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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Greetings ASFers,

Lurking for years, thought it was time to start annoying you lot with some stupid questions and hopefully learn something.
Greetings ASFers,

Lurking for years, thought it was time to start annoying you lot with some stupid questions and hopefully learn something.

Welcome Lemmy, glad you decided to register and join the ASF community! A big welcome also to all other new ASF members!

Now that you have access to the site search feature, be sure to have a good look around. There's plenty of great threads from the past worth digging up and exploring.

I'll just quote myself from an old post in this thread to give you the rest of the usual welcome info:

Thanks Joe, and thanks for the welcome. Appreciate you making the effort to link all those great threads.
Apologies for creating work for you by posting into the wrong forum. I'll try not to make it a habit.
Hi All. Already posted (about SMSF's borrowing)before this intro - hope that wasn't overstepping. Hope to get some good information and maybe even share something of value.
Hi all,

Just joined the forum. I'm new to trading and don't have much experience. So, please embrace me.

Group Hug! :engel: and Welcome Leo.

Start by browsing a few forums, so you get a feel for how we operate and "what's where".
And don't be shy telling us more about your intentions, trades, asking questions. Anywhere. About anything. Don't even worry if you miss the forum where someone else may already have posted an answer. One of the Mods will "fix it".

Hi, I'm James and I'm an alcoho....whoops wrong Forum.

Came across ASF looking for info on Aussie Stock trading. Finally going to get me feet wet and have been trying to research suitable brokers and the like. I live in Japan and have done so for quite some time.

I'm wracking my brains over which broker to use...Trade Station or Interactive Brokers. Or just bite the bullet and go with someone like Fidelity where i can be sure my orders will hit the market. I'm reluctant to choose an Aussie broker as I don't pay Aussie taxes. Though I was certain if the Red Queen got in, she would have extended her claws to us expats!

I've dabbled not so successfully in FX, and seem to have a leaning to Divergence trading (just before I left FX). Not sure how it will go on stocks, but once I get set up will hopefully spend some time testing it out.

Anyway, I signed up today after reading through a post from Soultrader about focussing more on px than indicators. Was an interesting read.


Hi all, I recently found this forum while doing some googling about the Barefoot Investor, and have been reading various threads for a few days.

I'm 28 and have just finished postgraduate study and started working full time again. Now that I'm actually earning more money that I had been for the last few years, I've started looking into what I should best do with it. Currently I'm putting some money from each pay into an online savings account, and would like some sort of plan or strategy to invest it more sensibly.

I've never had much to do with finance or economics in a formal capacity, but in the last few years have been involved in the management and governance of a NFP, so have had to learn all about financial statements and generally improve (or develop!) my general financial literacy. That's about as close to shares and stocks as I've come - which is obviously not very close..

I imagine that I'll be hanging around in the beginner forum for a while yet, and lurking everywhere else!
Welcome Rising Phoenix and Gourami!

Enjoy the forums! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

I have been trading binary options for 7 months now. Sometimes it has been going great and sometimes not . I am also interested forex trading and etc.


Hello i'm about to graduate from senior high-school and currently doing my HSC. I have a took a interest into day trading and was referred by a community member from whirlpool. I'm about to work full time and save some money up so i can start trading with $5,000. However before i start, i'm interested in learning first and thus why i'm in this forum. Hope you guys see me around
Hi everybody! New to the forums and investing. Thought I'd say hi. I made a big mistake last year and foolishly bought into a black box scheme, luckily not at the price some people have paid. Felt burnt for a while but now think I can get my head back in the game.
Hi everyone .... another lurker introducing myself. I have been playing with stocks, searching forums, speaking to friends, just finished reading stan weinstein's book and just about to start reading nick radge adaptive analysis.

Made some money so far on avq just buying low selling high and trying to keep up on news with court dates and forum info. I have been burnt a couple of times which surprisingly has taught me more then 100 hrs of research.

I have just downloaded Incredible Charts to play around with before I move onto ambibroker.

Soooo yeah I'll probably start picking brains soon!!!

Hi to all
Welcome JimboH, teariestwig, gwizzard, and Nunga!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Enjoy the forums!
Hi All,

Found this site while researching the Share market college. Seems its not a smart way to spend my money so thought i'd look around and see what i could find out from the experts here!
Hi All,

Found this site while researching the Share market college. Seems its not a smart way to spend my money so thought i'd look around and see what i could find out from the experts here!

Hi NoEyedDeer,
Welcome to ASF!

Great resource right here ... and it's free!
greetings all,

im jasmin, trading for 9 months now, but since this hard time`s im looking on forums for some good informations.
like websites and other good stuff. hope i can share my little knowledge whit you guys and learn a bit from each other.

have fun in these hard times
Hi guys and girls! I'm Alex and probably the newest member to both trading and this forum . Hoping to learn as much as I can about trading any securities, so if you're willing to give a helping hand then any info would be much appreciated!

Look forward to sharing my journey with you all!
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