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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hi Guys,

I'm Josh as my forum name may suggest. I've recently accepted a stockbroking traineeship and am aiming to learn after coming from an Accounting background.

Hello Josh, Have you joined a full service broker? If you feel so inclined, it would be interesting for you to share with us what constitutes your training, how long it takes for you to be considered ready to advise clients etc.
Hi guys

My name is Alex and I'm 25.

I work in funds management but only recently started and am currently focused on unlisted asset classes, so my knowledge of the listed markets is extremely limited. My research of listed markets to date has been really interesting (moreso than the unlisted stuff i've been doing).

Looking forward to getting to know people and having some good discussions.

Hi everyone,

My name is Craig. I've been interested in investing for a while now, and read a few books here and there. That's about as far as I have taken it so far, but I have decided its time to take it to the next level.

I was amazed, and pleasantly surprised, at the amount of information here. I am looking forward to learning from you all, and getting to know you a bit in the process.

Go easy on me while I learn my way around the world of investing



Welcome aboard Yowie, enjoy your learnign experience here at ASF, a good place to start is the beginner threads, but you've likely already been there.

If you think the fundamental investing is your flavot there are some members here like craft, Vesuperia, and McLovin that always seem to know how to value a business.

On the technical side, with strict risk management in mind you'll find others like Tech/A and his sidekick Pav.

Then on the dark side you'll find the prop guys....TH and SKC...Skyquake and a few others..

Some great members here just up for general chat too...but have an in-depth knowledge that they don't show off very often, like Julia.

So enjoy the stay and i hope you are not shy to post right away.

Thanks for the great welcome.

I'll definitely jump on and ask questions, and join in the conversations where I can.

I think I have quite a bit of reading ahead of me, though. I am already foreseeing a head explosion in the near future
... I think I have quite a bit of reading ahead of me, though. I am already foreseeing a head explosion in the near future

You are allowed a 5 minute break each hour of reading, to prevent head explosion or similar event. :
Hi, no name random here.

Right now I know nothing about investing. But I live off the principle, get rich or trying.

You need to start being a little more thorough...

But...Welcome aboard none the less!
Evening all.

Joined many years ago but never really did anything about it.

Having time on my hand at night, i have decided i would like to get a handle on trading and look to get started by reading up on what i can. I have some shares (~$6000) sitting there doing very little and thought i would like to see if i could make something of it.

Being very green to all this i can assume i should start be reading through the threads and see what appeals to me to look into. There seems to be so many different options available it all looks pretty confusing but again, working through the beginner threads should give me some sort of direction.

Have also been using the search function and as pointed out, there is so much information already out there.

Not sure on what books to start with but will look for some recommendations over the course.

Look forward to learning as much as i can.

Hello all!

My name is John. I have about $100k of hard-earned investment capital, which I am guilty of not having used over the past couple of years. It's time to make my money work!
Good day everyone. Lee here and I am a new trader. I just signed up for a classic account and I'm here to learn more about Forex trading from other members of the community. I don't trade live yet because I'm still trying a demo account. But I've been trading stocks for almost three years now. I hope to enjoy my stay here in the forum. Looking forward to learn from you.

Thanks for that burglar, will have a perusal through them.

I also came across some training videos on YouTube that might be worth posting, but not sure of the protocol here (will read over forum rules). They covered basic trading, terminology etc. I know these may be a dime a dozen but after watching a sample found them relatively easy to follow.

They also cover Binary Options which i was intrigued with and will get an idea through the search function here to get peoples opinions. I realise there are some sites that promise the holy grail but from all accounts, that comes with hard work and study.

Firstly want to get my head around understanding it all first.

I want to say Hi to all of you!I'm Diana from Philippines and i'm new to forex.I hope to gain ideas from you all.
I want to say Hi to all of you!I'm Diana from Philippines and i'm new to forex.I hope to gain ideas from you all.

Hi diana yes and welcome to this forum.I am from the Philippines also and happy that i find a kababayan here.May we enjoy our stay here.
Hi All

I am Aster, joined ASF in March 2013. I was doing research on SMSF and tumbled across this great forum site.
I learned and benefited a lot, in particular from the Medium to Long Term Investment sections. Thank you all guys for your great contribution.
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