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Clive Palmer wants to enter politics, another Queenslander for PM?

Even Clive Palmer will not stoop as low as Gillard. His party has given Slipper the boot.:bad:
Even Clive Palmer will not stoop as low as Gillard. His party has given Slipper the boot.:bad:

Clive is a smart guy.

He saved many jobs in Townsville by taking over the Zinc Refinery and has been good for workers.

I was distressed to hear he had taken Slipper on board, but it seems sense has prevailed and the inexorable march of an alleged mediocre parliamentarian has once again been stymied.

About five minutes later Mr Slipper began what the Opposition has called "'vile anatomical references''. Referring to women's private parts, he said: ''They look like mussell (sic) removed from its shell. Look at a bottle of mussel meat. Salty C..ts in brine.''

Read more:

My guess would be that this latest mistake by Clive, and a mistake he has admitted and corrected, will ensure his preferences will go to the LNP Coalition.

Clive is a smart guy.

He saved many jobs in Townsville by taking over the Zinc Refinery and has been good for workers.

I was distressed to hear he had taken Slipper on board, but it seems sense has prevailed and the inexorable march of an alleged mediocre parliamentarian has once again been stymied.

My guess would be that this latest mistake by Clive, and a mistake he has admitted and corrected, will ensure his preferences will go to the LNP Coalition.


GG, I hope you don't mind being corrected, but Palmer took over the nickel refining in Townsville and not the zinc refinery. To the best of my knowledge, the Koreans still own the zinc refinery.
GG, I hope you don't mind being corrected, but Palmer took over the nickel refining in Townsville and not the zinc refinery. To the best of my knowledge, the Koreans still own the zinc refinery.

Thanks noco, my error.

The Australian's Hedley Thomas on Clive Palmer,

Is it delusional to tell the Australian public that it is viable to produce a balanced budget that will include big cuts in income tax for every Australian, rich or poor, the abolishment of fringe benefits tax, the mining tax and the carbon tax, while at the same time asserting an intention to massively increase all age pensions and boost spending on infrastructure, schools and hospitals, with health spending to be increased by no less than $80bn?

Clive having also done a preference deal with the Greens I suspect will be happy with a senate seat.
The Australian's Hedley Thomas on Clive Palmer,

Clive having also done a preference deal with the Greens I suspect will be happy with a senate seat.

If the answers are yes, contemplate the prospect of Palmer's insight, logic and capability being deployed via his candidate, Glenn "The Brick With Eyes" Lazarus, in the Senate. Many voters say "at least Clive is entertaining". Buffoons are entertaining. An entertaining buffoon is close to achieving great political power.

Yes, this is a dark cloud on the horizon...that Palmer could conceivably control the balance of power in the senate. Even though Glenn Lazarus is as thick as a brick he was after all a "knuckle-dragger" (an NFL player) and in Queensland that rates highly.:eek:
Yes, this is a dark cloud on the horizon...that Palmer could conceivably control the balance of power in the senate. Even though Glenn Lazarus is as thick as a brick he was after all a "knuckle-dragger" (an NFL player) and in Queensland that rates highly.:eek:
I think history will judge the Libs right for putting Clive Palmer outside their tent.
Clive's interview on the Today Show this morning:
Judging by the response of the Sunrise team at the end of the segment he won their minds, but only as political comedian of the campaign.

With Clive as a leader, I would find it very difficult to invest in his companies if they were listed and I definitely wouldn't like to work for him. He's clearly a bully and perhaps a fruit loop as well.
Irrespective of Palmers Politics, Karl Stefanovic is one of the biggest douchebags on TV without a single doubt.
Irrespective of Palmers Politics, Karl Stefanovic is one of the biggest douchebags on TV without a single doubt.
He could be a douchebag, I don't know.

What I do know is that he's not putting himself up for election in the federal parliament.
Hopefully he's smarter than his fellow Queenslander Campbell Newman:

When it came to the separation of powers, Mr Newman said he believed it to be “more of an American thing, I should say”, but said he understood parliament to be “supreme” because it was “the manifestation of the will of the people”.

Yeah... exactly the reason I never give a horse, err, politician a free rei(g)n.

It make one embarrassed to align oneself beside them when too much blood flows to their head like that. Newman and his Attorney-General have now given Labor good ammunition shoot him down from his high perch with, and Palmer the golden free kick he needs to make a hash of the two party system, err corrupt political duopoly.
This blabber mouth is a very bitter man because his money and power did not get him what he wanted from the Newman Government.

I thought he entered Federal Politics?

It sounds more like revenge on Newman becausr Palmer did not get his own way.

I hope he comes down to earth before he falls from the sky....I think he is in for a rude awakening when he hits Canberra. Maybe Bronwyn Bishop will keep him under control...she knows the rules backward and will make a good speaker.

Interesting days ahead.
This blabber mouth is a very bitter man because his money and power did not get him what he wanted from the Newman Government.

I thought he entered Federal Politics?

It sounds more like revenge on Newman becausr Palmer did not get his own way.

I hope he comes down to earth before he falls from the sky....I think he is in for a rude awakening when he hits Canberra. Maybe Bronwyn Bishop will keep him under control...she knows the rules backward and will make a good speaker.

Well, he's hardly the only one who entered politics because he despised someone in government. That's no doubt part of what a significant number of people found attractive about him, to vote for him.

The bottom line and pertinent point is, he's been able to garner significant support lost by Labor, away from the LNP, to get a seat in Canberra.

Some little things like "Palmer said he wouldn't be claiming the taxpayer-funded travel allowance" will stand him in better stead than other politicians and without one of their biggest bits of political baggage atm.

The thing about being in federal government is he can put pressure on more strings to influence the Qld Newman government, even embarrass the LNP philosophy nationally.
I think his influence will be limited. He doesn't hold the balance of power in the house of Reps. If his cohorts obstruct in the senate there is the threat of a double disolution. Palmer would then be at risk of losing his seat along with any number of his cohorts. I think the coalition will campaign much more against PUP at the next election. By then voters will have seen his true colours ie. a self serving billonaire who wants his tax refunded.
I think his influence will be limited. He doesn't hold the balance of power in the house of Reps. If his cohorts obstruct in the senate there is the threat of a double disolution. Palmer would then be at risk of losing his seat along with any number of his cohorts. I think the coalition will campaign much more against PUP at the next election. By then voters will have seen his true colours ie. a self serving billonaire who wants his tax refunded.
+1. Accurate summary of Mr Palmer.