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Can Spain Be Saved?

19 billion is bugger all.

I suppose denying minimum wage by 45 cents and hour will make the companies rich enough to pay it off, lmao !

haha. Empty buildings, caravan communities ? Free hand of the market my ass.
About due for another "unlimited" speech followed by absolutely nothing substantial?

Rhetoric it goes down, reality it goes up? Which will win?
Doesn't look like things are going to get any better soon...
I wonder how they pay their living expenses. Impossible that they’re all on the dole, is it?


What dole.
Spain doesn't have a dole system
If your un employed you line up for food

Aussies don't know how damned lucky they are.
Why do refugees come here?

Go travel a bit and you'll never complain about
You home again.


Cheers.... I've put in a request to centre link for a pay rise to cover the trip.

If you are going to comment on a thread can you make sure that your comment
even closely resembles the true facts.

Err...Spain absolutely does have the dole. You just need to have worked before you can start claiming it and it doesn't continue indefinitely.
and if you couldnt get the dole in Spain you could just move to any of the other EU countries and claim welfare there, Uk is quite popular...
If you are going to comment on a thread can you make sure that your comment
even closely resembles the true facts.

Maybe you should read it again.

In most countries in Europe you must work to earn benefits, the concept of second and third generation dole bludgers who have never worked is a pommy and Aussie phenomenon where natural selection is being defeated by social security.

From the page you link to...

In order to receive a contributory benefit an employee must have contributed at least 360 days in the last 6 years, be registered with the employment authorities as available for work.
Benefit Amount and duration

As a rule the benefit is paid for 1/3 of the period that the unemployed person has contributed. As a minimum the benefit is paid for 4 months and a maximum of 24 months is permitted.[5] The benefit amount is calculated on the basis of the last 180 days salary with both a minimum and a maximum amount applicable. The base amount is supplemented according to the specific family situation of the unemployed person with a supplement for those with children under 26 or handicapped- The unemployed receive 70% of their reference salary (subject to the ceiling)during the initial 6 months falling to 50% thereafter.
From the page you link to...

... The unemployed receive 70% of their reference salary (subject to the ceiling)during the initial 6 months falling to 50% thereafter.
That's not very clear explained. Sounds like if you have earned anything for a while, then you’ll receive at least 50% of that for the rest of your life (but for example not more than 1087.21 Euro – probably per month – for a single person).

I talked to a friend from Spain and she said whatever they get is up to a maximum of three years and then it’s over. A very difficult situation for affected people but that explains how the system can still function despite the 27% unemployment.

I can testify to that.....not only are we lucky we are a first world country, we are also a lucky first world country.
I can testify to that.....not only are we lucky we are a first world country, we are also a lucky first world country.

Agreed......for now.....might be fun to revisit this quote in 10 years time after the Mining Boom has gone bust.

By the same token, where will Spain's economy be by then, one wonders?
Agreed......for now.....might be fun to revisit this quote in 10 years time after the Mining Boom has gone bust.

By the same token, where will Spain's economy be by then, one wonders?

Some parts of Spain are going ok.

Areas where they have been smashed by cheap African food, wont come back. But that has been a long term impact throughout Europe.

Regions such as Catalonia and the Basque region where they have much greater exposure to the outside world, will eventually be fine. But they are seriously hampered by being a part of Spain.

However, manufacturing is experiencing a resurgence in the north of Spain, and several big name companies have moved from the Netherlands and Denmark to Spain. Which is also fueling nationalist tensions.

Spanish speaking immigrants are going back to Latin America and elsewhere. Australian universities are experiencing large increases of spanish speaking students.

The biggest problem is that Spain's youngest and brightest are leaving.

They just have to have a different currency. Because they just cannot compete as the high quality food bowl for Northern Europe.

It's forcing them to make massive changes to their education system as well. Formerly, their debates were around teaching regional languages before castillan and vice versa. But now, they know they can't be as insular.

Anyway, from paradise to parados, in a big hurry.

At least the prostitutes are awesome and cheap.
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