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Can you make 30% a week trading forex?

Rogblack, "I've been a full-time trader and coach for 18 months now and never used a forum."

Not impressive at all!!

I've been trading and investing for nearly 40 years, and I certainly do not have the Holy Grail of trading that will make 30%/wk, nobody does.
I do however have some large tax bills from the last few years that show I'm doing something correctly.

You have not mentioned tax anywhere in your great success, which begs some serious questions by itself.

The main reason for all the negativity to your posts is fairly simple. You are advertising your 'product' of coaching, but have put up no evidence it is worth anything. On this forum there are many examples of people that have put up their trading styles and performances live. Peter2 is currently doing a great job of this in both the daily and weekly threads.

None of the posters that you call 'haters', want to see newbies fall for tripe, hence the antagonism you are encountering.
If Tech/A, or Trembling Hand, or Craft or Captain Black, or Country Lad and a host of others were to advertise 'coaching', they would no doubt gain students and none of the flack you are currently receiving.
They have earned respect and have the runs on the board.
Please. Everyone on this thread. Kindly ignore my posts.You're all far too cynical and negative to consider a simple prospect as stated. Your egos prevent you from being courteous or respectful. You smash every valid point and ignore evidence. I have no reason to discuss this further with you and please don't pretend you care about newbies. You care about mob rule and ego positions. On your own you may be decent people but on this forum in only two days you've started to make up your own rules in order to control my speech. Have I broken any forum rules? Are you the trading star chamber? My claim is simple and I have repeatedly done it. I invited anyone to try it on a demo but not one of you will man up and try it. Even with nothing to lose but your pride. You'd like my trading records. Really? You'd like me to post my trading records to strangers or online because you choose not to accept a simple premise and can't have a decent adult conversation? Here's the image posted for cynic who failed to acknowledge it.

This is a balance of $10k. A single lot of 1.00 would trade at a 400% margin. As the price is trending it would achieve a profit of $6800 in two weeks or 34% a week. I've done it and I've seen many others do it. I've seen much higher returns in fact. I can't see one reason for anyone to get abusive or call the ACCC. I certainly don't need to be told by thirty different people to go and **** myself. This is very bizarre. My offer stands to anyone who wants to suck and see. I'll give the trading signal and you run the demo. Unless have a problem with demo accounts!!! If no one steps I'll run it myself and post it. I think with the mob rule here that's what will happen.


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Ok, i give up. This guy is incapable of the slightest self reflection, everyone from Joe down has pointed out why he gets such a hostile reception, he just ignores it and carries on with the spamming scam.

I cant remember another member on this forum being so universally called out and derided, if he cant self reflect and consider why he might have caused such a universal reaction then lets shut it down.

I get McLovin's point about leaving the threads as a warning to naive traders googling the OP, but at least lock them and ban the OP.
My main concern with demo accounts is that trading does not actually occur! Consequently, the net result, when converted to real currency, is always the same, namely zero!

Perhaps that image you posted wasn't acknowledged in the manner you were expecting or hoping, but then neither was my counter proposal to yourself.

But you might want to forgive me, you see, it seems that maybe...
Rogblack, what you do not seem to understand is that the little chart you have produced means NOTHING by itself. It shows a little trend, big deal, I can show you thousands of charts with little trends, they mean nothing by themselves!!

For example, here are 2 charts, the first is a subset of the second....

This is a trade I did, with real money. I bought several million shares at the end of August/early September at 1.4-1.6c. The trading was very low volume so it took over a week to buy all those shares, about $55k worth. There were a couple of multi-million buy orders below me, that I could have sold into, if the trade did not work, so I had a reduced risk. By early September those large buy orders below me had been raised, they were real. They had also been buying before I jumped in front of them.

When the price went to above 6c, I sold over 1m shares to be more than free carrying the remainder of the position. Upon the breakout above 6.5c I bought back half of those I'd sold.
I should have bought more on the break above 15c, but the size of the trade was already way above the size of the speculative part of the portfolio that it should have been, so I passed.
After the first large drop from 25c, despite the 2 buy tails, the stock was starting to look weak to me.
I started selling at 27c and it took me a week to unload the position, with the last of the sales taking the price back down to 23c. I basically broke the trend with my selling.
I kept 500k and sold them at about 18c in the early part of July for tax reasons.

Yes I'm very happy with that trade, but by itself it means absolutely nothing!!
This is the aspect you do not seem to understand. A single trade, or even 5 past trades mean nothing unless in context with the risk, long term return, etc.

The above trade says nothing about the $50k I dropped on market reaction to an announcement that showed management lied to the market (different company), and the corresponding gap down, nor does it tell you anything about what proportion of my portfolio or wealth the trade was. Nor does it tell you anything about the hundreds of other trades that were not bought near the bottom and sold near the top.
It is meaningless boasting and should be pulled apart by all. However I'm not trying to sell anything.
Can you imagine what it would be like if you were trying to voice an issue with your subscription.
You'll be too cynical with a huge ego.

You just won't be up to it
He's done it.
I personally can also show you at least 10 occuences in the past using my walk forward bar function on a chart.

This is the great thing about diversity of experience within online communities!

One can always count on someone willingly sharing their real experience, thereby delivering the dose of reality requisite to the shattering of...
I'm not buying it Rog. Good effort but not good enough. I'm pretty sure you are a shill for the big Gay lobbying groups and the PC brigade here to distract us from all the good points made in the general chat section of this forum.

Everyone stop posting in a trading related section of this forum and go back to arguing the fiddle-faddle of running other peoples lives. FFS!
Absolutely. This guy is a jerk.
The problem with believing in those, is that one starts having... ...which later turn into...
...and ultimately life then becomes a complete... !

Edit: Warning! The above posted music clip does contains some offensive languauge and gruesome themes, but then what else would one expect from a nightmare!
Heaps better than The crock (Block). What type of Ice are those people on. Go channel 9 really like your reality BS shows, mind boggling stuff. lol Things these guys should stop snorting coke and start sniffing plaster dust lol
Heaps better than The crock (Block). What type of Ice are those people on. Go channel 9 really like your reality BS shows, mind boggling stuff. lol Things these guys should stop snorting coke and start sniffing plaster dust lol
It appears you have sampled just a few of the plentiful delights, on offer, in our modern age.

All made possible by mankind's ingenious technological advancements, and discoveries of creative uses for electricity.

How did mankind ever survive the days before we were able to be wondrously...
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Probably older than you lol
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