironically termed the scientific process. trying to discredit the authors is extremely unscientific in the extreme. Instead, you should refer to the processes of peer review, falsification and repetition.

Any study could succeed or fail at these steps, regardless of the qualifications of those involved.

Science bro, politically motivated attempts at discreditation is not science.... Bro.
4th shot seems to protect by increasing antibodies 5 fold (or something like that) against covid. But not that great against omicron. In fact pretty sht against omicron.

Talks of not giving it to all over 60s now in Israel. Only at risk.
Most likely the current vaccine isn't worth it for the majority of people against omicron. WHO is also saying we "can't boost our way out of this pandemic".
The CDC has admitted that the majority of the of the cloth masks that they urged everyone to use, are pretty much useless against the virus droplets causing COVID.
NY Times
It highlights just how much of the statements put out by the experts are based on considerations other than 'the science'.
Any study could succeed or fail at these steps, regardless of the qualifications of those involved.
The Hibberd study got no traction because it failed the peer review process for mainstream medical journals.
Hibberd's associates' website promotes Ivermectin and is not keen on vaccinations, despite no conclusive evidence for the former and incontrovertible evidence for the latter.
This article links to further RCTs for Ivermectin that should yield definitive results.
Here is a proven at home treatment for early covid which is cheap and effective, yet not promoted by the so called World Council for Health.
I am strongly in favour of people doing as much as they think can help them to combat covid, but advocating using a drug without prescription is not a recipe for success.
So assuming he is not mad, what is his alternative agenda at risking ruining his career? (That is a genuine question/thought)
A large proportion of Americans still believe Trump won the election and that Obama is a Muslim, despite zero evidence to either.
In the inimitable words of P T Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute".
There has been a lot of blame shifting by all on sundry, but i found it interesting that South Australia only allowed the use of rats on December 23rd.
From ABC News

Once again, it stuns me that the various state fiefdoms have different rules.
Why do we have them??
And now the SA premier is blaming the eastern states for a shortage in Sth Australia, suggesting supplies for Sth Australia are being diverted to the Eastern states,
From ABC News
The fact that other states have made it legal before SA, and thus allowed them to order up big time has no bearing on the shortage.
So much easier to blame someone else.
And of course the independent country of WA only made the RATS legal on January 9th.

But no matter what barriers the states have in place, its still all the feds fault.
The buteside study is interesting and inhalant antivirals do make sense.

Notwithstanding study(s) on ivermectin which seems destined to be argued till the cows come home, in my (and a whole bunch of scientists that I know) opinion, "peer review" has increasingly become a suspect process.

As I've mentioned a few times on here, I've been a consumer of peer reviewed science on equine exercise physiology, and biomechanics for over 30 years.

Most studies (approx 9/10) are absolute garbage and should never have passed peer review (happy to cite some examples if interested).

Yet I know of another thesis that did not pass peer review that was absolutely sound and particularly useful for those of us in the field, basically because of the formatting of the language.

That is why I put more faith in the further steps of falsification and repetition, rather whether they pass peer review or not.

Here is a proven at home treatment for early covid which is cheap and effective, yet not promoted by the so called World Council for Health.

We've perhaps found some common ground Red. I've been harping on about Budesonide since way back in 2020

Interestingly, when Dr Richard Bartlett (A known Trump supporter of course), first touted he had received the the idea from God in a dream, about using Budesonide.

The poor Doc suffered a fair bit of backlash from both the "fact checkers/debunkers", and also some of his health colleagues, but his integrity was eventually preserved.

Fortunately there were some other medical folk (some included in the Lancet Report you referenced which was released in September 2021), but more importantly way back in early 2020 when they got straight onto the possibilities of Budesonide as a treatment with a team of high quality researchers headed by Mary Daval

Of course Dr B. couldn't wait around for trial results and probably saved a lot of lives by being proactive so hats off to him.
A large proportion of Americans still believe Trump won the election and that Obama is a Muslim, despite zero evidence to either.
In the inimitable words of P T Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute".
You mean Donald is no longer President?! Damn!
My Sister (front line health worker) just diagnosed with the big-C.

On leave from a couple of days ago. Great way to spend your holiday for her!

Double vaxxed of course as health workers are expected to be

Still in the early nasty headache phase.

She is high 60's age group so not ideal. She is also a tough little nugget so hopefully fare ok

I spent an hour with her 2 days ago before she came down with it. See how the quercetin/zinc/D3/C goes, lol
Hope she goes alright. That headache is a killer. Paracetamol is a massive relief.

My mum and dad are in their late 70s and they barely got it. So hopefully you both get a mild case.
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