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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hi, I joined this forum a few weeks ago, just thought I'd say Gday. I experimented with some shares about 10 years ago and experienced a bit of beginners luck.
I thought I'd have another go!
My name is Ian and Im 41, from Victoria.
Hi, I joined this forum a few weeks ago, just thought I'd say Gday. I experimented with some shares about 10 years ago and experienced a bit of beginners luck.
I thought I'd have another go!
My name is Ian and Im 41, from Victoria.

G'day TK2 welcome from a fellow Newbie to this forum.

I think luck can have a lot to do with it but in my book it's always a case of how much can I afford to lose. The market has a way of remaining illogical for longer than I have cash.

All the best


Hi ottg and welcome. I'm also a recent member to the forum.

Thanks for the info on IngDirect I'll look into it myself. I can certainly stand to learn something re a cost effecient way of approaching SMSFs

All the best


Thanks Rushie. I'm going to have a look at them myself. How have your dealings been with them so fa far?

All the best
hi, have been trading for 4 years, but only recently have become more interested in longer term investment options, and am learning about the buffett/graham intrinsic value strategy for buying stocks, as i want to be able to channel trading profits into reliable income spinners for my retirement

hoping to make friends in the trading/investing game here, and learn things

Hi all,

My name is Chris and I am 41. I hold an MBA, frantically running my own business and looking into changing careers. I still remember a professor at UWS Parra talking to us about his passion for shares and I still regret not asking to learn more, as I have been secretly attracted to the share market for years.

So the current plan is to start learning about the share market (so far I like the day trading style) and see where it takes me. Ultimately, I'd like share trading to become a full time job

I don't know the first thing but keen to learn. Anyone has any tips where to start? Has anyone ever had a mentor? How does one find a good mentor if such a thing exists?

Thank you again
G'day all,

Found your forum whilst investigating a suspect trading course online and found that some of the members with thousands of posts have a lot knowledge I might be able to leech over time.

A little bit about me:

My name is Alan, I'm a 28 year old married father of two. I have a construction industry background which was enough back in BC (before children) but I now want to develop some financial security for the future so that as my children approach the age where they start laying their financial foundations I will be able to assist in some way.

I'm looking to this forum for advice and even some lessons. I have no experience trading and I am not ready to go throwing money at it just yet. I think I'll simulate trading for a while and see how I go.

Looking forward to sharing my experiences along the way and learning from others and hopefully one day I will be able to help a newbie one day.

Cheers all

Hi All,

I'm new to this webpage and also to share market. Just needed some advise on where and how should I start to have a successful future in this field.
Please help me to find the best path.

Thank you all inadvance

Hi All,

I'm new to this webpage and also to share market. Just needed some advise on where and how should I start to have a successful future in this field.
Please help me to find the best path.

Thank you all inadvance

Hi Silverstar,
Welcome to the Aussie Stockforums

Questions like yours have been asked many times before, and the Beginners Lounge
would be the ideal Forum to start browsing sub-threads, I am sure you will find scores of pointers in the answers that other, more experienced members have provided. And if you wish, you can seek clarification of specific points by "replying" to anyone's contribution.

All the best,
New trader in Sydney

I am brand new to trading in sydney and I am using mt4 with demo oanda account. I am curious to when the market will resume?
Re: new trader in sydney

I am brand new to trading in sydney and I am using mt4 with demo oanda account. I am curious to when the market will resume?

Monday morning, 10am-4pm, open Monday to Friday, excluding some public holidays.
Re: New trader in Sydney

I am brand new to trading in sydney and I am using mt4 with demo oanda account. I am curious to when the market will resume?

Welcome, James;

as you see, I have moved your introduction into the appropriate section where it will find more attention and replies. For the general ASX trades, Value Collector has already replied. If you wish even more precise details, you will find them at searching for trading times; or look it up here:

In another post, you mention Forex; as far as I know (as a non-Forex trader) you can be trading Forex just about all day and night - depending on your provider and markets. If that's wrong, I'm sure someone will set me straight.
G'day, another newbie here to learn and earn, hopefully in that order!
Thought I'd drop a line in here an introduce myself.

Been interested in markets, trading, forex for the last year and a bit after a friend of my who trades futures started talking to me about it. I'm a complete newbie to it all, having spent that majority of my time recently focussed on my career.

Well, with a career change on the horizon I thought it might be time to get serious about trading and get my feet wet and see if I can make this a successful venture for me.

Ideally, I'd like to eventually end up in a self funded position when I retire, which seeing as I'm only 27, means I have a lot of time to work out my strategies and tactics.

I'm currently using some free simulator "games" to practise and figure out whether I want to focus on Futures, Stocks or Forex. I've been using and investopedia's forex sim to learn and make my mistakes.

Had varying success with forex, and I like the fact it's a 24/7 market place. Stocks i'm holding my opinion on for awhile until i've got more data to make a decision on.

So, hello everyone, I hope to become a right nuisance to everyone on here
Hi everyone...!!!

Thought this would be he best place to pot my first post.

My name is Michael, I live in Werribee which is a suburb of Melbourne.

Just turned 35 yrs old, I work at the local Holden dealership as a Used Car Salesman and love my job. (Not enough to do it for free though)

Why did I join this forum? I have 2 kids, both under 6 yrs, and a loving wife (Actually defacto) who I want to support. I also want to reach financial independence and over the years have heard some positive feedback from the media about "trading stocks" etc.

I am very wet behind the ears and really don't even know where to start. Browsing Google, I stumbled over this forum and thought it a good place to start and ask questions.

What experience have I had? None... Besides my employer contributing to my Super Fund, I have never actively invested into a trade or on the stock market.

What do I expect ? I expect day trading to be a bit boring and quite difficult to understand. Heaps of time staring at a computer screen or reading financial newspapers. I may be wrong, just my impressions.

What would I like to achieve? I guess I love my day job enough to want to stay, however, id like to be able to cut back to 3 to 4 "Working" days a week and have trading pick up the slack. Id like to utilise the down time I have during my day job to study and use my time off in a home office trading.

Ultimately, I have no idea if trading is the right choice for me, however, I sure know I am at a time in my life where I am getting very passionate about becoming more financially independent and creating wealth not only for me, but for my family and generations to come.

Well, that's me in a nutshell. I probably have a lot more to say, but have to get back to taking phone calls and following up customers at my day job.

Any questions are welcome and I appreciate your time reading this.


Hi All,

After seeing some particularly disappointing returns from the cash I've stashed away into the bank over the last year and half I've finally decided to buy some shares and see what I can do in the Share market game. I've initially gone with Westpac's online investing option as that was a simple process to open and transfer funds across from my existing accounts. Brokerage isn't fantastic at $19 a pop at the levels I'm currently buying at, so will consider some of the different offerings as I gain more experience.

My initial bout of purchases has followed a cunning dart board technique that's netted my a tidy return of -0.98% over the last month : (all my positions are still open so I guess this would actually be considered a draw down?). I'm not to overly disappointed in this result and happy to have some skin in the game so to speak, with the upside of gaining experience as well as a few lessons that should pay dividends in the future. Not to mention the extra level of motivation of actually having something at risk.

A bit about my current situation:
  • Age 40
  • Working fulltime in IT
  • Current available funds $25K
  • Single

Todo list
  • Develop an investment plan!
  • Develop an investment strategy
  • Determine my investment style (Currently I've just bought and held, haven't sold a share yet)
  • Learn, learn, learn
  • Practice, practice, practice

The shear number of options, styles, strategies, systems and types of investing seem a little over whelming when starting out and the more you look the more you find! At the moment I'm thinking that EOD trading will be most suited to what I'm wanting to achieve and I'm about to go and purchase a copy of Amibroker and possibly a couple of Howard Brandy's books to get me started.

There seems to be quite a few decisions that I'll need to make over the coming months and these forums look like a great place with some excellent helpful contributors. I look forward to chatting with more of you and hopefully meet with above bank interest returns in my future investments.

Thanks all
Hi all,

Can’t say I’m a newbie to the stock market but haven’t dabbled in it for quite some time due to the last time I had a loss on some mining stock which left me with a bad taste on the stock market. However now with access to so much learning materials I decided to have another crack at it and spend some time learning from some seasoned members.

I’m approaching retirement at a great rate of knots and live on the Far North Coast of NSW.

Happy investing to all

Hi all members,

I've come across this forum hoping to learn more about the Aussie markets, particularly CFDs and Index Futures. I'm hoping to learn what the Australians prefer to trade and hoping to do some business down there in the not too distant future. I'm not here to promote my business, merely to learn and interact where appropriate.

Hope you have a spot for one more South African
Hi All

Another newbie, reporting in.

I'm a share virgin. Planning on beginning this journey as soon as possible and looking to learn as much as possible.

I've come here as I've reached an age where my kids are young adults, I own my own home, but I've never built any wealth. I don't have super. I dislike collective type investments and financial advisers with a passion, which is probably why I've preferred holidays to saving.

I'm starting to read the Newbie Lessons thread but even find some of the technical info there a bit over my head. I do understand how to hive off some of my income to invest though.

Ready to be remade into a investor. Help me learn.
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