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BIGOT: A Fitting Term that offends, rather than cause examination of behaviour

Regardless of the person this was aimed at, isn't your statement of: "logically impared biologically befuddled , old, fundamentally out of step, bigoted manipulative, foolish clown;" actually a bigoted statement in itself?"
Regardless of the person this was aimed at, isn't your statement of: "logically impared biologically befuddled , old, fundamentally out of step, bigoted manipulative, foolish clown;" actually a bigoted statement in itself?"

They call it self assessment.
Re: BIGOT: A Fitting Term that offends, rather than cause examination of b.haviour


That worked out well for you then? Oscar Wilde would disagree, as would Winston Churchill and 90% of the British comedy industry.

Everyone knows that old chestnut is roasted when a quick witty comeback doesn't present itself. It's not so much the sarcasm that is the lowest variable, but the nasty twit who is delivering it. Who could dislike Basil Fawlty?

To me sarcasm is acid laced irony. It is the snide, nasty schoolgirlesque humour which is intended to wound that is the ugly side of sarcasm .The habit generally ends when fired at a sociopath .... I even saw that unfold on an American discussion board once = very scary stuff when one considers Americans don't generally understand irony and they carry guns.
Regardless of the person this was aimed at, isn't your statement of: "logically impared biologically befuddled , old, fundamentally out of step, bigoted manipulative, foolish clown;" actually a bigoted statement in itself?"

Forgive me the reference to, old it should have been set in inverted comers, as in 'old'. As I've learnt from the likes of Noam Chompsky, John k Galbraith, Howard Zinn, Steven j Gould, Manning Clark and a plethora of others, who's names, I suspect would mean little to you, as old men, for there not to be a distinction between Nile and these intellectual giants, is a great disservice.

If you're of the 'mind' to allow the education of any young minds you have some or any responsibility for, to be influenced by the dogmatic concepts propagated by Nile, good luck to you.

I can only imply by your response that Fred Niles views are a comfortable fit with your own. Feel free to differentiate.

Orr make clear how Nile is not a bigot..... And people in this country have the right as big a one as they wish.

I'm open for debate, willing to test any parameter in the quest for understanding, unlike a bigot.

Ethics classes in schools SAILS? Do you find the idea confronting?

Brush up on your Kant.


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