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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hi to Everyone!
I am Aleeza and have just join the forum and also looking to do some stock exchange business, as i have got some cash out of my property sale. I Wish it would be amazing experience out there with all forum members.
Hello everyone,
My name is vin and I'm glad to join this community.
I'm very new to stock share market.
I'm here to learn from this forum.

FYI: My English is not very good.
Hello everyone,

FYI: My English is not very good.

Neither is mine Welcome to the forum, heaps and heaps of info here. Don't be frightened to ask if you can't find the answers using the search engine, cheers.
Hi to everyone!
I'm intending to invest on the stock market and I think this forum will help me learning how to do it.
Morning/afternoon all,
Congrats on a well run forum.
I have been investing/trading for 10+ yrs, mainly oil and gas with some metals.
Look forward to some future discussions.
Hey All,
Just joined website after ghosting around for a while. Congratulations to moderators on a well run site with little flaming and spruiking going on. I haven't been a serious share investor for long but that is about to change !
Welcome to all the new ASF members!

If you have any questions about the forums, please don't hesitate to ask!

Don't be afraid to start posting and contributing to whatever forum threads interest you. If you would like to start a new thread on a particular topic, be sure to do a search for any existing threads on the same topic first.
Hey y'all,

David here. Just got into stocks last year, and this website has helped me immensely, so thought its time to sign up.

Eager newbie

Hi everyone,

Glad to be a part of this forum! I've been browsing through a lot of posts and have found some relevant information and some valuable insights. Looking forward to learning from you all!

- Mads
G'day! Ryan here...been investing conservatively in ASX for about 10 years now...learnt more in 1 week just by reading threads on here! Glad to be aboard.
Hi all,

A freshy here... Just reading into how to trade and i guess this site will give me heaps of information. Thanks for sharing this all.

Just dropping in to say howzit from Auckland,New Zealand! Anyone else from here that's on this forum? I have been trading the currency market for over a year now. The biggest issue for me is trying to find a reputable broker. Not a easy task! I am very interested to learn to scalp the markets as I enjoy the thrill and fear factor involved with short term trading(Yes, i'm well aware it's very risky) I usually stick to the 4 hour and daily charts and I mostly look at price action and support and resistance lines for trades..

If anyone is keen to share scalping trading ideas and broker recommendations...please do.

I am also looking at learning to trade the futures markets as it is more regulated than the forex market and there are no bucket shops like you get in the forex world! So futures trading is something that I am really interested to learn, but not sure where to start yet. It's all a learning curve..

Keep well and all the best!
Good morning aussiestockforum members.
Absolute newbie and have just started "reading" in an attempt to educate myself in relation to plain vanilla stock trading.
I have a small and "disposable" amount to invest.
I better keep reading I think!
I have had only a little experience in the stock market with most of me experience in property. I am looking to add more stocks to my portfolio but I am finding it hard to get stock information in a format where I can analyse it to my satisfaction. I hope that people here will be able to help me refine what I am looking for in a stock that will suit me.

Read this book if you starting out...lot of good advises you can use
Hi and welcome to the new members who have joined ASF lately.

This is off topic for the thread but it will probably serve the most purpose placed here.

For anyone interested I have a copy of The Intelligent Investor that I will give away for free, I will even pay the postage so it wont cost you a cent. All I ask in return is when you have finished with it, please offer to do the same thing I have done on ASF.

Hopefully it can become a 'forum book' that will benefit many.

If you are interested private message me.
A Nube - Learning to trade CFDs on the ASX200 index

Hi everyone,

great forum from what I have seen and very diverse. I hope I can contribute back one day.

My goal is to learn to trade CFDs on the ASX 200 index over the next 2 or so years and by year 3 be able to make about 1/3 of my income from it.

Have been at it for the past 3 months or so. Reading books, had a coach for a few hours as well.

I am interested in a better understanding of lead indicators...for my charting (I am a tech guy). Just using a set of 4 SMAs 3,13,39 and 200 days.
Re: A Nube - Learning to trade CFDs on the ASX200 index

Welcome to the Forum Rastast, good to see that you have a goal and are willing to work hard to get there.

The fact you want to pay forward the knowledge in time will earn you a lot of respect.

Best of luck.
Hi, My name is Wade.

I am a young investor still working my way through university.

I have saved a deposit and bought an investment property.

I know wish to enter the stock market. I know some basics but I very much look forward to gaining vasts amounts of knowledge to tackle this confusing type of investment!


Hi Wade,

Are you confident you can earn more in the stock market than what you would gain by paying off the mortgage? Until you are then thee is a strong argument you should just focus on getting debt free. Having a mortgage means you have an easy to measure required rate of return.

THere is heaps of info here in the beginners lounge so have a search for your questions

Welcome to ASF
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