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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

New here!! Hoping to learn a lot from this forum as I'm keenly interested in investing. Trying to start off small as I'm also new to the concept.
Re: Hello New here

What is that supposed to mean?????

Ok so how does one prepare
Seeing you raised the statement

It means what it says.

Read it again.

You seem to have done that by your second statement. One makes statements, by the way. One does not raise them.

To prepare, is to prepare, before spending money in the share or other markets.

A good place to start is in this forum, by reading specific threads on topics that may interest you.

Then paper trade, that means pretend trade, in a sector or stock that interests you.

And then ask questions for which you do not know the answer, before making statements.

Re: Hello New here

:"how much is the smallest money htat i can buy shares online and trade them? can i start for $5:

And so it goes.

A new generation enters the market unprepared.


Im lost

We where just asking questions in preperation

Cannot see where anyone has entered the market

A good place to start is in this forum, by reading specific threads on topics that may interest you.

And then ask questions for which you do not know the answer,

Isnt that what we are doing????

Im confused
Never mind Nev its our right to look down on and discourage newbies. After all we are now without fault.

Re: Hello New here

Im lost

We where just asking questions in preperation

Cannot see where anyone has entered the market

Isnt that what we are doing????

Im confused
Hi Nev, and welcome! Things can go off topic in this thread which is really just basic introductions. Best to keep asking these questions in the most relevant thread, as you have been in the 'all your questions answered'. Cheers, kennas
Re: Hello New here

Hi Nev, and welcome! Things can go off topic in this thread which is really just basic introductions. Best to keep asking these questions in the most relevant thread, as you have been in the 'all your questions answered'. Cheers, kennas

What questions I was answering westpaks question
Think My an GG's comments were more around this "type" of Statement.

In saying that I was told there is a way of trading a fee dollars at a time??
Warrants I think its called ????


If Loss of Money is your concern.

(1) This is not for you. (It happens a lot).
And OR.
(2) Paper trade (No money)

Forget derivatives (Warrents).
Re: I'm newbie in this forum

I'm newbie in this forum. Hope to learn valuable things here, and wish all the members to have a good and ethical post so we all can learn and help each other.

welcome, im new too

not really sure whats the aim of this thread. are you after advice on how to learn about trading? or?
Hi all,

I joined this forum a few weeks ago and have been very impressed at the quality and quantity of information that goes through here.

I'm very new to the stock market, having only just created an account with commsec a few weeks ago, however I've been doing general research for the past couple years with the past few months being more intense and focused on 15 companies. I'm seriously considering making my first purchase of shares in a couple of the companies I've been following a while.

I'm a 22y/o (almost 23) water engineer working in a consultancy in Brisbane.

My aim is to achieve a better return on my money than what I could get at the bank.


Welcome to ASF mate, enjoy your stay!
Hi All,

New to be a member but old as a guest and snoop around the threads and take note on what is being said.
Been in the stock market 6 months with 10k that I saved over the years. 3k in Linc energy. 2k in FMG, 2.5k in PDN and 2.5k in FXL. Complete noob when it comes to understanding the acronym's of the market.
Linc energy is out performing all with some interesting times ahead, so that is something ill sit on wether they out perform or under perform in not phased just a very interesting stock. I fell upon that stock from reading threads on here. From what I read things looked positive and at 0.63c a share I thought a bargain. FMG was just a decision based on I like Andrew forest and is a common stock spoken about on tv and I knew about the rail line that was in being built. PDN who knows? I think due to having interest in India and there economy on nuclear? FXL was only the fact that they have a service in providing leases and finance to business and a few other things. In my mind I just see them performing well in the next few years. don't ask me why.
Hi all,

I signed up to ASF a few days ago and I'm liking it heaps already!

I hope to be sticking around for a while!


Hey guys, welcome aboard!

Don't hold back with asking questions throughout the threads!

All the best, kennas
G'day ASF. Not new to investing but first time on a stock forum. Liking what I've read/seen here so far.

Am on the wrong side of the 'hill' and am a very small minnow with a (mainly) passive contrarian strategy.

Happy trading!
Hi guys!

I am from Brisbane and had issuer sponsered shares for a while now. Just got into trading after getting my account setup last week. I have a pretty sound knowledge of airlines as aviation is a passion I have.

I currently have shares in WOW, SCP and QAN

Cant wait to read and learn!

I am new in this forum

I am new in this forum and would like to introduce myself. My friend suggested me to join this forum. I just registered here and want to gain knowledge as well as gain info.. Thanks..
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