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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

I am after the basics of how the stock market works...

Stocks rise when the economic outlook is favorable.
They fall or stay flat when the economic outlook is flat or poor.

Adjust your investing relative to outlook.

The rest is rehetoric on why this is so.---Libraries and forums full of it.
Hey ASF,

I have been reading the forums for a couple weeks now and the wealth of information is amazing. I am going to try be a bit more active and hopefully can add to some of the discussions!

I have just started out investing with only ~ $3k in the market at the moment, I am really looking to learn about swing style trading to earn some additional bang for my buck. At 22y/o I am hoping it can send me into a good place in the future.

Hi all,
My name is Johann from Melbourne, I have been trading shares on/off for the last couple of years, I am only 28 and have done well with property.

I want to enchance my skills to become a regular and better trader using this site, One of my short term goals is to create regular income from Shares so I can either re invest the money or use the money for gernal living expenses.

Thanks and all the best for 2013
Hey welcome Johann,

I am new as well, have been about the forums for about a month! There is a lot of stuff available as resources around here so have a look around.

See you on the forums!
It looks like this is the place for the first post.
Happy New Year traders.
I am new in trading but was thinking about it for the last 20 years.
As you can see from my screen name I have very little time to get rich, So I am trying to determine if day share trading can bring me a decent income. What I see is that only 1% of small traders succeed.
That is scary.

Can anyone reading this tell me if he/she is making any consistent profit over at least last 3 years?
I would like to check the statistics in this thread.

I am new in trading but...

As you can see from my screen name I have very little time to get rich, So I am trying to determine if day share trading can bring me a decent income. What I see is that only 1% of small traders succeed.

Hi there Timeless & welcome. Well there you have your first trade to make. A 1 in 100 chance - probably after 5 years of effort!

Hows that for risk to reward?
Great I found this Forum

Ironically I tried to sign up only to find Ive been a member from 2009

I use to trade back then but lost a Lot of money (Lack of Knowledge) I also had a Business go belly up due to non paying clients

But the interest was rekindled when I noticed my Telstra Shares had gone up
(Only shares I kept)

I recently posted a few questions on another forum
Only to be told to stop asking stupid questions and wasting peoples time
Then told to go read a book or something and labeled me a pest
(Are all people that trade that arrogant)

So here I am with a lot of Questions hoping for honest understanding answers
Welcome NEV25, good to hear from someone in Gippsland, I wont ask what the other shares you held were, but shudder a bit if the TSL were the pick of the bunch

Thanks for the link. Great piece of info from the article is that successful day traders only took 62 bps gross on their transaction value. Those using Comsec paying 30bps each way have no chance.
Hi there Timeless & welcome. Well there you have your first trade to make. A 1 in 100 chance - probably after 5 years of effort!

Hows that for risk to reward?

Statistically hopeless, but if the 1 % succeed not by chance but by using a systematic approach this may be a different story.
Hello New here

Hello im really keen to learn about the market and stocks im currently looking at binary Trading thoughts ? Thanks
Re: Hello New here

hi im new here and i am reading books regarding stock market since i want to know to play that game.....and i found this site as informative especially for beginner.....just ask here...:"how much is the smallest money htat i can buy shares online and trade them? can i start for $5..and i am thinking to get a homestudy course from a stocktrader who offered a mentoring program,charting software and advice for 1 month on what to buy and where to that ok? or not....thanks
Re: Hello New here

Do you have $5, $50, $500, $5000, $50,000, $500,000 or 5 small ones ( millions ).


And google clarify and it's etymology.

I do fear for you.

Re: Hello New here

? can i start for $5..:
I'm told the Minimum trade the ASX will except on the Initial buy of a stock is $500
Then you will be charged a brokerage fee on top

Someone on here might verify this

In saying that I was told there is a way of trading a fee dollars at a time??
Warrants I think its called ????

Still to investigate this
Re: Hello New here

And so it goes.

A new generation enters the market unprepared.

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