Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Clive Palmer wants to enter politics, another Queenslander for PM?

But if Palmer can take the piss, why can't certain members of Aussie Stock Forums, who happen to vote differently to you?

Perhaps its the same reason why all the great comics are Lefty's and democrat's.


Thinking about Clive and other Aussie political nutters today...why is it that the right side of politics seems to attract them?

Thinking Tuckey, Clive, Joh, Hanson, Katter, Slipper, Bananas Joyce.... there's so many of em.
Umm the greens own the wackjob market. I suppose they are good for a laugh as well. Lefties do make great comics, but we are not laughing with you.
Umm the greens own the wackjob market. I suppose they are good for a laugh as well.

Not so sure.....I think Gillard and the front bench take the cake these days, Swan is now taking credit for the rate cut and Shorten is running round trying to find out when that happened because he thought that was next week.
Not so sure.....I think Gillard and the front bench take the cake these days, Swan is now taking credit for the rate cut and Shorten is running round trying to find out when that happened because he thought that was next week.

I'm not sure Clarke and Dawe could keep a straight face if they tried to replay the Speers-Shorten "I have no freakin' idea what the PM said but I support her" dialogue.

Truth really is stranger than fiction.
Thinking about Clive and other Aussie political nutters today...why is it that the right side of politics seems to attract them?

Thinking Tuckey, Clive, Joh, Hanson, Katter, Slipper, Bananas Joyce.... there's so many of em.

Thinking about So-Cynical and other Aussie political nutters today...why is it that the left side of politics seems to attract them?

Thinking Thomson, Slipper, Windsor, Oakeshot, Milne, Brown, Rudd, Gillard, Swan, Combet, Shorten etc .... there's so many of em.:D
Melbourne FC supprters would understand how the left feel at the present time.
Thinking about So-Cynical and other Aussie political nutters today...why is it that the left side of politics seems to attract them?

Thinking Thomson, Slipper, Windsor, Oakeshot, Milne, Brown, Rudd, Gillard, Swan, Combet, Shorten etc .... there's so many of em.:D

:D:D:D - Don't see too many successful business people in that lot either...:rolleyes:

And can't see what SC and his mates here see in this motley crew you
All the critics of Palmer on this thread obviously have not taken the time to do a little reaseach on his background. Steve Austin interviewed him on the ABC 612 radio Morning Show yesterday.

Steve Austin said this morning that the resonse to the interview was the most overwhelming positive response to a similar interview in his memory.

By popular demand he replayed most of the interview.
All the critics of Palmer on this thread obviously have not taken the time to do a little reaseach on his background. Steve Austin interviewed him on the ABC 612 radio Morning Show yesterday.

Steve Austin said this morning that the resonse to the interview was the most overwhelming positive response to a similar interview in his memory.

By popular demand he replayed most of the interview.

Ahh Calliope, Palmer's critics are like beetles on their backs wildly flailing their skinny legs while going nowhere...:D

Unfortunately, there is very little left to defend in their own leftie backyard, so they have taken to throwing stones and anyone and everything in a seeming attempt to distract from their own dreadful messes.
Do you think he will be permitted to contest a seat sails?
If he is popular as you say, why not?
Do you think he will be permitted to contest a seat sails?
If he is popular as you say, why not?

Of course he won't get the selection. Your excited chatter on this issue is based on a mere "expression of interest" by Palmer.

It makes sense that the previous Liberal opponent to Swan in Lilley will get the nod.
Mining magnate Clive Palmer may face prison for refusing to pay a $333 speeding ticket.
Could be a short political career..???
Do you think he will be permitted to contest a seat sails?
If he is popular as you say, why not?

Clive Palmer is playing mind games with Wayne Swan. Nothing more, nothing less.

Clive is reacting to statements from Wayne on big business, mining tax etc.
With Swan's exploits on "class warfare", Clive has picked up the bat!

China has been cancelling Iron ore contracts and steel production is down so maybe the mining tax will go in the same direction meaning less money for the feds.
May even be an increase in un employment so more money going out than in.
Clive will be signing Al Jolson's " Swannie how I love you, how I love you swannie"
It now looks like the most likely seat Clive will run in is Bob Katters!
This will be a campaign to die for! I hope it happens! Entertainment plus!!
It now looks like the most likely seat Clive will run in is Bob Katters!
This will be a campaign to die for! I hope it happens! Entertainment plus!!

Personally, I think Clive Palmer is best suited to run his businesses rather than be in politics. I don't think he has any political experience. Rudd was another who jumped in without much political experience and look where that got us.
Personally, I think Clive Palmer is best suited to run his businesses rather than be in politics. I don't think he has any political experience. Rudd was another who jumped in without much political experience and look where that got us.
I completely agree. Mr Palmer strikes me as like a kid who is bored with all his toys and is casting about for an ego boosting bit of amusement.

I wish the media would stop indulging him.

Hopefully the Libs' preselection process will eliminate him.
I cannot see him being anything other than a disruptive influence if he were elected. Absolutely no chance of him being a team player.
I hope Clive gets up strangely I couldn't fault his speech at the Liberal party conference (did not agree with some points but concede his points was valid)

His point that party office holders should not be lobbyist is absolutely correct especially when they are acting for over seas interests and they have direct input to party policy and favours this is not in Australia's interest.

I was shocked at his insight and integrity.