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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hello everyone. My name is Sam, I'm 20 and live not far out of Brisbane.
Yesterday, after looking up information on how to get started in the stock exchange i stumbled across this site. Great site by the way.
I am squeaky clean and am yet to put a dime on the market or open an account with a broker.
Thanks guys!
Not really new in stock trading.
10 years ago, got burnt in Tech bubble.
Last few years, try to learn FOREX, but failure to achieve anything.

Reading this web site and others for last few weeks and believe the market will be up for next few years.

Open an account in IB last week, but can't start its trade station software at work because it is blocked by proxy firewall.
Last Friday, try to use WebTrader to buy QBE just before 4pm, but not transmit the order successfully.

Today, I bought some FMG as it is going down. I will buy more tomorrow if it is down again.

I don't touch QBE as it is up today, will buy it later when I feel comfortable.

BHP, CBA and WBC will be in my holding as long as my funding is in place.

I will hold them for long time as I don't have skills to do Tech/A or F/A. I found out if I study more, I will get more confused.
Hi all
purchased my first stocks on that dreadful day around four years ago. Out of the two stocks I had been following, I purchased the ones from the company that has been recently delisted and has disappeared off the face of the earth whilst the other stocks weathered the storm and increased in value - an example of my luck!
I found this site whilst I was trying to find evidence of my delisted company!
Maybe I'll learn something but I think I'll only be a "ghost trader"

Not really a beginner. I have been buying shares and holding them for the long term in the past few years. My next move is diversifying. Given the current exchange rate, I m interested in entering other stock markets.
Have been a member for a while but got burnt in GFC so been a bit timid.
I really need to get going again and now have some time so I am enjoying reading your ideas.
Hi Guys ,

just finally woke up and realised its time to sort out my finances and start trading or I'll be living in a bin on Sesame street with Oscar >>>..basically gonna read a lot first (tec analysis/Fundamentals) then paper trade if it feels right then I'll try some real money ,any tips on Tax etc would be appreciated and also paper trading sites and software ..thanks
Hi all

I am new to this forum and I live in New Zealand.

This may be the beginning of journey to Australian stock market.

I never traded Australian stocks before.

Kind regards
Hi all

Thought it only courteous to pop in and say a big Howdy from the GC.

Look forward to soaking up the wealth go knowledge that is clearly to be had on this site!
Hi all

I am new to this forum and I live in New Zealand.

This may be the beginning of journey to Australian stock market.

I never traded Australian stocks before.

Kind regards
Welcome Stockwinner from a fellow Kiwi, living in Australia for nearly 20 years now and still homesick at times for NZ.

Why the focus on the Australian market, if you don't mind my asking?
NZX not rewarding you?
Sorry Julia after so many days only today I opened this forum.

I thought there may be some opportunities in Australian market.

I migrated to New Zealand nine years before and I am New Zealand citizen now.

So I am a Kiwi now.

I didn’t succeed much in the NZX. Had up and down. I gave up and had some interest on frontier markets. I rewarded there more than expected and not only I recovered my losses in the past but also were able to outperform the market during last two years.

I narrowly escaped from losing my entire deposit in a financial company as well.

Still I believe we will have opportunity in the NZX provided we do some home work.

I expect sooner than later NZ dollar will come down. Then we can expect some development in export sector and tourism sector.

I am bullish on some sectors such as Agri-Business and tourism in New Zealand in the long run.

Now I like to focus on sector oriented bull markets in developed market, emerging market and frontier markets.

I like to study New Zealand stock market as well.

Thanks and best regards
Thanks for your detailed response. I wish you every success.
Nice to know that someone has settled in NZ instead of leaving it.
Hi guys! My name is Sarah, I am from Geelong Victoria. I am a web designer and a horse racing analyst. It's a pleasure to be a member of this forum. Have a great day everyone! CHEERS!
Hey everyone

My name is Paul and I want to start investing!

Been looking over the forum for ages now and and will soon start dabbling in the markets once the knowledge (and capital) is acquired.

Wish me luck!
Well after reading for more hours than I care to think about, I think being successful is going to need more than luck! Sooo much to take in.
Hi guys,

I'm an ultra-newby trying to get my head around (what appears to be) unfathomable. There seems to be a great amount if insight on this forum, so thanks, especially tech/a, waynel, and Julia. You have all expedited my learning. Thanks also to hengseng, great motivator.

I've been following the NAV discussion and am interested on the short/medium term investment possibilities.

BTW i'm also aware that buying low is a beginner technique, and apologies if this is in the wrong section

Cheers guys
Hi, I have no idea what I am doing, I am so green I glow!! I have just inherited shares from my late father and I think I need a broker to get specific advice, but don't know how to chose one or what to look for in a broker - I don't even know if a broker is the right term. So, I thought I would search for a place where all of the experts hang out. I have logged into my late father's account and I have been watching the shares go up and down like a yo yo. I have tried to read the company information and I have looked at the historical graphs of the shares. I'm not sure if I want to keep the shares and try and understand the world of trading - it all looks like learning a new language. I guess my question is: Is there a place where I could go and sit down with someone who knows about the companies that my father invested in? I won't apologise for my ignorance, but I hope it has given someone a good laugh!!
Hello Gabby, Welcome, and good on you for attempting to understand what you've inherited.

You're quite justified in observing that it's like learning a new language. There's a lot to learn. If you go to the Beginners' Lounge you'll find plenty of information which will help to get you started. In particular, Sir O's thread gives you a good introduction to the market and how it all works.

If you go to (the Australian Stock Exchange website) and follow the links you will find a heading "Prices, Research and Announcements".
There will be a space where you can type in the name of the companies in which you now own shares. You'll also see the company code there.
e.g. Woolworths' code is WOW.

If you follow the various links you should be able to find out quite a bit about each company.

The ASX website also has quite good education modules which you can work your way through in your own time.
Then you can do a search on this forum for any of the companies in which you're interested. Many companies have their own thread with quite extensive discussion.

It's bewildering at first. Don't be put off.
Ask whatever you need to. Most people here are happy to help.

When you're ready, ask about brokers and we can explain about online and full service brokers.

Good luck.
Thank you for your help Julia - This is bewildering - It took me an age just to find the response. I don't even know how to communicate on forums, let alone trade on the stock market! But I will soldier on and hey what's life without an adventure? This may be a whole new world for me. I have done a few things that you have mentioned, such as the education modules and I have looked up the codes for each share and have the data. But, my Dad bought shares that I believe may be quite obscure, so there isn't much info other than annual reports and directors reports - again the language is foreign to me. So the part of your response that interests me the most is your comment: "Then you can do a search on this forum for any of the companies in which you're interested". I am thinking that if I can tackle each share one at a time and ask real people for their opinion (which I know can be dangerous at times), then I may not be silly enough to sell something that is potentially worth keeping. So I will explore this avenue. Thank you again Gabby
PS. If anyone else has replied to my message, I haven't found it yet. So sorry if I didn't thank you

Hi Gabby,

Welcome to ASF!

If you are looking for forum threads on particular stocks, just enter the three letter ASX code in the search box towards the top of the page. That should bring up the threads you are looking for.

Also, if you have any questions about the forum software, or any other aspect of the website, feel free to ask here. There is quite a lot of useful information in that thread already.

Most importantly, take it slowly, and as Julia suggested, spend some time browsing the "Beginner's Lounge" forum. Don't be shy about asking questions and contributing to whatever threads interest you. ASF is a friendly and constructive community and most people here will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Hey guys,

I'm Rob if you haven't guessed already

Quite new to shares/stocks, it has always been an interest of mine, but finding the time has always been an issue especially when there is much information and frequent news/updates to keep track of.

I like a good challenge and it looks like I'm ready to take on some risk.

Hope to get to know some of you and gather some experienced thoughts/opinions/knowledge from you all
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