You cant regulate stupidity, the simple fact that its often successful people with lots of money to lose that are the victims of shonky investments would seem to indicate that they are not dumb, just bad decision makers when they step out side their financial comfort zones...switch from making money (familiar) to investing money (different).....
I believe that it's more often the ordinary working people with their lifetime savings to lose that are the victims of shonky investments.... and that is why ASIC is repeatedly warning of the threat to the SMSFs...
I'm glad that some are so comfortable in their financial comfort zones that their future is wonderful...but the reality is that lots of ordinary hardworking people have lost their a lot more than their comfort zone.
"Making money" for many is working hard for a wage which includes a compulsory 9% super contribution, now gone.
......I would hate to see any sort of SMSF appropriate intelligence test set-up, i hate how everything seems to get turned into an industry now so university leavers can have cushy jobs...look at the crap you have to go thru now just to drive a car in some eastern states.
I agree with that ... too many industries within industries, too many "hangers-on".
Look at what happens when a MIS goes down, for example... the investor is last in the $$$ chain (although it was their $$$ that went in first)
Love the stats..."..Statistics: 103 Closed Trades since July 07, Winning Trades: 86, Losing Trades: 17, Expectancy/$1 Risked: $0.68.."
I wonder how many ordinary people have stats like that?