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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Long Mangos and short Brussels
Thanks for including me and welcome reply here . You are talking about here about the Australian govt who are help for all people in the Australia .it is the great opportunity for the Australian People . Are you from near by Melbourne ?
G'day. I'm not near Melbourne. Fresh fruit and vegetables --- good for ya. You can start your own thread to discuss the stock market or general chat if you want. There are various forums here to choose from to start your own thread or post to a related thread. Good luck with it all.

thanks alot ..i m also move to new thread dear ..

Hi sorry I made the mistake of introducing myself on a ne thread. I am also new and started trading a few weeks ago. Can't get enough just want to absorb as much information as possible.
Hi sorry I made the mistake of introducing myself on a ne thread. I am also new and started trading a few weeks ago. Can't get enough just want to absorb as much information as possible.

Welcome to ASF Wickus! There is plenty of information in the more than 23,000 threads here at ASF for you to absorb. Use the site search to dig up topics of interest to you. If you are interested in a topic but can't find a thread on it, then feel free to start a new one.

If you have any questions about how anything works, please don't be afraid to ask.
g day !

i m french and i d like get into the australian market .
i d like open a trading account for my australian daugther who s got 13 years old .
of course i will be the one who will manage this account until she knows how to do it .
at the moment , and for few years i d like invest nearly 25 000 Euros in australian corporates bunds , 1 or 2 or 3 years ..
Do you have a trading platform to recommand me , please ?

Hello all!
Relatively new to trading(1 year)
I had never really looked into ASF although was impressed with the chart analysis on some of the threads. Have only been exposed to Hotcopper which is a terrible forum. I use Amibroker charting software and swing trade CFD's

Hi, I am a beginner, planning to get in to Share Market.
Wish me good luck to convert my saving to Investment.
trend following trader, value investor, i also speculate with domains, have had some success with fine wines in the past, but the fees are ridiculous
Hi everyone! I have no experience at all and am looking at trying to grow my money to earn a small supplementary income.

I'm 38, work part time and live on the Gold Coast with my two cat sons.
Hey everyone, I have recently becoming interested in the share market to make some extra money on the side. I have already begun trading but realized I should learn more lol. So I've come here to start learning and absorb all the knowledge from you all within the posts before I make any big moves. Nice to meet you all
Hi, I'm totally new. Laid off work 2 years ago, I started my own business in Drones. I need to do some daily money making even if it's a few bucks a day to pay off debt and become knowledgeable in trading shares.

I'm a yank btw, been living here in Australia for 6 years now.

Just a quick question about your drone business, I heard that you need a commercial pilot license if you're doing it as a business(filming etc.). Is this true? I thought it seemed fairly excessive just to fly drones to go through such training. Would have thought a drone business would be flourishing too in this day and age, they produce some incredible footage. Hope it works out for you!

Oh and welcome

Before September 30th last year it was very difficult and expensive to get a drone operators certificate and certify a company to operate drones commercially. After Sept 30th CASA allows any drone under 2.2kg to be used for commercial purposes....those drones are DJI Phantom size. So basically, the industry has been deregulated.

I need to make $3000 a month and more through trading to be able to build a house soon. I have $2000 seed money. What's the best way to start growing this?

Wow interesting, thanks for the reply. As for your question, maybe start your own thread if you like, I'm not the one to ask such a thing, better to get an answer from someone who's been doing it for years and know's what they're doing, like Trembling Hand, tech/a, CanOz, skc, SkyQuake etc. Best of luck.
Hi everyone I'm new here and want to get more serious with my trading. I started off with a CommSec account and traded some JBH.AX then AMD & NVDA after I bought my house.
The latter two have done very well, since I bought them around Nov 2015. Now I've sold about $20k worth out of the CommSec account and am in the process of opening an IB account since I've heard good comments about them here and the software looks much more professional than CommSec.
I want to get into more frequent trading with shares and options, options because of the leverage and diverse strategies, basically I want to make the step up and actually trade as I have only made one trade with my NVDA shares.

I'd we'come any tips and advice on how to reach my goals, I've been absorbing as much information as I can and there's heaps to learn. I'm thinking of creating my own thread to track my progress from being a total beginner to a competent trader. >50% P&L
Hey all im a newbie learning for myself been playing around on the plus500 demo mode learning a bit before i pick up a proper platform any recommendations are welcome
Howdy. Thought I would introduce myself.
I'm an absolute newb keen on learning trading. I've always found share trading it interesting but never quite took the time to figure out just how it all works.

The usual story...I thought I was an expert, bought some shares in a company that sounded awesome with little research and watched the shares tank. Now I'm taking a more educated approach and hopefully surrounding myself with knowledgeable like minded people on this forum will be part of my education.

So yeah...Hi
Hallo everyone, my name is Jenni but everyone refers to me as Jenisa, a combination of my first and last name. Glad to be here. Looking forward to having conversations with you!
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