Could also be SUN, they have very little exposure in VIC and SA (1 branch per state). In a recent presentation they said they were targetting WA only (they also only have 1 branch there); but that's just what they said.
Would help them too with their insurance side of things, having more branches in there (since they have GIO for national insurance).
Could explain a bit SUN's recent SP lows as well.
But I think SUN would be too busy with Promina related stuff?
Anyway, it's all just my own musings.
As a former holder of PMN, and therefore as result, now a holder of SUN, I personally hope it's not SUN that would be after BEN.
SUN's sp hasn't performed too well since the PMN merger. It's a pity because PMN was such a winning stock too.
Also, I would think that Aussie Post does a fair job of representing GIO insurance nationwide, at a low cost too, but that's just my opinion.