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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hi All,

First of all this is great forum. I recently took up share investing. And it has been challenging and interesting. I have started reading books and researching stocks.
I am trying to learn about fundamental investment strategy. I can tell you this, its not easy.

- companies with market cap of around 200mill
- companies trading under pe of 8
- Directors must own significant number of shares
- Companies with low debts
- Research for companies trading at a discount

I have got number of questions:
1: Do you guys use stock screeners to screen the stock or go through each stock listed on ASX to calculate pe
2: How do you predict future earnings.

Most of all what is the starting point?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Hi All,

I'm a amateur trying to learn the game of trading. I am more interested in the execution side of things and identify trends which I can capitalise on.

I'm an avid poker player who believes theories applied to poker can be mirrored in trading such as psychology, bet sizing, risk, money management, tendencies, history, technology and logic. I look to regularly access these forums and hope to learn and grow as a trader through all the information and input provided from you guys.

I am a full time analyst at a bank and look to switch careers into proprietary trading however feel I need more experience watching the market and learning more about market sentiment and tendencies. Here is where it begins.

I also look to actively trade with a small amount of capital and learn from my mistakes and build a system to avoid making the same mistakes and capitalize on any opportunities when I see I have an edge. Ultimately as trading evolves over time, hopefully I can contribute by finding new trading ideas.

I have not decided what the best asset class / instrument to trade, but maybe this will come naturally over time.

Grateful to be part of the Aussie stock forum community and hope we all achieve our goals together even if it may involve under cutting one another.

Hi i am new to this site and new to the share market. So i hope to gain a lot of info knowledge with an intention (like all of us!!!) to better in a financial position. Give me some good advice PLEASE. Thanks in advance.

Reasons - such a generous response - I can't thank you enough. Have added you as a contact and so I can keep tabs on the fantastic ideas and advice you are adding to the forum.

Your points make a great deal of sense - I'm rapidly realising from reading regularly on this forum that I am absolutely clueless at the moment and have masses of work to do to become an even marginally competent investor.

My methods (actually lack of) have been achieving pretty dismal results over the past ten years and it's just been the past 6 months I have started getting really serious about this - I guess at 38, I was suddenly struck by the realisation that I don't want to be working forever and there is a lot more to life that work work work, but without a strong savings and investment plan, there is a very high possibility that is exactly what will happen!

I've mentioned on another thread I am thinking of purchasing an apartment in Kenya with about 80K I've been saving for the P2Y's. I have been living in Kenya for the past few months and checking out the market here. I have about another 30K in Aussie stocks which I am not touching and plan to start sinking about 4K a month from March onwards into Aussie stocks.

I am in a great tax situation, working in China for the past 7 years (go back in a couple of weeks) as am not eligible for any CGT on shares in Australia - I would be up for CGT on property, however, hence my decision not to invest in Australia in property, alongside a sense that property in Australia and China are both probably over-priced at the moment.

My logic on Kenya is that it's at the other end of the spectrum to a market like China - with the global economic situation as it is and Africa being the next market to take off, I think property prices have a good probability of increasing quite well over 5/10 years.

The other reasons are that Kenya is seeing masses of Chinese investment - they are building roads and factories and money is very obviously coming in, helping improve the infrastructure for doing business.

I know there is a great deal of governmental risk, but am hoping to mitigate as much as possible through using lawyers. Being ripped off is also a risk, but I think the way I am buying (apartment rather than land or house) will mean this is less likely.

Sorry for the long post and great to meet everyone here!

Hi, I am new here
I have some savings but to do anything reasonable with it, it’s not enough and the interest earnings from my savings account seem to be eaten up by tax and inflation…
So I thought I should start investing in shares.

I have some questions and it would be great if I could ask/discuss them here. Is it better to start a new thread for each question or look for an existing/similar thread and post in there? Because I remember the Whirlpool forums and they sometimes seem kinda ‘unhappy’ :shoot: if you start a new thread rather than posting in an existing one.

Re: Newbie

Probably the best place is the Beginner's Lounge forum here =====>

The General Chat forum is really for topics not related to investing (politics, religion etc.)

I'd put all my questions in the one thread, rather than starting a new one for each. However, check the forum first to see if there are already answers to some of your questions.
Hi, I am new here and sorry, I wrote that before, just in a wrong spot

I have some savings but to do anything reasonable with it, it’s not enough and the interest earnings from my savings account seem to be eaten up by tax and inflation…
So I thought I should start investing in shares.

I have some questions and it would be great if I could ask/discuss them here. Is it better to start a new thread for each question or look for an existing/similar thread and post in there? Because I remember the Whirlpool forums and they sometimes seem kinda ‘unhappy’ if you start a new thread rather than posting in an existing one.

I just joined the forums now, however, have been lurking around as a guest for a couple of weeks now. Would like to start getting into investing then perhaps make my way into trading stocks.

I have yet to open an account as I do not have the knowledge nor the money to invest. Perhaps in a few months after the fiscal cliff :|
Just set up my SMSF. Also paid the house off last year so started to invest personally as well. Hope to emancipate my self and leave behind being a wage slave

So glad Aussie companies still provide nice dividends.

Will hopefully get through some of the tons of info on this forum.
...Perhaps in a few months after the fiscal cliff :|
Hi bos
That is exactly what I’m planning to do. However, first I thought I would just buy some shares or anything but now I think I have to learn a little more before I go into action. After all it is the freshmen who do worst in the stock market.

Are you studying anything in particular at the moment??
I am studying money management and reading a book on basic economics

money management playlist

all the best
Are you studying anything in particular at the moment??
I am studying money management and reading a book on basic economics...
I do self study – haha.
I have to work along the way and can do that just as I find the time for it. Money management seems important, I agree. In the past weeks I read some stories about people who trade or did trade stock options. One man was quite annoyed and embittered. He said he had learned everything he could about the stock market in several months, did some paper trades and then started option trading, lost some money, invested more because he was hoping to regain the earlier losses and sadly lost that too. He called it scam although he admitted that he had a (money management) plan, which was not to invest more than the first budget but he didn’t stick to it.
Another story suggested to invest a comparatively small amount of money, high risk and end up having 100k from 2k within one year.. they had an example looking at historical stock charts ‘if you had bought here and sold here…’ That was just ridiculous.
I’d like to keep it as simple as possible, start with paper trading for a considerably time, play with realistic amounts just the same as if it was real, understand charts and the technical tools and try to find a strategy that works for me.
Thanks for sharing the link, I will have a look later

You should also sign up with the asx share market game. Paper trading is well and good but it doesn't really bring the psychological aspect into it. I think the share market game will be a bit more realistic as you are competing with others to win
hello to everyone
a newbie here want to learn a lot...hope i will have a great time here
hello to everyone a newbie here want to learn a lot...
Hi Pete, me too

You should also sign up with the asx share market game. Paper trading is well and good but it doesn't really bring the psychological aspect into it. I think the share market game will be a bit more realistic as you are competing with others to win
When I said paper trading, I meant actually any kind of computer simulator. I don’t think anybody would still do that on a piece of paper these days. Sounds like a good idea. Is that trading shares and options or shares only? I don’t think I could be serious competition in the game but it may help to put more effort in it. I tried the investopedia simulator but noticed it’s not realistic because of the delayed data – if money making was that easy…
Hi ppl,
I am brand new to trading,
I am wanting to learn the basics of trading,
Is there a forum without flicking through all of these threads where, ppl have listed what sources their have find useful, mainly books, websites, ineresting lectures
On the web... I don't want to be going in circles buying 300 books and get nothing out of it... I am after the basics of how the stock market works...

Anyways I hope someone can point me in the right direction
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