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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Another US State's hospital system overwhelmed.

The ad went on to ask: “How can we as a society stand by and watch people die when a simple shot could prevent a life-threatening illness? Your health care is being seriously threatened by COVID19. We need to stop the spread!”

The ad urged Minnesotans to get vaccinated, including booster doses; wear a mask (even if vaccinated) and socially distance; get tested if feeling sick; and encourage “neighbors and loved ones” to do the same.
Minnesota is 64% vaccinated.
the pill

NY Times:
Take care Macca not quite out of the woods yet

I agree, been shopping this morning, about 50/50 still wearing masks (nsw).

I did the usual clean up when I got home and then hit the "early intervention protocol" which I intend to continue indefinitely
I agree, been shopping this morning, about 50/50 still wearing masks (nsw).

I did the usual clean up when I got home and then hit the "early intervention protocol" which I intend to continue indefinitely
What's the early intervention protocol Macca?
Of course, here in Oz no one would know that because our Medicos are F'ing hopeless

Better let them know in that case as this list is probably not based on the advice of those "useless" medicos.

You are at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19 if you are unvaccinated and are:
  • are 70 years of age or over
  • solid organ transplant recipients who are on immune suppressive therapy
  • bone marrow transplant recipients
  • are on immune suppressive therapy for graft versus host disease
  • blood cancer eg leukaemia, lymphoma or myelodysplastic syndrome
  • non-haematological cancer diagnosed within the past 5 years or on chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted anti-cancer therapy (active treatment or recently completed) or with advanced disease regardless of treatment
  • survivors of childhood cancers
  • chronic inflammatory conditions requiring medical treatments
  • primary or acquired immunodeficiency
  • chronic renal (kidney) failure
  • heart disease (coronary heart disease or failure)
  • chronic lung disease (excludes mild or moderate asthma)
  • a non-haematological cancer (diagnosed in the last 12 months)
  • diabetes
  • severe obesity with a BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2
  • chronic liver disease
  • some neurological conditions (stroke, dementia, other) (speak to your doctor about your risk)
  • poorly controlled blood pressure (may increase risk – speak to your doctor)
  • pregnant people
  • significant disability requiring frequent assistance with activities of daily living
  • severe mental health conditions.

Other things that might affect your risk

Having 2 or more conditions might increase your risk, regardless of your age. If your condition is severe or poorly controlled, this might also increase your risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

Other factors might also increase your risk of severe illness if you contract COVID-19, including:
  • age – risk increases as you get older, even for those under 70
  • being male
  • poverty
  • smoking.
Colorado Medical System Near Collapse

As COVID patients pack Colorado hospitals, anger grows against the unvaccinated​

Some residents of Colorado cannot get into a hospital when they need to. That's because the hospital beds are filled with people who chose to go unvaccinated during the pandemic. Patients who need care for other issues have no space. They're speaking out now, as are nurses who report a medical system near collapse.

COVID-19 information (for Colorado)​


I do agree that this info is available, the long list does cover many obvious health problems which would obviously put that person at risk for any problem at all.

The common cold would knock some of them over.

Really the only two that most people will take on board are Diabetes and Extreme obesity

My point, which I know from experience, you strongly disagree with is that the "Health Officials" are very happy to chant the mantra on the treatment called a vaccine but I have not heard any of them actually suggest things that people can do to improve their health.

Obesity was identified as a problem very early on, if this had been hammered home at a news conference at least once a week over the past year some folk may have lost 50kgs by now.

Vitamin D is a no brainer, many researchers have been saying "absolutely vital" in the fight against Covid, we had Oz Doctors saying No, we should not allow people to walk in the sun.

Then another idiot Doctor said "remember your sunscreen", doesn't this dill realise that the Oz sun in Victoria in winter time is quite safe, and how will people increase or even maintain their Vit D if they wear sunscreen.

A family member plays golf 3 days a week and walks an hour every other day, he is Vit D deficient because of sunscreen.

If our Health Officials had been lecturing people to get out in the sun, lose weight, eat natural foods, not processed foods while they had the platform to do so we may well have saved lives.

Every day they stood there looking solemn while the Pollies hogged the camera, then they came on and basically said the same thing as the pollies.

A Golden opportunity wasted to tell people how to improve their health and immunity, this is my complaint, they think like bureaucrats not like Doctors
but I have not heard any of them actually suggest things that people can do to improve their health.

I see it all the time. It is in among my FB newsfeed. You see it in the newspapers, often whole pull-out sections devoted to health issues. My GP's waiting room is full of posters regarding health issues with links to where one can get more information. My GP will raise and discuss issues that I should be aware of as I age, even though they currently are not issues. Women's magazines in particular devote a lot of space to health issues in among the crap that they also publish. I can't understand how you can suggest this information is not made known to the public. But the fact that the public often ignore it is not a fault of the medical profession. People don't take health seriously until they get a diagnosis that they can no longer ignore. It's the old you can lead a horse to water....

But while I agree that living a healthy lifestyle would help in preventing against infection from COVID and if caught would help one fight the disease, trying to initiate such changes in response to a new fast spreading epidemic is as useless as telling people they should clean their gutters of leaves and cut high grass around their house when a bushfire is already licking at their front door and windows. The required lifestyle changes would require months if not years to show results, but medical and government authorities had only days/weeks to try and curtail the spread of the virus. That's why they introduced the only arsenal they had at their disposal; masks, social distancing and lockdowns. The primary aim was to prevent a complete collapse of the health system due to being overburdened if the virus got out of hand. And that to a large extent was somewhat successful. It also gave time for vaccines to be developed that could prevent the spread of the virus and could mitigate its effects if caught. That too worked to some extent, But a virus, being a virus, can mutate and the mutations present new challenges, which often require the same tools. If the vaccines also help against the mutations then that is a bonus, but in any case the other tools can again keep the medical system from being overwhelmed until new vaccine solutions are found.

But as well as trying to understand this new virus and come up with solutions to prevent it spreading, medical authorities had to fight against a mass of misinformation often originated and perpetuated with the assistance of sovereign entities that did not want them to succeed. This misinformation was gleefully absorbed and redistributed by a myriad of social media warriors who were convinced they knew better (many of whom would have had difficulty graduating primary school). Everything became a conspiracy. Good advice was always dismissed as just MSM lies, while crackpot ideas such as that the vaccines were planting microchips under the skin to control people were treated as worthy of consideration.
One aspect where caution should be exercised is believing a personal observation is reflective of the actual situation. Have encountered this a few times such as gents having a coffee, discussing their problems with the good ol' prostate and concluding removal is the only appropriate course of action. It isn't a control group but a bunch of old dudes having a coffee and complaining about their health issues.
According to the science write in The Telegraph the Omicron surge may be already waning.
Omicron outbreaks in South African hotspots may be running out of steam less than three weeks after the new variant was identified, data suggests....

The CFR of 0.5 hardly suggests further increase.
The IFR must be pretty small.
Zero points for data analysis.
Here's the trend for highly vaccinated UK:

And the latest UK data:
Again referencing the UK experience from 2020 onwards we see that a plus-75000 case number had never been close, until yesterday:
So whatever we might like to think, the numbers pretty well speak for themselves.
The only issues yet to resolve are case severity and comparative death rates. To date the news has suggested vaccinations have factored in making these less than for Delta. But it's still early days!
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