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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
For what it's worth Vic Government has 125 job vacancies in the Medical & Nursing category

I haven't done a search on the other State's equivalent but it may give some indication of whether they are desperate to employ health staff or not as the case may be if there has is a high level of departures by those who decided not to be vaccinated.

There is story going around the the French backpacker here in WA is in fact, couple vaccinated.

Been trying to chase it up, but haven't found any fair dinkum verification yet.

Something just doesn't seem right about this whole scenario imo.
Has anybody been looking at numbers in Japan?

Seems like every country is having a Omicron wave, except Japan. I wonder what they might be doing differently?

Chairman of Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association Declares During Surge,

Time for Ivermectin is Now

The chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association recently led an emergency press conference on August 13, declaring the urgent status of the pandemic as Japan is now in its worst surge of the COVID-19 pandemic since the onset of the crisis. Most recently, a record number of new cases were reported at 20,140 on August 14. Deaths aren’t as high as successive waves of the pandemic from February 2021 to the end of May, but nerves are frayed with record numbers of infections. Haruo Ozaki shared that 18,000 new infections are reported daily, indicating “it will be ranked high in the world”. However, he acknowledged the death count has eased as compared to previous surges.

Greenlight for Ivermectin

In Dr. Ozaki’s recent speech, he declared that ivermectin has demonstrated significant benefits in reducing infections and deaths where the regimen is prophylactically administered for another indication. The head of the Metropolitan Medical Association declared that while clinical trials were important, it was time to greenlight doctors to prescribe ivermectin in association with giving the patient informed consent.

"An article on the website of right-wing U.S. radio host Hal Turner even erroneously claimed in October that Japan successfully ended the pandemic in the country in less than a month after it dropped its vaccine rollout and relied on ivermectin instead for treatment.

Amid a lack of convincing clinical data in Japan, Kitasato University Hospital worked on a doctor-led midstage clinical trial, the results of which are not yet available. Kowa Co. has recently launched a final-phase clinical trial.

The Tokyo Medical Association has also extended its support to Kowa’s trial. At the height of Japan’s fifth wave in mid-August, its president, Haruo Ozaki, proposed the emergency use of ivermectin to deal effectively with the pandemic."

Ok, family I know has contracted omicron 3 unvaxxed 1 vaxed. 1 of the unvaxxed caught it and was pretty sick for a night. Is now ok with the usual flu symptoms (no hospital). See how the others go.

Over 6 of my sons mates have had it with very mild symptoms. All vaccinated.
moXJO - can l ask, is this in NSW or VIC?

l'll be honest, l just want to get Omicron and get it over and done with. Everyone l know is so over Covid-19.

I find is so interesting that when the media talks about Ivermectin, always, without fail/doubt, puts in the horse tables (like in the link above).

Meanwhile, in the real world -

Medications commonly prescribed to both humans and pets include antibiotics like amoxicillin, antidepressants such as Prozac, pain medication like tramadol, various chemotherapy drugs, certain thyroid-control medications, and prednisone.

Joe Rogan was prescribed Ivermectin, but all you heard on CNN was "Joe Rogan takes dangerous horse dewormer"

Japan must also be scared for taking the dangerous horse dewormer as per my post above

Ivermectin, 'wonder drug' from Japan: the human use perspective


Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin--originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Institute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil--has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world's most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world's poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found. This paper looks in depth at the events surrounding ivermectin's passage from being a huge success in Animal Health into its widespread use in humans, a development which has led many to describe it as a "wonder" drug.

Wiki on Ivermectin here -


If ivermectin was so good the data would be clear cut.
Instead, it has been dodgy and uninspiring.
Ivermectin cannot be shown to have any near equivalence to vaccination so people taking it instead of vaccination should probably just stuff Tic Tacs into a plain paper box, find a good marker pen, and print Ivermectin on it.
so people taking it instead of vaccination should probably just stuff Tic Tacs into a plain paper box, find a good marker pen, and print Ivermectin on it.

Your import/reselling business going well?

"14 December 2021

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has tested a number of imported products labelled as ivermectin and found that they are counterfeit under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
Laboratory testing has confirmed that the following 12mg products contain less than the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient declared on the labels:
  • Iversun-12
  • Covimectin-12
  • Ivilife-12
The results of the TGA testing serve as a warning against buying ivermectin products from unverified online sellers. Counterfeit products may contain undeclared and hazardous ingredients that could cause a serious adverse reaction. They may also be contaminated because of a lack of manufacturing and testing standards."

moXJO - can l ask, is this in NSW or VIC?

l'll be honest, l just want to get Omicron and get it over and done with. Everyone l know is so over Covid-19.
Nsw. Another unvaccinated mate is thinking the same thing. He is prepping and going to see how the others go. He is only in his 40s though.

The sensible thing for anyone over 50 is to be thinking of getting boosters.

Personally will probably just catch omicron.
Omicron in Newcastle, I know two young people (20s) from Argyle House vaccinated super spreader party.

Both feel lethargic, say it feels like a bad cold, both isolating in their bedroom of shared houses, all people in both houses are vaxed so they don't care if they get it (so they say)

Wait and see I guess
The evil genius of masks... Such an interesting point of you from Bret and Heather here.

Btw, I've walked into several businesses since MaoGowan had his fit of fascism, without a mask. In fact I don't currently only one. Only 1 out of the 7 or 8 had anything to say.

Only a small number of bedwetters remotely concerned about this and are not remotely interested in complying, and only do so because of fear of the government, not of Covid.

The evil genius of masks... Such an interesting point of you from Bret and Heather here.
At least it's not Twitter from @wayneL.
Doctors have worn mask for a long time and despite overwhelming evidence of the ability of masks to mitigate disease spread these old chestnuts keep getting rolled out.
True to form, no evidence to back up what @wayneL posts, and it's littered with the usual puerile political slant.
This is more interesting than watching vids or following twitter.

Vaccine testing, Face Mask testing and more.

Most of my working life and particularly the last 30 years in the chemical industry wearing masks of all types including SCBA, was required to carry escape respirators at all times as well in the chemical industry.

So watching the vid I just shook my head, this guy has no idea... none.
@IFocus I will bet the masks you were wearing, were a bit different than the silly things we are required to wear.

I did a little test today.

When I am hot fitting a horseshoe, my face is about 18 in directly above and the smoke basically goes straight into my chest and face.

I do hold my breath so I don't breath it in but if I run out of oxygen and have to take a breath, I will exhale the smoke much like exhaling the smoke of a cigarette (not a good thing by any means but it's part of the job).

So I thought, what if I may wear one of the pathetic masks that we are required to wear, when I'm hot fitting?

If these masks are so fecken good, I will just wear one when I'm hot fitting and breathe normally.... Therefore I shouldn't breathe in any smoke.


I may as well be a 3 pack a day smoker if I did that. The simple test showed that I exhaled tons of smoke... Vis a vis inhaling tons of smoke.

One of the masks you were required to wear would probably be a different story, but not the silly things we buy in the chemist. (Which explicitly warn that they are no protection against covid-19).

Additionally I think you absolutely missed the greater point of the video, which is not surprising.
Masks stop the exhalation of the virus. There's like a 16% reduction in risk of catching if just the one person is wearing it. It reduces so long as everyone is wearing it.

But the ones with the vent holes can actually shoot it further. Improper use, lack of cleaning. Majority are just bullsht unless you are following protocols. And no one is following protocols.

If you stand in line to close you will catch it. It's legit just to reduce the distance you can spit it out your mouth as the fabric won't stop it. It's actually written on the box that it won't stop covid.

N95 will reduce chances of the virus but you diptards will wear it wrong and not follow proper mask procedures and still catch it.

There's been major studies.
N95 will reduce chances of the virus but you diptards will wear it wrong and not follow proper mask procedures and still catch it.

I read a US article today (CDC or some other official body) that said for Omicron, you need an N95 or KN95. Cloth masks just don't cut it.
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