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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

New to trading but have been playing around on a demo account and just started some live trading.
Has anyone any info on a good trading company for CFD's.

New to trading but have been playing around on a demo account and just started some live trading.
Has anyone any info on a good trading company for CFD's.


Hi Caz - Exercise some caution with CFD's or any high leverage instrument. If you want to be in trading over the long term you should consider less risky approaches. Sure, you'll make less in the short term but I'll bet you make more in the long term by being a bit more risk averse. I much prefer options and warrants where I am getting ASX spreads and not disadvantageuos broker spreads. This is why some of them are apparently far cheaper than the like of Etrade et al. They get it back in the spreads they offer.

Best regards Oscoff
Good Afternoon Fellow Traders,

I’ve been a long time stalker of this forum, thought I should sign up and introduce myself!
Very new to the game, so my focus is to really get the basics down and get some skin in the game.
Currently investing with $20,000 and am up about 10% over the last few weeks, made some very bad calls but no harm done, just a few things to learn from. If anybody is based in the south west of WA and enjoys a beer or two let me know, I would be happy to buy a few rounds.

A hearty welcome to all the new ASF members!

Feel free to jump right in and start posting, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Hi guys been reading the forums for a while now but never posted. I'm really interested in investing in stocks but not sure where to begin. There's a lot of mixed messages and different views which I find a bit confusing. I do have an account with comsec which I created to suss out there system and it seems ok to a newbie. any tips and guidance would be much appreciated

Hi all

I am new, just start learning terminology Look like long way to go but very promising time catcher
Will check some posts to indulge right in I will have more questions along my way
Stock Market look like big lottery, hope I can bite a slice
Hello readers,

I rarely ever create an account to converse with others on the forums, however, I have taken an exception for aussiestock because I have heard great commendations from others!

A bit about myself:
I have just begun to really educate myself about the stock market and have always been very interested in the market. I have a background of economics and finance and I am keen to start my journey into the world of trading!

What I hope to look for:
Because I have just started out on my journey, I have read a few books such as "The intelligent Investor" and "The Business of Share Trading" by Leon Wilson. I have aligned and see myself as a trend analysis type of trader and would really like to have someone show me the way and guide/mentor me as i commence my journey! (Especially on softwares and tools to see and make decisions)

What I have:
I have understanding of the basics to trend analysis, I am very hungry for more knowledge on trading. I suppose I just need someone to show me how to take my first step. It is probably the scariest point of my trading journey haha

I will be looking to attend seminars and educational events and if anyone has any recommendations of a mentor/events, feel free to let me know!

Not sure if you are able to private message an individual but any replies will be read almost immediately!

I'm Tom from Perth.

Dabbled in shares well over a decade ago but got married had a few kids and spent the capital I had saved in my youth.

Decided about 3 years ago to move my super out of BT balanced fund as it had done nothing over the previous decade but stuck with BT and put half in the international unhedged fund. got pretty lucky there and got to the point self managed stacked up.

Have recently set up self managed super and have the lot sitting in cash getting 1.9pc pa. Clearly by more luck than anything have sat out the last few months volatility while I was setting up the smsf.

Be about a week before I get my Macquarie share trading account up and running and initially (prob when opportunity presents in the next few months) plan on getting it into etf's probably going a little heavy energy. Indeed initially maybe only a small percentage of it into energy. This is the only way with Macquarie as it happens to get international exposure: ETFs listed on the asx.

While I don't think trading is allowed in smsf I plan on buying some Aussie stocks direct too over time.

So I am definitely not a trader but if I had to describe my style I like buying when things appear good value. This has had me pick plenty of companies just prior to liquidations but also a few before takeovers my most fond memory being of North limited.

Sorry for the long post. On holidays at present so have too much time on my hands. look forward to learning a bit over the next twenty years while I attempt to grow my smsf for retirement.
Hi All,

My name's Shashank (please call me Shank!!), i am 26 years old and an absolute newbie when it comes to investing.

I have recently taken charge of my finances and want to improve on them.

I currently have a property that is rented out and negatively geared, but am looking into managed funds/ ETF's.
I am looking at putting approximately 2k into VHY (for the regular income) and have another 2k to put into another.

Any suggestions on where to go or thoughts on going with VHY?

Also how would investing in this affect my negative gearing, i am in the 80k tax bracket.

Thanks in advance!
Good morning all

730 am here and my coffee and jam-on-toast are going down swimmingly.
I've been reading these forums for a while and it's about time I contributed I guess. I'm 42 and I'm about to get really serious about my super. I have about 85K and I'm in the process of setting up a SMSF. Just working out asset allocations, ETFs, shares, cash, small caps etc. There's a lot of work involved that's for sure. Doubtless I'll be picking brains for tips, help and advice so I hope I don't step on too many toes.


Hey Darren, welcome aboard!! I'm in the middle of reorganising my super at the moment. I'm in a little different position to yourself as I am going into a pension account. For me, the minimum draw down from super in pension mode is 4%. The challenge is finding products paying 4% or more. Right now I am buying high yielding ETF's and keeping quite a bit in cash, waiting for opportunities. Right now I think the ASX is good value but it might get even better value soon, no one really knows.

Few things for you to look at. Check out the ING Living Super website. You get to control a lot of your funds with this super account (I am with them). Or if you really want to go the SMSF route, check out esuperfund, a lot of people find them very good and the cost is quite reasonable.

No matter what you decide, good luck with your investments and welcome.
A Short Introduction: PrecisionTMYAI

I am delighted to be joined this forum and am keen to start learning. I have been interesting in wealth creation for many years, since the early days of high school. I was in a situation where, the expenditure I needed would not be able to be met with my revenue and so I started selling items. My interest for selling grew from there into more specific areas such as savings accounts and finally stocks.

A bit about me
Recently graduated from high school, looking to enrol in a degree of Computer Science/Commerce. I can say that my interests are quite aligned with my tertiary pursuits as I have a strong interest in technology. I love tinkering with tech, have built a computer (partially), and am getting into programming. My technological interests aren't limited to these areas, as they have been extended to areas such as RC Quadcopters.

I have seen the strong trend in demand for jobs in the ICT sector and this is one of the main reasons for choosing Computer Science in the first place. In the next few months, I will be attempting to introduce myself to programming languages such as Python and then Javascript.
The Commerce component of the combined degree that I would like to pursue is influenced by my desire to major in Economics and possibly Finance. I wish to extend the current knowledge that I have accrued from senior studies in high school and hopefully use this in aspects of investing.

In my spare time, I do take a strong interest in photography and have been developing my artistic practice to differentiate myself from the crowd.

I would like to start investing as I have finished reading a book and about to commence another that has inspired me to invest. I believe that investing at a young age would benefit me, because as they say, the most valuable "asset" that an investor can have is time.

I hope that my experience on these forums will be enlightened by the wealth of resources that are provided on this forum. I can't wait to start educating myself!

- PrecisionTMYAI

Quick intro, I'm 40 now with some life experience and have developed an interest in derivatives trading. I have been studying for around 8 months (and wishing I had started 20years ago) with the view to starting a portfolio and investing (real money) in another 12 months or so, and potentially managing it for income in the next decade.

I hope to learn and find others with similar interests here.


I am also new to this forum, searched various posts and I am able to find topics of my choice and interest. I have a work experience of 2 years and got some wonderful and bitter experiences too. I am looking forward to learn new things here.
I am a full time engineer working at Perth. During spare time, I am favor in reading books and analyzing stock market so as to maximize my money's value in the long run. I am seeking a stable and small groups of people with similar philosophy of investment in Perth (where I am currently residing in), wishing all members in the group can exchange ideas and share opinions with a regular weekend's or weekday nights' catch-up moment. In the common ASX market, I stick to investigating and exploring uncommon stocks. Anyway, I am a long-term investor.
Hi, seasons greetings to all!

I'm a newbee. looking through the site today,I'm very green, I've posted a plee for info on 'SHARE EXPRESS'. I've looked at their website and of course the person that I have talked to in the company sounds legit, but I am not liking what I see in the contract, but I don't like any contract. I can't seem to find out anything about them except for what they say about themselves. can anyone help please?

kind regards,

Hi All, just signed up and first post

Dabbled a little in stocks over the years but mainly invested in real estate, looking to diversify and add a stocks to the list. Probably more of a medium/long term investor I suppose.

Havent looked at a chart or index in 10+ years so I am basically starting from scratch.

Will be wearing out the search options soon looking for software/data/books and broker advice etc...

Hi all,

I am looking forward to learn from the experts here

At the moment, I've been learning/practicing technical analysis and preparing to enter the market after a solid 3-6 months of practice and computing portfolios. Also I've learned a quite a bit of financial theory but I don't know how much of it is useful...
Mainly looking into trading/investing. Stocks, Forex, Equity Option.

Thank you
Optimistic Loser looking to start on path of redemption in the New Year

Hi Everyone,

Merry Christmas!

I am totally new here and to the world of trading.

I'm looking to learn as much as possible before I start rebuilding the remanent of my nest eggs.

In summary - this is me:


• 140K PA income in senior position with a great company that's in an industry likely to survive any future economic storms.
• My career is the one thing I can be proud of, with niche always-in-demand skills and excellent CV and training behind me.
• Brand-new SMSF with 110K (still in process of roll-overs being consolidated from previous parasitic employer super funds).
• Engaged to a wonderful lady - finally found my soulmate after decades of disastrous relationships - she is completely supportive of this endevour.
• The chaos of the past 7-10 years has finally subsided and things are stable enough to start planning for the future
• In my mid-40's but in great health which I intend to keep that way with daily fitness training and paleo lifestyle.


• Horrible relationship and financial choices in my past have left me with practically zero assets (aside from the Super).
• Nothing left of a lovely house when my marriage ended, the house was sold in fire-sale and the F@%$king lawyers descended to pick the carcass clean.
• 140K of Super wasted through early withdrawal to avoid mortgage defaulting – pointless exercise in the end
• Still have 60K+ in debts costing me around 1K per month to maintain (considered Bankruptcy, but not a good idea on a higher income)
• Credit rating completely demolished (for at least next 5 years) after stand-off's about debt repayments
• Paying 1K per month in Child Support for a son I adore but only every second week (depending on my Ex's moods)
• My Fiancée is not employed currently - she is super smart and had great career overseas but qualifications and experience not recognised here
• In my mid-40's, which means only a couple of decades left to fix this mess with enough to retire on, somewhere to live and leave something for my boy.

I can already see that a standard low-risk 3-5% PA is not going to cut it to have a decent accumulation, but with nothing else left I also need to try to not be reckless.

Even with all the set-backs I am an optimist at heart and I have come to terms with my past failures and have learnt a lot about myself in the process.

But still have so much to learning and study ahead before I can trust myself to invest the little I have left and will consider all and any advice.

Anyway, that’s me – Have a great Christmas and looking forward to reading all yours posts with intense interest in the new year.

May The Schwartz be with you!
Merry Christmas and a hearty festive welcome to all our new members!
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