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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
That's great news moxjo, it looks as though you were right about this variant being allowed to run through and hopefully eradicate the virus, or at least get it under control.
From the article:
In 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic will end. Driven by the inexorable, inevitable spread of the Omicron variant and the use of vaccines, the global population will generate immunity to this virus.
It was always on the cards imo. From SARS to MERS these viruses always end up endemic. I mentioned this earlier in the whole saga.

And while I got ripped for using the term "goldilocks variant". In my mind omicron was it.
It spreads too fast to contain. It's a short turnaround to recovery. It doesn't seem to hit the lungs. It's treatable at home.
At this time its a positive to hopefully clear the way to living with this thing.

The politicising of COVID in the social/media (both sides) created such a huge fear factor amongst the public. That I worry more about people recovering from that.
Your last paragraph... Bingo!!!!

As you'd imagine it is the main ttopic of conversation with my clients and also each other's vaccination status.

I have only sacked one client so far for being totally rabid and unreasonable about it. (Nobody has sacked me yet) Most often we discuss our own particular nuanced position on the matter and apart from that one person there has been no problems. But I think that's because of pragmatic nature of the horsosphere.

Occasionally I have arked up a bit at people parroting the fear narrative, but once there is a robust but respectful discussion we are all good.

Outside of that, I see so much division that it is actually really distressing and I can't see much good coming out of it.

I do consider myself fortunate though, that I am not beholden an employer and I can retire and withdraw completely from society, if necessary.... And I'm getting pretty close to actually doing that anyway.
The politicising of COVID in the social/media (both sides) created such a huge fear factor amongst the public. That I worry more about people recovering from that.


You wonder why people are hesitant to get the jab...? The Dems outdid themselves

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12months later it's irhe papiere bittte.

I don't speak Swahili Wayne, but I was also going to comment that Politicians are very good at doing 180 degree backflips

If it suits their agenda ................... ...........
Lots of people getting very light symptoms that I know now
Officially animal study test results are showing it is only an upper respitatory track infection similar to a cold. Great news! Delta and previous versions scarred the lungs and did lots of nasty stuff. This one won't do too much damage to most people. I am relaxed now and just want it to spread. (I know someone that is quite damaged by Delta)

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Ok interesting development.

A family that I know that has it allegedly keeps reinfecting one another. It was one of my concerns which is why I tried to separate everyone.

One member has tested positive for 3 weeks. This maybe why they were going to drop the testing.
Maybe just a positive person!
A family that I know that has it allegedly keeps reinfecting one another. It was one of my concerns which is why I tried to separate everyone.

One member has tested positive for 3 weeks. This maybe why they were going to drop the testing.
My Son was told he didnt need to test post Covid for that reason. If the family are asymptomatic and have finished isolation, they should be right to go. Apparently up to 3 months it's still possible to register positive. Maybe they should decrease the cycle threshold on the PCR test to a more practical level for people who are post covid?

Thanks for the info. Wasn't aware of it
Thanks for the info. Wasn't aware of it

That was interesting thanks Barney this caught my eye as well

"They also hope to investigate whether these integrated sections of DNA could be partly to blame for some of the long-term autoimmune consequences that some COVID-19 patients experience. "At this point, we can only speculate," says Jaenisch. "But one thing we do think we can explain is why some patients are long-term PCR positive."

That is good. Wonder though if teh blighter has mutated if it will again mutate to a nastier form. Always possible I suppose.
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