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BCC - Buccaneer Energy

BCC up 20% today and closed at the daily high (and 52 week highs) of 8.2c.

Lee County is due to spud 'mid november' so we should be hearing news of that very shortly. If the first well twins the historic hole and flows at the same rates that will just about double the free cash flow to Buccaneer.

Current MC of circa $25m and free cash flow of about $300k per month from Pompano alone.


Hi folks,

BCC ... on the move already. with a 20% rally
today, on heavy volume ... and no news as yet !~!

..... may be a leaky bucket here ... yes ???

have a great day



Hi folks,

BCC ... positive move comes in, right on time ..... no news as yet, but more
upside expected over the next couple of weeks (see post above) ...

have a great day


Two ann's this morning. One response to price query saying that the rise in price is probably due to the upcoming Lee County campaign.

Second ann states that 25th of Nov will be the first spud for the 52% owned Lee County. Good news, i just hope they are successful and dont get held up in the difficult Austin Chalk conditions like ADI and numerous other small Aus co's have...

just curious what the difficult austin chalks conditions that ADI have?

also can you name the numerous other small AUS co's as well. would like to look them up

just curious what the difficult austin chalks conditions that ADI have?

also can you name the numerous other small AUS co's as well. would like to look them up


As far as im aware ADI havn't produced a cash flow positive well in the Austin Chalk, despite having being there for years. I could be wrong though, so feel free to correct me.
As far as im aware ADI havn't produced a cash flow positive well in the Austin Chalk, despite having being there for years. I could be wrong though, so feel free to correct me.

adi has a jvp interest in 2 chalks wells, one flowed open hole, and the other was cased and cemented. also there is another well in the eagleford cased and cemented.. flowing on a mini test frac in the toe of the well

the three wells are being fracture stimulated commencing this week according to two jvp partners.

adi are not the operator, the operator is TCEI, and currently its a two way operator situation with TCEI/Hilcorp as operators.
dont you hate picking a stock for the ASF stock competition, see it up 50% for the month and the realise you dont own it

Hi folks,

BCC ... trading to the script so far, with more positive moves expected,
over the next couple of weeks .....

have a great weekend


sold out today, at 0.135 after getting in at 0.075
wished i had bought more...which is the usual "wish" we all have.

anyhow, i don't know if this will keep rising and hoping for a drop in the price (hoping that, i can get into it again!), before the next rally next week...which is when this will get the attention of the masses, as it should already do, considering the equity capital raising BCC is wishing to raise, with 100,000,000 New Options at an issue price of 0.0035/option each with an exercise price of 0.10 (expire: 30/11/2012)

quarky, how'd you go with trying to get back in?

spud at 52% Lee County only days away

buyers outweighing sellers 5 to 1

and as we speak just broke through 15c... if it takes the 3 mil sitting at the next two increments we'll see it rocket.... not much in the way of it then


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It always has been a fairly tightly held stock, although the recent cap raising gave it a bit more liquidity for the traders to play with.

I bought more down at lower levels (6.1c and 7.4c), bringing my average down to 13c so im now in the money again which is always good

If Lee County is successful then it should continue upwards, but I still have my doubts about the Austin Chalk, but then again im not a geo, so i'll just watch and see what happens...

Hi folks,

BCC ... still ticking up, nicely ... up another 20%, today ... !~!

have a great day



hey prawn

sellers have come back on now keeping it at 16c - 2 mil more on there now but 5 of the 8 mil at 16 - 17.5c... with people taking 2mil at a time that could get eaten up in a matter of minutes!

hey swm79.
yeah, i sold out at 0.135 (bought it at 0.075 - so a gain of ~80%)
i've been meaning to get back in but i've been distracted by others on my watchlist, e.g. TEX, VIL, OEX, BKP, TSV & MAK

so, in doing so....i've missed the rally for BCC today.

i've kind of had this rule of not buying into the same stock, at a price that i sold it out at...but with such positive news and the potential to double the SP, with a spud of a well in a week's time, i really think i should jump in.

it's just one of those stocks that even if the market went south, this one will hold up (as there were a few, that didn't...even with good fundamentals and drilling programs in place)

having a look at BCC now... hmmm, at what price will it floor today...hmmm

you'd probably even see a bigger green shoot in BCC's SP if the market went down - people chasing green

settling at 15.5 for the time being.... either a few big dumpers or a few big buyers in at 4pm tonight i'd say!
still trading outside the bol bands with some good volume

RSI pushed through 0 earlier in the month, dipped down again... but has pulled back level

interesting trading today 26mil gone through with SP remaining at 15.5c... buyers still almost double sellers


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that's true about buyers wanting this stock badly.

i actually jumped in at 0.155 yesterday afternoon, as it's only days away from the well spudding. and if it's a good spud, then the SP will fly...

otherwise, it may creep up just before the news of a less than expected flow rates or worse still, leaking gas or an empty hole.

(reminds me of my Elk Petroleum [ASX:ELK] play from a month back)

still hopeful that BCC brings in the goods, by the end of next week.

if one is a duster there are plenty more to come after that

with a HUGE (quoted) 90% sucess rate(!!!), you'd have to think they'd be on to something!

interesting times ahead

got manipulated all over the place today and closed JUST up right at the bell

spud only days away
Made some good profit from this one but the recent socalled prospectus (not) has offended me to the bone and made me question things at BCC. Time to bail out.
Tried getting the actual details of my entitlement through computershare only to be advised they had no details of it. Further investigation revealed it was in fact not open to joe-blow shareholders and were set aside for those who bought the shortfall of the last prospective. Great for them dilute the shares by 30% and make a 25 bagger immediately but its gotta be illegal surely.
Buyer beware
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