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Buying the Dip on ASX

A 5+% week.
3 positive weeks, although last week was a huge +0.03%, so a flat week, really crap actually as the market beat me.

Anyway, only need about a 1000 more of these...

P2 has been waiting for rare earths to shine again and I believe we are quite close to that, some stocks have already started. (IXR)
Will have to look at ARU again shortly.

Ever wonder what your neighbour is buying and selling? Wonder no more...​

i didn't trade ( buy or sell ) any of the stocks mentioned in the article during October ( or so far this month )

but i bet that didn't surprise many members
That link is interesting.
I know a 23 year with 2 stocks.
Equal money went into Qantas and VAS... roll eyeballs here
well VAS should do OK depending on the strategy taken in the future ( with VAS )

the other one .. well i can only wish the investor luck ( and might need some medication for nervous stomach issues , like say ginger )

( MAYBE the investor is gambling the airline is 'too big to let fail ' like many other national airlines )

( i hold VAS , that is my profits DRPing , and abandoned holding that airline several years ago )
I ponder to what extent the concept of index investing could itself be considered bubble-like?

It seems to be the very mainstream view these days.
well if you were consider index investing as a computerized version of trend trading , you might wonder if the same traps as following the herd would appear , after all the higher the share price ( for whatever reason ) the higher the weighting in the index fund and also tends to lift the entire portfolio value .. so far it seems to be a self-fulfilling prophesy , and a bubble is possible , some terrible news can cripple a major stock and therefore deflate the whole index value ... and since the price changes are close to real time for market moves

and all this happens with a reduced intervention of traditional bargain-hunters who are at a time disadvantage , so are more likely to stay back further in case a downward trend continues ( a computer is less likely to heed 'psychological support levels )

since ETFs are continuously buying/selling themselves ( through the 'market-makers ) and constituents in the 'basket ' to track the index one must wonder how much effect retail buyers/sellers and the traders have on finding 'real value ' in the market

such fragility in the market keeps me buying small( ish ) parcels to adjust my holdings
Best 4 weeks in quite some time.

Hopefully the market keeps it up, because it certainly hasn't been me actively trading hard over the period.
Was around 15 orders transacted.
I would concede that could be considered active, however, the buys and sells mostly aren't the same stocks, and my being active would easily be 15+ transactions a week.

I'm starting to get a little more involved with day to day management of the portfolio.

Over the last year and a half, I haven't been particularly active with it but have been keeping busy elsewhere. But recently, have had a little more time on my hands.

Have realised I really do miss watching the data flow in, ticker tape kinda stuff, doing the rounds etc (boring as bat turds to most people) whilst full time trading, but without a large enough capital base to trade with, it's also hard to make a living from trading. Catch 22.

Getting to the age where I seriously need to plan for retirement, can't be happy go lucky forever.

Anyway, enough of my brain farts.
Last week was ok.
Not over +5%, but good enough. Any week or month that beats a per annum account rate, is A ok by me.
Fingers crossed on MOH on Monday coming out of trading halt most likely..

Noticed a bunch of stocks with unusual volumes on Friday.
Sure enough;

Triple witching calendar 2024
March 15, 2024.
June 21, 2024.
September 20, 2024.
December 20, 2024.
Did you know that near enough to 75% of triple witching days SPX have been red over the last 31 years , interesting stat . Worth further research , already put data in spreadsheet . There have been 10 occurences of all 4 Triple witching's red in a cal year .
Noticed a bunch of stocks with unusual volumes on Friday.
Sure enough;

Triple witching calendar 2024
March 15, 2024.
June 21, 2024.
September 20, 2024.
December 20, 2024.
Well spotted,i always realise after the fact.
The coming June one is interesting as conjoint to eofy tax based trades for australia
Maybe an opportunity there
What a monstrous day. My best stocks are doing the worst: CDA down 4.7%, IMD down 2.9%. I can usually count on some buoyancy from the goldies on a bad All Ords day but not today. Haven't seen anything I want to buy.
threw in some extra orders but have missed all targets .. so far ( unless there is a big dump at the end )
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