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CHN - Chalice Mining

does anyone remember CHN ?

up 10 per cent today, at $1.46 .... it's been bouncing along/ off the $1 line for most of the year. Goes high, runs back.

Gonneville approved as Strategic Project by WA Government

Western Australian Government recognises Chalice’s Gonneville PGE-Ni-Cu-Co Project as Strategic and will provide ongoing approvals coordination and support.
Dorsch looks like head prefect of a private school in his pics these days.

CHN Chalice Mining Ltd my pick for the October Comp. Found some legs the last few days and the SP has improved.
If this continues albeit slowly could be a bit of profit to be had.
Worth watching I feel.
I am now kicking myself on not taking the advice of that extremely wise sage "the bloke in the mirror".
He more than suggested that a buy of CHN last week at $1.29 was a steal.
Looking at the current SP someone deserves a swift kick.
CHN is certainly in favour today.
Currently SP is $1.69.
Good for me as it is my pick in the Oct Comp
I like this company.

From Bell Potter

Upcoming catalysts for CHN in 2025 include:
• The completion of a Scoping Study Starter Case update, outlining the development of asmaller scale, high grade, high margin and lower CAPEX starter project at Gonnevillewhich is then likely to be progressed towards PFS;
• Updates on project optimisation work focused on project scale, metallurgical testing,geological domaining and process route finalisation, among other workstreams feedinginto the Gonneville Pre-Feasibility Study;
• Progress reports on the Gonneville Pre-Feasibility Study, on track for completion inmid-CY25. This will build on the key findings of the Scoping Study and incorporate theresults of ongoing project optimisation work;
• The outcome of discussions with Mitsubishi Corporation in relation to the potentialformalisation of binding partnership post completion of the PFS (mid CY25); and• Ongoing results from the reconnaissance drill programs that are underway across theHartog-Hooley-Dampier targets at the Julimar Project and the broader West YilgarnNickel-Copper-PGE Province.
CHN Chalice Mining Limited my pick for the January Competition.
Just hoping that the SP will show some improvement in the coming weeks and turn out to be a winner.
Time will tell if I have decided on a lemon or an orange.
CHN I have been a keen observer of this neighbour, well quite a few K's NE of us, but I had put in a buy recently and watched it travel upwards and onwards leaving my buy in the proverbial dust. Just checked in to the market and see I now have that buy executed and if I had been quick enough got them for a bit cheaper. Happy to have them back in the fold.
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