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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Ah explains it a lot better than I cheers
Coming from the Guardian it as expected does a terrible job. Some of the masks that he tests are as low as 11% and under. Guardian meanwhile quotes 30% as the low end of the range.

If you want protection you need the decent ones. And even then 99% of you will probably fk it up.
Ok so it's omicron.

Started off with a funny throat. Not sore, but kind of gulpy. Head felt like it was about to get a headache but was nothing major.

A couple of hours in, my body felt like I was walking underwater. Really light arms and just numbed enough legs.

Started to get lethargic. Body felt like it melted into the couch. Didn't feel like moving (no real pain). Went outside and cleaned around the yard. Nothing too strenuous, but the sunlight felt good.

Came back in and was fine for an hour. Evening starts setting in (which is always when the pain train arrives for flu).

Headaches up to about a 3-4 on the pain scale. Legs go to jelly after I sit for to long and feel like I want to stumble. Body aches start, back, and legs. But nothing to bad.

Get the shivers. Could double as an adult toy. Shiver settings high. Got in the shower- hot water on the shoulders and back of neck is magical. Didn't want to move.

In bed now and feel ok. Headaches about a 2, just slightly annoying. Oh diarrhea has started. I'm told it turns into a jet stream.

See how I am come 3am. Both sons similar ages 16 and 20. The one that had astra is slightly worse for wear. But it's about even all round.

Headaches range from slightly to the back of eyes and switches to sides of head. Sometimes worse just above back of neck.

Chest feels slightly heavy. Sometimes feel it beating weird.

When I spit it tastes metallic.

Can eat.

Brain fog.

Nose not really runny. Only on occasion.

Feel pretty good so far. I'll update the other cases later.
Crossing fingers, you got omicron and you will be cruising in a week with real immunity.
Take care
I know it will be seen as heresy by some here but I am probably not alone in rationally thinking omicron is a godsend and we can only wish it spreads as much as possible to annihilate the initial and much much more nasty delta,etc strains and so provide real immunity to the affected, quickly build an herd immunity and protection for the years ahead.
Obviously, there are massive stocks of vaccines and deals done so you will still probably be mandated your 4 jabs a year for a while.Gravy trains tend to stick around.
Having the real flu, or omicron is no fun but I sign right now to be able to gain a bit of freedom and democratic life.,,obviously not that it is a garantee...
Cheers all.

Woke up about 12:30 last night. Kind of a mild fever with body aches. It's a restless sleep because you can't get comfortable. If I was to sum this sickness up in one word it would be "annoying".

Metallic taste if I cough, but I'm not really coughing.

Headache moved to top of head.

Uncomfortable pain in back of legs.

In terms of sickness I feel like I could go out and mow the lawn. Mentally I feel energetic.

This virus does feel multifaceted. Some interesting layers to it.

You don't actually read the stories do you Mokjo ? You seem to decide that anything in The Guardian is terrible - by default.
If you had bothered to read the story you would have seen the following.

So just a heads up to others posters. OK

With the Omicron variant spreading around the world, the most common question I get is still the most basic: what kind of mask should I be wearing?

If possible, not a cloth or surgical one. These masks are moderately effective at capturing particles coming out of your own mouth – what we engineering nerds call “source control”. But they offer little protection against incoming particles. We call this part – how well the mask protects the wearer – respiratory protection.

A typical cloth mask, while better than nothing, only provides around 30-60% protection to the wearer. Surgical masks, while better at 40-80%, lack a tight fit to the face, resulting in large amounts of leakage around the mask.
Much, much better masks exist. These are sometimes called high-filtration masks, or by the technical name of a filtering facepiece respirator. Such high-performance masks provide significant protection to the wearer at levels that are between five and 10 times that of a cloth mask, while also providing significant protection to others.

In fact, simply wearing a high-filtration mask can buy you significant time if exposed to infectious individuals. Analysis and studies suggest that with cloth or surgical masks, the risk of infection may increase within minutes of being around others with either no mask or low-performing masks. However with the use of well fitting, high-filtration masks, this same level of exposure would now take hours to become dangerous. However, it should be noted that being around a contagious person always carries some risk.

Beyond the actual increased protection from potential exposure, these masks provide a psychological improvement in day-to-day life, as you no longer need to concern yourself with the fact that those around you may prefer to wear their cloth masks under their chin.

One might assume based on the technical name, “respirator”, that these would be some Darth Vader-style headpiece – cumbersome and difficult to breathe in. However it’s quite the opposite. These masks feature a high-tech material called electrostatically charged meltblown polypropylene (quite a mouthful). It features tightly spaced micron-sized fibres – about 1/50th the diameter of a human hair – that have an electrostatic charge applied to them to catch even smaller particles. This material can filter particles that are a just a few nanometres in size.

The most amazing thing, though, is that while providing nearly 99% protection from typical Covid respiratory aerosols, these materials also provide breathability that surpasses that of a typical three-layer cloth mask.
Cheapest local made respirator I could find.
He relies on Murdoch to keep him informed and his boy premier
Uh huh have you actually watched any of his videos?

Here's why it's trash:

Unless you are using disposable masks, you are supposed to isolate your mask for four days after each time you wear it.

Majority of masks do not provide 30-40% protection against covid. That's an outright lie. They may stop you breathing in particles at that rate.

You have eyeballs.Touching your face. Both people need to be wearing a mask. To suggest you are "protected" is idiocy and gives people a false sense of security.

You are not protected. You are most likely using your mask wrong. And idiotic articles from the Guardian are just that. Do not put any trust in wearing a mask alone. If someone coughs in your face while you are wearing a mask and no faceshield then say hello to covid.
I got greedy a couple of week ago and purchased a few boxes of them. Not all for me though with a few friends of mine should they be worried and having trouble sourcing them.

And a not so happy pathology worker

That Reddit link paints a frightening story Belli. A classic example of what the whole purpose of preventative measures and vaccines has been all along; to stop our health system collapsing. This quote from one of the replies is quite pertinent, though I don't know if the comparative figures are actual. And of course it's not just the COVID patients, but other patients who need ED treatment.

That is what I don't understand. They are out there saying 'only 10% of Omicron patients end up in hospital whilst 25% of Delta end up in hospital, so it's gonna be fine'.

They don't realise that 10% of 10,000 Omicron is a hell of a lot for than 25% of 600 Delta.

They don't realise that 10% of 10,000 Omicron is a hell of a lot for than 25% of 600 Delta.

Big difference in QLD -

85% fully vaccinated
Boosters rolling out

Omicron variant

Omicron is more contagious than Delta by a factor of ~4
Omicron is less fatal than Delta, l think by a factor of ~5

Today in QLD there were 1589 positive cases, none in ICU

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A classic example of what the whole purpose of preventative measures and vaccines has been all along; to stop our health system collapsing.

The approach has been odd given the history of previous pandemics. Even in the late middle ages both before and during the first wave of the Black Death, health precautions (according to the understanding of science at that time) were introduced, first, to keep the population healthy and, second, to ensure commerce continued. While they didn't have the understanding of science to the extent we do today it was apparent to them a healthy population resulted in a health economy. The approaches were not all that dissimilar in many ways to those proposed now by many in the health sphere.

Last year MIT undertook a study of the economy of various USA cities after the Spanish Flu. The conclusion of the study was those cities which had stronger health measures ended up with a stronger economy rebound once the Spanish Flu was contained.

Guess it's different this time; as it will be next time and the time after that.
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