Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

Good morning Nulla
"The human contribution to global warming needs to be reduced now. "

OK Nulla,
please give me some facts why.
not just 'stuff' from Krudd and Co,
some facts that would date back to say, the 12th century, so that GW can be a real proven fact.

And while your researching the facts,
please tell me why the Earth goes through warming and cooling cycles, like its done from the start of time.

Why there was rain forests on what is known as the south pole
Why Greenland back in Viking times was about 5 to 10 degrees warmer than it is today.

Many thanks in advance for your research and information.

Kind regards,
Turnbull has been buried in the ashes. Tony Abbott has risen to the occassion. Lets hope he can maintain the status quo.

This thread is now dead and buried.
Turnbull and that useless smiling piece of crap ''HAPPY JOE'' can both join the Labor party and play with the ETS as much as they like:D
Costello would have made mince meat out of these amatuers at question time but alas we will never witness it

And this is probably one of the greatest failings of the Libs during Howard's later reign - the failure to achieve some sort of succession planning. (Of course, easy for me to say, and I will admit to not being a big fan of Mr Costello, but I can't help but wonder if today's Lib turmoil could have been avoided, or at least reduced a great deal?) All water under the bridge now though.
And this is probably one of the greatest failings of the Libs during Howard's later reign - the failure to achieve some sort of succession planning. (Of course, easy for me to say, and I will admit to not being a big fan of Mr Costello, but I can't help but wonder if today's Lib turmoil could have been avoided, or at least reduced a great deal?) All water under the bridge now though.

Every STRONG team goes through a re-building stage ,its just a process of finding and blooding new talent:p:
Turnbull and that useless smiling piece of crap ''HAPPY JOE'' can both join the Labor party and play with the ETS as much as they like:D

Don't laugh justjohn, Turnbull may well run with the Labor Party at the next election.

He once applied to join the Labor Party and was refused entry. Was he a plant by the Labor Party to disunite the Coalition? Rudd is as cunning as a s?@T house rat, and nothing would surprise me. There is espionage in corporations and it well happen in politics too. Something to think about!!
Well the looney Liberal right has got what it asked for...i can only hope Labor drive home the advantage with a DD election.
And this is probably one of the greatest failings of the Libs during Howard's later reign - the failure to achieve some sort of succession planning. (Of course, easy for me to say, and I will admit to not being a big fan of Mr Costello, but I can't help but wonder if today's Lib turmoil could have been avoided, or at least reduced a great deal?) All water under the bridge now though.
Timmy, there was an interview on "The World Today", ABC Radio, today with a Reader in Politics at one of the universities who has made a study of the Liberal Party. She was asked by the journalist "Who do you blame for the mess the Liberal Party is presently in?"

Her reply: "Peter Costello".

She suggested he had absolutely let the party down by refusing to accept the leadership and it has been all downhill from there.

Like him or not, he was politically astute, and could return in any debate whatever was handed out from the other side.

I don't believe he will ever be back, though, and no doubt is congratulating himself on exiting when he did.
Timmy, there was an interview on "The World Today", ABC Radio, today with a Reader in Politics at one of the universities who has made a study of the Liberal Party. She was asked by the journalist "Who do you blame for the mess the Liberal Party is presently in?"

Her reply: "Peter Costello".

Thanks Julia. Like I said, I am no big fan of him, but I wont judge him harshly for the decision not to take on the role after the election. He did his bit for many, many years.
And this is probably one of the greatest failings of the Libs during Howard's later reign - the failure to achieve some sort of succession planning. (Of course, easy for me to say, and I will admit to not being a big fan of Mr Costello, but I can't help but wonder if today's Lib turmoil could have been avoided, or at least reduced a great deal?) All water under the bridge now though.

Yes and it was the Liberal right that was responsible for that (Costello never having the numbers) and its the same people that are responsible for the current mess...every one seems to forget that Howard stayed in power for so long because of the so called "Howard battlers" lower middle class Labor/swing voters.

The Howard, Costello and Fischer/Anderson show Kept the loonys at the fringes and thus had broad appeal to disheartened labor/swing voters....The Abbot, Bishop and Joyce/Tuckey show has all the appeal of a non lubricated pineapple enema.
Yes and it was the Liberal right that was responsible for that (Costello never having the numbers) and its the same people that are responsible for the current mess...every one seems to forget that Howard stayed in power for so long because of the so called "Howard battlers" lower middle class Labor/swing voters.

The Howard, Costello and Fischer/Anderson show Kept the loonys at the fringes and thus had broad appeal to disheartened labor/swing voters....The Abbot, Bishop and Joyce/Tuckey show has all the appeal of a non lubricated pineapple enema.

This thread is dead and buried and I don't know why ASF members continue to post. Turnbull is kaput. full stop.
Timmy, there was an interview on "The World Today", ABC Radio, today with a Reader in Politics at one of the universities who has made a study of the Liberal Party. She was asked by the journalist "Who do you blame for the mess the Liberal Party is presently in?"

Her reply: "Peter Costello".

She suggested he had absolutely let the party down by refusing to accept the leadership and it has been all downhill from there.

Like him or not, he was politically astute, and could return in any debate whatever was handed out from the other side.

I don't believe he will ever be back, though, and no doubt is congratulating himself on exiting when he did.

You could also say that he was smart enough to know that the factions within the Liberal party would tear each other apart and that leadership of a disfunctional party would be more trouble than it was worth.