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Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Hi Ryan (and other recent newcomers),

Welcome to ASF!

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If you have an idea for a thread always do a search first as there may already be an active thread dealing with the same topic. If not, feel free to start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

Please enjoy the forums!

I'm Jason, and I'm new to Australia and ASX. I moved to Melbourne last year.

I tried doing trading in 2008 (post GFC) and 2009 doing long-term (weeks/months timeframe) US index trading via technical analysis. I stopped early 2010 because it became choppy and my indicators could not cope with the volatility.

Now I'm settled here, I'd like to get back to trading. However, I'm not sure what direction I should take. I found out that it's expensive to do US index trading here. I have an account with E*Trade ANZ but haven't used it yet.

Just thinking whether I should continue doing index trading, but this time with ASX ETFs (though I found it limited - no leveraged or inverse funds... I might be forced to do options or shorting)? Or should I try my hand at stock trading?

I have read very few books on fundamental investing, and frankly, I don't know how to use it because I see little correlation between the information I find (reports) and the stock moves. I am more comfortable with charts.

I also don't see many online tools. I only have E*Trade and ASX websites. I'd like to have access to technical charts (either directly, or through a free feed), and I'm open to suggestions.


I think interactive brokers is what you are after mate. Welcome to the lucky country.
Hey Everyone,

Pretty new to trading but am really keen to learn and absorb everything. Can anyone suggest a good place to start like.. books, tools, advice, software that have really helped them out??? I am currently reading one up on wall st...

I think interactive brokers is what you are after mate. Welcome to the lucky country.

Thanks for your recommendation. I did give IB a look.

They have a minimum monthly fee for the feeds if no trades were made, but that's fine I guess. I'll check them out. So they offer the same fees for US trading, and it's easy to top-up the account from an Australian bank, yes??

Incredible charts is good. Read allot of books but dont buy them, most are garbage! my personal favorite is Market Wizards 2, but thats not a beginner book. is really good for forex.
G'day All,

My name is Vitor. A 25 Year old computer programmer from Melbourne.

I'm a complete newbie and don't know where to start. I have a bit of savings that I wanted to invest on.

I was just wondering if there's anyone kind enough to show me step 1 (and probably be my mentor)

My lines are always open for any discussions.

Thanks All,.

Gday all...

My name is Rod and I live in the northern melbourne suburbs - I work in IT.
I am new to investing - started getting interested around 10 or 12 months ago and in the last couple of months I have taken the plunge...impeccable timing as it all collapses...
Have a few minor shares, I have also invested in bullion - hoping to get some more knowledge as there may be some great oppurtunities in the near future.

Hello to all.I am classy from Bangladesh.I found this forum from net and i hope i will pass good time.
Hi all,
Im Walkabout from sydney. I am new to trading also like everyone else here on this thread.. I joined the forum to hopefully learn some trading tips from the more experienced traders.. I have started trading the spi.. I put $10,000 in and i am now down to $8,000 after some wins and now some losses... I have since stopped and decided i need to learn more. I also purchased esignal advanced get which helps a little with their tutorials. If anyone has any advice for me please give it to me as i am eager to learn.

Hi all,

I'm not new to buying and selling shares at all, in fact I've been involved for almost 20 years, but there are some nuances of the market that I just don't get. I'm not into daytrading at all (but I have dabbled there in the past), rather I prefer to be regarded as an active manager of my (or more correctly, my wifes) portfolio.

Hopefully I can learn some stuff here that might be of value, and hopefully I might be able to provide a cool head to other less experienced members, despite my newbie status!
hi !!
just noticed your forums on the web... nice ..hope i can learn something here.. ive just started trading recently from home... hope to grow my spare cash savings..

I have noticed this website a long time ago and have finally joined up. I am trying to generate a regular income from share marketing and have enjoyed reading all your postings
hi !!
just noticed your forums on the web... nice ..hope i can learn something here.. ive just started trading recently from home... hope to grow my spare cash savings..

I have seen your forums a lot and have finally joined up. I have done a few courses and now am paper trading and realise I am still a beginner and look forward to learning from everyone.
I joined a couple of weeks ago and have started and posted on threads already but thought I better introduce myself formally.

Have dabled here and there for many years but never properly until about 6 months ago. Have given 100% commitment, been studying, paper trading and the last 2 months small real trades in shares and options. Next step is CFD's, then would like to learn (and see if I'm interested in) forex and futures. So much to learn but light years ahead of where i was 6 months ago.

This forum is priceless!! It's so very hard learning on your own with no one to bounce questions off.

Hello All,

I work in IT and currently live in melbourne.

In past 12 months I have dipped my toe into the ASX with some guidance of a friend who has been trading for many years.

I have only made a few trades so far and currently hold PRR, MSR and EMX (was supposed to be a quick trade but got caught ). I've learned a few valuable lessons so far from making mistakes and now am looking to get better educated.

At the moment I have been searching for some good books to read on trading basics etc. I read mobs mesiahs and markets and found it entertaining. I read money morning and the daily reckoning. I also like to read jim sinclair's commentary as well as clive maunds free updates.

I've just started to play around with incredible charts. I use etrade but much prefer commsec. My trader friend uses pheonix ai which seems to be quite powerful.

Anyway I hope to gain some valuable information from the forums!
Hi Carlos, you will find excellent commentary on this forum. Posters here seem very knowledgable & it is a more intellectual, well informed forum than some others I have seen.
Hi everyone

I joined a month ago, finally decided to introduce myself.

I live in Sydney and work as a BA/process improvement in retail industry. I've started trading in stock market after ASX dipped last September.

Got some ANZ, WBC because of their rebound potential, and I'm glad they worked out very well. Since then I added some mining shares to expand my portfolio.

I hope I can learn more here and share my own stock market experiences as well.
Greetings y'all;

I'm 28 and living with partner in Sydney in our own place. Career wise I was involved in IT for years but now teach. This change of pace has given me more time to stop and think about what to do with money for the long term as well as become somewhat more self-sufficient in earning.

Have read many books over the years (prob. 2 dozen odd) regarding investment in property and shares as well as general finance and wealth creation. But until now haven't really put it to good use because I was distracted with "priorities" e.g work.

Been hoarding cash into the mortgage for a few years and have well over 200K equity (with 5 figures owing) that I'm thinking might be more wisely distributed for wealth creation purposes (at the moment our wealth is 100% bricks and mortar with no other investments). I am hesitantly beginning phantom trading, trying to put into practice some of the things I have learned, but it's such a huge area that even knowing where to start is a daunting prospect.

I'm hoping with my background I can put to use some of my skills in data analysis and so forth and eventually become successful/profitable.

Well that's my story. Hope to contribute and ask lots of stupid questions soon
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