Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Clive Palmer wants to enter politics, another Queenslander for PM?

Mr Palmer strikes me as having too much money for his own good and like a spoiled kid keeps looking around for his next source of amusement.

Had a discussion once about how you don't have to be smart in the traditional sense to make money, you just need a certain type of personality, Clive Palmer is a prime example.
Had a discussion once about how you don't have to be smart in the traditional sense to make money, you just need a certain type of personality, Clive Palmer is a prime example.

Clive doesn't fit the mould of a politicain by labor standards, i.e. he doesn't have a union leader background, or ignorance about running a business.

Swan's Swan Song;

Clive Palmer plans to build Titanic II

I think that this got missed somewhere along the lines....

Queensland billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer has unveiled his plans to build the Titanic II to add to his tourism portfolio.
Mr Palmer said his new company Blue Star Line Pty Ltd had commissioned the state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build a near replica of the ill-fated Titanic. The cost is unknown.
He made the announcement on the same day he revealed his hopes to contest the next federal election in the Queensland seat of Lilley, held by Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan.
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Hilarious - I really hope he does it too, it will be one safe vote for the NBN when there will be a massive swing away from LNP in that seat.
This will be funnier to watch than Joh for Canberra.

Clive will want a return on his investment into the political parties and he will of course want to mange it closely so I expect him to run and get up his ego is just that big.

Yes it will be funny but the outcomes quite serious.
Wake up people, Big Clive has no intentions of becoming a member of parliament.

He is just messing with Swanies head. Like a cat playing with a mouse. Every time Swanie moves he will jump on him.
Wake up people, Big Clive has no intentions of becoming a member of parliament.

He is just messing with Swanies head. Like a cat playing with a mouse. Every time Swanie moves he will jump on him.
I hope so.
I think a man of Clive's stature would find empathy with a majority of the electorate when you factor in that 60% of adults are overweight or obese like Clive..
Clive doesn't fit the mould of a politicain by labor standards, i.e. he doesn't have a union leader background, or ignorance about running a business.
Neither could he be regarded as having the necessary characteristics for any politician on any side in that his massive ego would not allow him to e.g. go doorknocking for votes.
The whole idea is farcical. But in the meantime he can do some real damage with his strutting around.
Wake up people, Big Clive has no intentions of becoming a member of parliament.

He is just messing with Swanies head. Like a cat playing with a mouse. Every time Swanie moves he will jump on him.

He's not hurting Swan. I guarantee you Tony Abbott is hoping that walking heart attack keeps his wallet open and his mouth shut in the future. He took the spotlight off gillard's problems with slipper etc.
He's not hurting Swan. I guarantee you Tony Abbott is hoping that walking heart attack keeps his wallet open and his mouth shut in the future. He took the spotlight off gillard's problems with slipper etc.

He has certainly diverted a lot of people from the main game. He has managed to switch a lot of posters to the view point that Palmer is a bigger threat to democracy than Gillard, Thomson, Slipper and Swan.

Class enemies perhaps? Swan certainly thinks so. Politics of envy perhaps? Maybe.

He has certainly diverted a lot of people from the main game. He has managed to switch a lot of posters to the view point that Palmer is a bigger threat to democracy than Gillard, Thomson, Slipper and Swan.

Class enemies perhaps? Swan certainly thinks so. Politics of envy perhaps? Maybe.


I don't think anyone said that. Palmer is definitely not a threat to Democracy. He always states his views and doesn't appear to do sly deals in the background.
He has the right to be elected just as anyone has.
He should articulate his agenda while in Parliament like any other MP.

Gina can get elected too. That is what democracy is about. It will be up to the Liberal Party to do what is right by their members and the greater good. Gina wants her special economic zone with lower mining taxes and the right to bring in thousands of semi skilled labourers from China and India. She has a perfect right to her views and can argue them within the Liberal Party if she wants to. As long as we get a chance to vote, I have no problem.
I reckon Clive's run is a great move and a perfect fit...i mean he's the quintessential conservative, in possession of all the typical conservative quality's.


  • Rich
  • Out spoken
  • Greedy
  • Gluttonous
  • Egotistical
  • Eccentric
  • Delusional

This guy is gona fit right in. :D Clive can have Tuckey's old seat in the party room.
How does some one like Clive get where he is today go and see the bank manager and say I have a paper run making 2 pound 10 and sixpence halfpenny a week can you lend me $100m to buy a coal mine??
I reckon Clive's run is a great move and a perfect fit...i mean he's the quintessential conservative, in possession of all the typical conservative quality's.


  • Rich
  • Out spoken
  • Greedy
  • Gluttonous
  • Egotistical
  • Eccentric
  • Delusional

This guy is gona fit right in. :D Clive can have Tuckey's old seat in the party room.

Most those fit Turnbull but apparently he is a Labor supporter.

I think you have to be a career Liberal, a complete dill and say no all the time (X2) then you fit right in.
So cynical and IF, it's a pretty sad day when you feel obliged to caricature all liberal voters in such an unrealistic and silly way.

It must be tough seeing the party of your choice annihilate itself as at present, but it does you no credit to react so childishly as above.:(
It says way more about you than it provides a genuine analysis of the wide variety of people who have a small 'l' liberal philosophy.
So cynical and IF, it's a pretty sad day when you feel obliged to caricature all liberal voters in such an unrealistic and silly way.

It must be tough seeing the party of your choice annihilate itself as at present, but it does you no credit to react so childishly as above.:(
It says way more about you than it provides a genuine analysis of the wide variety of people who have a small 'l' liberal philosophy.

Yes I agree, the above points are really Labor traits except being rich, unless they steal it of course.
Saw a funny skit on TV.
It showed Clive Palmer not getting preselection, spitting the dummy and saying he is going to run his own Parliament (aka soccer reference). Pretty funny.

I think he has no hope getting preselection. He would do untold damage. The Libs can live without his donations.
So cynical and IF, it's a pretty sad day when you feel obliged to caricature all liberal voters in such an unrealistic and silly way.

It must be tough seeing the party of your choice annihilate itself as at present, but it does you no credit to react so childishly as above.:(
It says way more about you than it provides a genuine analysis of the wide variety of people who have a small 'l' liberal philosophy.
But if Palmer can take the piss, why can't certain members of Aussie Stock Forums, who happen to vote differently to you?