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Clive Palmer wants to enter politics, another Queenslander for PM?

Just go to show he did not make his money by being stupid!!
For you to give him that compliment, I think that is great.

Translation of the above post:

Translation of the above post:

It never ceases to amaze me how you continually miss construe my posts and to personalise attacks rather than post a researched and thoughtful repost. .

As for my post on Palmer its entirely genuine given my option of him is a billionaire lunatic I was surprised at his position and of course not surprised at Abbott's compromised and lack of integrity position.

Anyone who starts a sentence with this old cliche can be ignored. Julia did not miss construe (sic) your post. she was spot on.
Clive has learned that joining the political class is not easy.
They are a ruthless lot.
Clive has learned that joining the political class is not easy.
They are a ruthless lot.

Can you clarify what you're talking about here?
Last I heard of Mr Palmer was that last night he announced his resignation from the LNP, pretty obviously in order to get in first before they asked him to leave.

He will be a vicious enemy to them.
Can you clarify what you're talking about here?
Last I heard of Mr Palmer was that last night he announced his resignation from the LNP, pretty obviously in order to get in first before they asked him to leave.

He will be a vicious enemy to them.

It started with him trying to get a seat after being a major benefactor over all these years.
He was warned off the federal seats and then the State seats and so he got fustrated and started lashing out.
He has found out that many politicians may lack vision and integrity but they will fight like hell to keep/get the seat they were promised. These are the guys who have been in the party since Uni and know each other -"the political class". The Greens and Labor are just the same-probably worse.
I'm surprised no one has yet commented on Clive Palmer's confirmation that he will stand for Federal parliament.
Is the lack of interest because we're all a bit over Mr Palmer's frequent media appearances and don't actually take him seriously?
That this is just another diversion for him, not that dissimilar from his dinosaur park or replica of the Titanic?

My concern is that he will dilute the conservative vote in Qld.
Would most people place his candidacy in the same category as that of Bob Katter? i.e. the slightly nutty?

Yes it's just a diversion for him, very few votes I imagine.
Vote #1 Clive Palmer?

No way I could vote Labour (although I never have either).
Abbot has quite a few flaws I can't overlook, mainly communication difficulties.

I might consider Palmer, although he seems a real bulldozer.

What do you know about him?
Wouldn't he just give the preferences to the Coalition?

Complete wild card I think and could be a spoiler for the QLD Liberals / Nats, people up there vote for Katter so who knows where this could go.

Either way federal conservatives will go after him big time.
Wouldn't he just give the preferences to the Coalition?
I don't think so. He is very dirty on the Qld LNP for not embracing his suggestion that he would stand as a State candidate. They could easily see through his grandstanding and made it clear they would remove his membership if he didn't resign.

I doubt that he would direct preferences to any party.
In response to a question by ABC Radio this evening as to whether he would align his party with the Bob Katter party, he quickly snarled an emphatic no, and proceeded to list all the policy statements of Katter's with which he disagreed.
If anything, I 'd guess that the "I can't stand Labor, but want a more right wing option than the Coalition" section of the electorate will split their vote between Katter and Palmer.

Complete wild card I think and could be a spoiler for the QLD Liberals / Nats, people up there vote for Katter so who knows where this could go.
Yes, agree. As I've commented above.

Either way federal conservatives will go after him big time.
I'm not so sure about this. That would be to give him more attention than he deserves. I hope they'll choose rather to ignore him. Ditto the media sheep.
Was at a quiz night here in Perth last night to raise money, had 52 turn up, at the end of the night we was handed a slip of paper and was told to wright yes or no on it, the question was would you vote for Clive Palmer, only 41 slips was returned, 14 voted for Clive, I think he is really going to up set the apple cart big time, would not surprise me if both the ALP and the Libs gang up on him.

The major parties will be polling around Palmer trying to work out where the vote leakage could be if any, Labor largely will be hoping he is a spoiler for the Coalition but given the current polls I don't think he will benefit Labor to any great degree.
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