Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

well wys, I'm guessing if every planet our there in every galaxy was in phase with the evolution of animals and the other events of history that we've had here on earth,

- and if you had a powerful enough telescope

then in a look at the night sky, you would see everything from WWII back through WWI - back to dinosaurs ...

Yes that is possible.

So 2020 if one could travel as fast as light then it would be possible to see a still image of anything.Simply speeding up or slowing down either side of light speed would create movement for the observer.
Yes that is possible.

So 2020 if one could travel as fast as light then it would be possible to see a still image of anything.Simply speeding up or slowing down either side of light speed would create movement for the observer.
I'm guessing (as you approached 'C') you'd only see "heat/infrared" and/or "Radio" as you looked back,

and "Xrays" and/or "gamma rays" as you looked forward.

(PS I'm guessing at twice the speed of light - were it possible - then yes , things would be going backwards - quick guess )


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Start date set for the LHC - Sept 10.

Impressive build .. Hope they find what they're looking for, it should be everywhere :D :cautious:


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I'm guessing (as you approached 'C') you'd only see "heat/infrared" and/or "Radio" as you looked back,

and "Xrays" and/or "gamma rays" as you looked forward.

(PS I'm guessing at twice the speed of light - were it possible - then yes , things would be going backwards - quick guess )
2020, I'm confused... Isn't the speed of light constant? Hence the "C".
So images remain as they are to an extent (I remember reading something about a ruler getting longer), and its time that compensates for this... time dialation?
Start date set for the LHC - Sept 10.

Impressive build .. Hope they find what they're looking for, it should be everywhere :D :cautious:
I'm excited about this spooly, hope it holds the answers to a few mysteries... like was there really a big bang? And if so, will there be a big crunch (this makes sense to me).

As far as I know, many things we have today, for eg, power sucking plasma TV's are thanks to experiments like these....

God's speed crazy hair science guys :)
2020, I'm confused... Isn't the speed of light constant? Hence the "C".
So images remain as they are to an extent (I remember reading something about a ruler getting longer), and its time that compensates for this... time dialation?

I think 20 is talking from the relative viewpoint of an observer as they approach the speed of light, for example in a spaceship.
Yep, the speed of light c is constant ...but only in a vacuum.
i think what 2020 is referring to is the red shift of EM radiation coming from behind and the blue shift of radiation coming from ahead when travelling at speeds approaching that of light.

The speed of light is constant when measured in the same medium and the quoted speed is usually that in a vacuum. However, the speed of light does vary for different mediums and even within some mediums when they are anisotropic.
Wys -

Maybe an example to show you how I'm thinking.

A space shuttle leaves the moon at '0.999 c'
and goes past your left ear into a very deep cave full of sponge rubber mattresses ;)

It takes a bit over 1 second to get here.
During that time there will be a number of light waves generated. (varies with colour etc)
Let's say that, averaged over visible light range, there are "n" waves of light generated in the 1 second trip.

They will travel at 0.999 speed of light (compared to you).
They will all arrive at your eye at more or less the same time.

IF this "light" (EM radiation) was still visible (which I can't see how it could be), then there would suddenly be a streak between the moon and yourself (compare warp X whatever)

However because all those "n" waves arrive over a time interval of a fraction of a second, they are effectively at a much higher frequency, i.e. much bluer than normal.

Call this the "ultimate blue shift". - So blue that they move out of visible light range into the Xray / gamma ray stuff.

Likewise moving away, the red shift would eventually become infrared etc (and remember red shift is observed with light from virtually all stars out there - because they are all travelling away from us).


PS "Red shift" seems to be how they calculate the distance to half these stars.
PS jpeg in #124 is relevant
PS for simplicity I've assumed there is damn all infrared etc emitted by the approaching shuttle to move up into visible range etc .

and/or the speed was really "0.9999999999 c" etc

In the limit, as speed approaches c, all the waves of all frequencies arrive at the same time. (yes?) maybe - call these super gamma rays. :confused:

2020 said:
They (the light emitted) will travel at 0.999 speed of light (compared to you).
They will all arrive at your eye at more or less the same time.
cripes - did that in a hurry :eek:.
I meant they would travel at c. -
bottom line is right though, i.e. they'd all arrive at more or less the same time :2twocents
Start date set for the LHC - Sept 10.

Impressive build .. Hope they find what they're looking for, it should be everywhere :D :cautious:
great photos there spooly.

Tests show particle smasher ready for big bang experiment
Posted 2 hours 11 minutes ago

Tests have cleared the way for the start-up of an experiment to restage a mini-version underground of the 'big bang' which created the universe 15 billion years ago, the project chief said.

Lyn Evans of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) says weekend trials in the vast underground LHC machine in which the particle-smashing experiment will take place over the coming months and years "went without a hitch".

........ The LHC team now plans to send a full particle beam all the way around the collider pipe in one direction on September 10 as a prelude to sending beams in both directions and smashing them together later in the year.

That collision, in which both particle clusters will be travelling at the speed of light, will be monitored on computers at CERN and laboratories around the world by scientists looking for, among other things, a particle that made life possible.

The elusive particle, which has been dubbed the "Higgs boson" after Scottish physicist Peter Higgs who first postulated nearly 50 years ago that it must exist, is thought to be the mysterious factor that holds matter together.

Recreating a big bang, which most scientists believe is the only explanation of an expanding universe, ought to show how stars and planets came together out of the primeval chaos that followed, the CERN team believes.
(and remember red shift is observed with light from virtually all stars out there - because they are all travelling away from us).


You`re a wag 2020, :rolleyes:, so i research --- what are the celestial bodies expanding into? and there is no answer.Nothingness maybe.Empty dark cold nothing.How far does nothing go?Locked in orbit (mass - gravity etc.)yet moving away as a group!Hmmmm.One giant explosion and out popped a live planet?Hmmmm.

The multi-billion euro LHC "experiment" is nearing it`s moment of truth.A few of us here will be interested in the findings and i hope they explain things in laymans terms.Higgs bosun.:eek:

In total, over 1600 superconducting magnets are installed, with most weighing over 27 tonnes.
I got this today via email, is it true??? (I don't think so :rolleyes:)

Dear all,
Two moons on 27 August
27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August.

It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye.
This will Cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be Sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am . It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.

Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it Again.


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I got this today via email, is it true??? (I don't think so :rolleyes:)

Be Sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am . It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.
hey wys - your caution was justified. NASA have this to say ;)
Beware the Mars Hoax
Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter--but not as close as some people think.

Reminds me of Paddy coming out of the pub when the last big lunar eclipse occured (the red one - before the one on the morning of 17Aug btw)

looks up sees the giant ball of red in the sky - runs back inside "quik fellas, under the bar !!! - Mars is about to hit us !!"
Just something I thought of...

Why does red shift occur???

While the waves/particles are travelling toward the gravitational pull, should they not be "stretched" the opposite way compared to the waves/particles travelling away from the g' force?
Meaning on the way in there stretched, and then on the way out there squished.

I'm sure there would be some sort of discrepancy caused by "angle of attack" etc. But in my mind any 'shift' should be minimal, if this holds true. (Obviously it doesn't, I'm sure Einstein would of thought of that)

Just trying to understand...
As I say in the poetry thread .. he makes / made a couple of points
a) the fact that an asteroid caused the death of the dinosaurs is the only reason man is here!!!
b) we are a fluke result of that incident !!
c) we should nonetheless marvel at the fact that we are alive; and
d) how could anyone be bored with this adventure called "life"

A lot of debate now on whether it actually was an meteorite impact that did wipe out the dinosaurs, this point was 65 million years ago and marks the boundary of the Cretaceous and the Tertiary. The impact crater that has been identified is called Chicxulub in the region of Mexico.

The evidence that has recently been uncovered actually infers that the impact previously credited for this mass extinction event actually predates the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary by around 300 000 years. So what did wipe out the dinosaurs and 50% of biological life on earth?

The evidence paints a picture in which at the late stage of the Cretaceous there was a meteorite shower causing several impacts, Chicxulub been one of them. It has also been identified that at this stage Earth was undergoing incredible amount of volcanism called the Deccan Trap. This incredible increase in volcanic activity is credited to increasing the Earth greenhouse gas and causing global warming. The meteorite impacts may have been a straw that broke the camels back but the impact themselves was not a biological catastrophe.

Evidence found in drill core called Yaxcopoil-1 in the Chicxulub region where late Cretaceous planktic foraminifera assemblages have been found above the Chicxulub impact crater and below the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, which indicates that this impact alone did not cause the extinction of biological life.

Just thought I would add my two cents, only just started reading the thread.