Gas Power Plants Lacking Supply While China Being in Electricity Shortage
June 5, 2011
Analysis by: GLG Expert Contributor
Analysis of: 百度搜索_浙江省的半山电厂
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While widespread electricity supply shortage in China has blown some ripples in other energy markets, in particular, resulting in extra diesel demand for plant backup power generation, the natural gas market has received little affected.
There seem no extra gas supply sources and no incentives for gas-fired power plants to raise plant operations to make possible contributions to help relieve electricity supply shortage.
In fact, gas-fired power plants entirely relying on natural gas supplies from gas transmission trunk lines and LNG import terminals have never been operating properly since the very beginning. When gas supply quotas being allocated to power plants are limited, they are even squeezed by rapidly rising gas requirements of other sectors particularly residents and other city gas consumers. In addition, higher gas costs and strictly controlled domestic electricity fed-to-grid prices have put majority of gas-fired power companies into operating losses.
In an estimate, gas-fired power plants in China are operating at below one third of the designed capacity on average throughout the country. As a result, there are no extra gas supply sources and no incentives either for gas-fired power plants to raise plant operations to make possible contributions to help relieve electricity supply shortage.