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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Browsing this website for sometime now but decided to register today. So please be kind....when asking questions.

My main objective is to learn about the local stock market and SMSF. Thanks to these forums I have already gained insight wrt my strategy.

SMSF : Learned that I dont need this for invest into my own selection of shares - just need to transfer to IngDirect

While not a novice to shares investment I'm new to the Australian share market. I'm also a firm believer in fundamental and technical analysis but prefer to use proven tools and paid advice to confirm my choices. My preference is long term investment in quality shares looking at both capital gains and dividend yields that shows exponential growth over 2,5,10 and 15 years. Regarding timing I use 2-3 different indicators.

Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge and experience!!

I'm also a newbie and signed on today. Had been thinking of investing some money for quite some time and got the ball rolling recently. Visited a financial planner and purchased shares in a well known energy company. Not having the ability or knowledge to conduct my own share business. Bought some shares in the one company and going to start off slowly. Then diversify as time goes on.
Am on a steep learning curve and in this for the long term. Basically wanting to fund a better retirement in approximately 10 years time.
SMSF : Learned that I dont need this for invest into my own selection of shares - just need to transfer to IngDirect

Hi ottg, welcome to the forum. With regards to ING Living Super, I have this product too. I find them very efficient and easy to use. The best part about it is that you can buy your shares and ETF's and all the work is done for you. You do not need to do anything else, transactions and compliance is all done by ING and for only $180 per year plus brokerage. The only catch is that you are limited to the top 200 companies and occasionally I like to buy other stocks (like hybrids) and they won't allow that.

I'm also a newbie and signed on today.

Welcome to the forum grehar.
Thanks Bill. Decided to take the plunge after thinking about it for quite some time.
Best way to experience something is to do it, I guess.
hmm...a few thigns about myself:

i don't have much money and it dawned on me one day that i need it to have a house and do fun things, so that's what got me into shares in the first place.

what else? i love wildlife, espcially birds. i got a cocky that comes to my house for food.. he's wild. relish being in the presence of wiild animals

i'm also trying to learn tennis and guitar . have to practice them more though...

hello to all out there and hope to learn a few things here!
Hi all. By way of introduction, I’m in a senior position with The Sharemarket College and have primarily joined here at the invitation of Site Admin to post a response on the Sharemarket College thread on this forum although I am happy to continue to engage with forum members on a non-commercial basis. I have read the Forum widely and find it to have a lot of useful information. I am not here to spam promotional material. I am passionate about trading and investing in the financial markets.

As a business, we are of the view that Forums like this one are an excellent resource for people looking for information and knowledge. We embrace the potential for people with experience and expertise to assist others new to a field. We think that shared experience can be a valuable resource when people are responsible in the manner in which opinions are expressed and mature in their approach.

I will post a response to the thread that exists about SMC within the next 48 hours. It's quite long, but unfortunately it needed to be in order to deal properly with all relevant issues.

Hi all. I'm a software developer migrating to Australia in two weeks. I've always been interested in the economy and the markets, but didn't start trading until late 2014.

I'm glad I found this forum as I have lots figure out in terms of the Australian markets and the most appropriate locally available brokers, products etc for my portfolio and trading style.

I've written a free, open source, non-commercial trading calculator for fixed percent risk position sizing and some posts about my trading on
Hi all
Just looking for advice on where to invest SMSF funds that have recently been converted to cash from a large (for us) project - we received the Rushton brochure in the post and I wanted to find out what people thought of them. So glad I did! That led me to Australian Leaders Fund and KPI Capital, from your posts. Thanks so much everyone for good advice.
. The only catch is that you are limited to the top 200 companies and occasionally I like to buy other stocks (like hybrids) and they won't allow that.

Welcome to the forum grehar.

Hi Bill M, thank you for the warm welcome. The 200 shares limitation is a concern and one of the first things for me to check. So many things I first need to do before that: where to get reliable data, balance sheet fundamentals analysis, market & share familiarisation and observing the well proven techniques you guys are using. Once filtered down to my choice then to check if it fits within the top 200. So will need to search for answers and then ask many questions; just hope everyone will bear with me.
Hi all,

Registered a few weeks ago in an attempt to learn more about investing in stocks. Hope to learn the ropes of the forum and make some friends along the way. I havent chosen a online broker yet as I would like to do some more research into what my portfolio should be.

Hi all,

Registered due to the fact i am clueless and i would like to learn more about shares. I actually do have a number of shares but fortunately i have not paid for them my father has given them to me, so want to know more about how shares work and buying, selling and even a basic question is the point of shares and the benefits

not exactly a complete beginner, have been buying and selling for 4 years now, but have reached a stage where i want to learn more than i know now, and get better results
A warm welcome to all the new ASF members! I hope you all enjoy the forums and find them to be both educational and entertaining.

The following extract from an earlier post in this thread will be useful to those who are new to ASF.

Hi all,

I am a long time lurker. I'm not sure if i've posted before, but i have been absent for a number of years.

I am an electrician / computer programmer / trader living in melbourne. I started trading shares in the mid 90's and i have tried a LOT of different strategies. I jumped out just at the start of the GFC and although i'm back in i haven't really had me head in the game like before.

I am currently reviewing my strategies and looking to move to IB. I have been reading PAV's and Tech's threads so i'm adapting my programs to potentially look at futures trading ???. We'll see how that goes.

Hope i can contribute ...
Hi scud here.
I am a retiree
I am here to learn as much as I can
I apologise if any of my questions seen obvious or silly

regards The Scud
Hi scud here.
I am a retiree
I am here to learn as much as I can
I apologise if any of my questions seen obvious or silly

regards The Scud

Hi Scud from a fellow Newbie

Just in case you were wondering you could ask Joe Blow from ASF to change your user name if you meant it to be scud. I made a similar mistake and he changed it for me.

I think we are in the right place to learn...

All the best!
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