This is the only spec i still hold that has not moved up significantly since the downturn; hopefully a few factors coming up will see it move.
Annual report out today so thought i would give a summary of what they have said about their main projects:
Pompano - Well #1's workover has commenced, essentially to stop the sand blocking it. If all goes to plan it should be up and flowing at 5000mmcfpd again within a couple weeks.
Lee County - BCC has increased lease acerage from <900 to approx 2500 acres. Still planning to 'twin' the original Vick #1 holve which flowed at >10mmcfpd back in the day.
Still no date set as yet, aside from saying they are talking with the JV parites.I would really like to see some faster action on this personally.
Other projects - No firm dates set for Tuna, Tang, Swordfish, Redfish, Ruby, Jaguar or Cove Deep. Essentially all that is happening is 3D modelling.
All in all a bit of a disappointing report. I can see why the stock had languished, no action to cause interest, not even wildcat ddrilling to attract a few punters. Lets just hope that the Pompano workover gets the flow rates up again and they get stuck into Lee County asap.
Dont know how you can say no action to cause interest? Whats the reason behind the sudden interest in volume then?