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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Marcus Padley's blueprint for sharemarket beginners.

The ASX puts out some great educational content.
I've learnt more here in 2 weeks, than I have in 2 years in 'the other place'.

Glad to have started being active here, and quality posts between quantity of posts.
Hey guys I just joined the forum because I wanted to begin trading. I've wanted to start trading since I was probably 13 or 14 but never pulled the trigger but now I'm 19 and just finished my 2nd year of Electrical Engineering/Finance dual degree and thought now would be a good time to start. I was wondering if I could get some recommendations on where to start. For example is there any books people can recommend? any website I should become really familiar with? and which online broker in Australia would be best for a beginning trader who is willing to be very active.

Some books I've heard about were Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, The Intelligent Investor, Market Wizards.

As for the online brokers I have no idea what to look for when comparing different sites but I've heard good things about Bell Direct and CMC.

Any help would be great thank guys!
Hey All!

My name is Alex and I am looking to get into trading stocks and building a stock portfolio. Any particular recommendations on brokers? what websites should I be familiar with?



Hey All!

My name is Alex and I am looking to get into trading stocks and building a stock portfolio. Any particular recommendations on brokers? what websites should I be familiar with?




Hi Alex and JR, and every new budding trader/ investor who joined the Aussie

It's not always easy, even for some of us "older hands", to come up with suitable suggestions. For one, we can't really gauge from your brief intro, what would be a suitable broker, book, or website for you. It is also extremely likely that your question has already been asked and answered somewhere on this Forum.

To find out if it's the latter, this site offers one terrific tool: The "Advanced Search" up there on the Right. Type in the word website and click on the magnifying glass behind it or just hit Enter. Scroll down the list of topic headers and browse any or all that fit your interest. Then, if a particular topic sets off some additional specific questions, ask it there and then by using the "Reply to Thread" link. ("Reply" doesn't need to offer an answer, but can just as well raise a new question :1zhelp: )

Same with the word broker or any other. Rinse and repeat.
Hi all, my name is Daz. I am a planning and analysis manager. I'm new to this share game, prefer property. Got a bit of cash to burn so I'm here to absorb and learn.
Hi there. I'm a noob online trader, or hope to become one in the next month or so - I have been playing on a Demo account while I get a real account set up in the next week or so. Am thinking of using the CMC trading platform for shares and the program for Forex. Is there a preferred software platform for starting out on? - or a good one that is best to use?

Brett T
Hey ASFers.

I've been playing the market for a while now, but only through my SMSF, and generally "value" type investing.
I'm not much for debt, so have focussed the last 10 years in killing the mortgage 1st. Ive hit 35 yo, mortgage is gone and completely debt free, time to stop studying the market and start playing it.
Not going long term with my funds, I'm moving from "value" investing to tighter stops to create more turnover.
I work week on week off, giving me plenty of market time.

Married with 3 kids, living in Mandurah, Western Australia.

Using Comsec with the super, have signed up with CMC for the shorter term trading for cheaper brokerage.

Current Reads:
Shares and Taxation, Jimmy Prince
Adaptive Analysis, Nick Radge
(and A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin)

Hey Everyone!

New to this game, only been learning about equities over the last few months. Still have alot to learn and soaking up all the knowledge being shared on ASF. I hope to help out and pass on my knowledge to follow ASFers one day.

Haven't even started paper trading yet let alone throwing real money at the ASX.

I started off also learning about value investing and then now I've discovered trading.

I'm about to start and develop a weekly mechanical trading system combining fundamentals to screen my universe of stocks and then technicals for entries......I can't wait!

Plan to get this up and running and tested, used to go long on ASX stocks. Once I get profitable with the weekly, I'll look at developing a daily system to go long and short with.

Got to crawl before you can walk!


Hi all,

I've been following this forum for quite some time now and I (finally) made the effort of registering. I have 'skin in the game' since 2011 and mostly trade ETFs as well as (a small fraction of) individual equities.


Hi all

First post and new to the forum.

I recently took an interest in day trading. This week I took the plunge and deposited some of my hard earned coin with an online broker. I also undertook some trades in Aussie stocks to have a go, perhaps learn a lesson or two myself on my own. As I found out, looks like I picked a shocking week to undertake my beginnings in a being a part-time or full-time trader. Anyways, I'm keeping positive and understand accepting volatility in such financial markets.

I intend to take it slow in the early months, whilst I increase my knowledge in markets, analysis and strategies.
My understanding is that if I am looking at day trading, then technical analysis is the way to go?

As a newbie, would appreciate what resources are recommended to look at to get me started - whether it be books, subscriptions and/or even courses.

I am wary of whether to undertake expensive courses because I reckon these providers are after your money when I could probably educate myself more cost-effectively.
However, I did purchase a 4 week course called Foundations of Trading with Academy of Share Trading during the week. I bought it through Our Deal and it only cost me $29. I think it normally costs around $600. For $29, I thought I have a look, doesn't hurt the pocket much.

Anyways, happy to hear of any your worthwhile suggestions so I at least take the right direction.

I look forward to contributing on the forums.

... I look forward to contributing on the forums.


If market was running well, I would recommend learning while dipping a toe.
You've already done the dipping of the toe and learnt one of the biggest lessons.
Timing the market!

So yes, it is time to get educated.
Here is as good a place as any (and it costs nix)!

You will, in time, learn how easy it is to burn $600 - $18,000.
Fortunately you waited until it was on special.

I have not searched this site (ASF) for this particular course.
Nor have I googled the net.
So I can only wish you well!

I do caution you against accepting an advanced course,
or software, without homework.
New to the forum but definitely not new to trading the ASX.

My methods are based on Chart analysis with experience I have gathered over the years on what I believe works on stock trading on the ASX. I am a believer that a trader needs to find their own path to success, and a method or two that they are comfortable with and suitable for their own temperament. But, you never cease learning.

I used to be a prolific poster in another forum many many years ago. Tech/a will likely remember me from my user name

I hope to post some charts of interest here as time permits.

Yes I certainly remember you Gordon!
One of the best Chartist I've seen.

A long way from a beginner.

Great to see you about again Gordon and look forward to your insights
And charts.

Cheers Burglar

No doubt they offer this course because on completion, I'm sure they will put the hard sell to undertake their advanced course which I'm sure costs somewhere between $1k and $2k.

I don't intend to jump in to such course unless there are genuine recommendations out there on some decent courses.

In the meantime, I will learn the basics that they go through which I probably could have done for free. I only paid $29 and I think I might get to see some simulated examples too.

I will look at education section of this website and might invest in a few good books.

I'm here to learn and make friends.

I have accounts with IG Markets and ETrade. My trading plan so far has been to trade the smallest trade size with CFDs using the main indices and forex pairs. I've found trading the trending markets on the weekly charts using trend reversals the best. With shares I've been using the trade recommendations and then filtering these down using the filters available on Etrade. I'm interested in finding software that can accurately scan stocks quickly with multiple filters. Does anyone recommend any?

A goal of mine would be to have more funds invested in the markets with safeguards in place to nullify market downturns in the form of options or other instruments. I'm also interested in converting my super into a SMSF.

If anyone would like to correspond on these matters please let me know.

Regards Tradeful.
Hi all im new to everything!!! I am only 19 years of age and decided instead of going out and blowing all my money on clubbing and drinking like the rest of teens these days I will start investing in the hope to one day be wealthy. I have never traded or bought stocks or anything so any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hi All,

Jumped into trading with no real idea and really still dont. I have been going for a year and a half now through Westpac Brokerage, and have a 14K portfolio thats up around 10%. I generally invest $1000 a month into some shares.

Married with 2 young kids, and just trying to diversify our money (stocks, property and super) so we can hopefully fund a better retirement. Only advice I have gotten is by a bit of research online and subscibing to AFR Smart Investor.

Seems to be working ok, but have no real exit strategy on both profit (Nanosonic and Neuren)and loss (Kathmandu, Atrum Coal) making investments so far. Hope to listen and learn from you experienced traders about the intricacies and strategies that exist out there.
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