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Australian Politics General...

The current and soon to be former NSW premier has been shafted by someone in his own party (again), after it was revealed that one of his ministers bought up the issue of him dressing as a Nazi at a fancy dress party 20 years ago.
from ABC News
Politics, it seems that it consistently attracts ar$holes, crooks, egotists and liars.
And of course people who dress up inapropriately.
Politics, it seems that it consistently attracts ar$holes, crooks, egotists and liars.
And of course people who dress up inapropriately.
My sentiments exactly, just shows how immoral they all are IMO, one for lack of respect for wearing the uniform and the other for lack of loyalty to their fellow politician by running off at the mouth about something someone did years ago.
Just a cesspit of extremely unattractive, self serving, personalities IMO.
The old saying of you need an extremely thick hide to be a politician, needs to be updated to include and a shonky moral compass IMO.
The whole system is full of wretched people, becoming wretched ghosts IMO. ?
I can remember at least of 15-30 people in my life I've seen dressed up, in their 20s, in a nazi/german/hitler war uniform at some form of costume or Halloween party.

As the kids say nowadays, this is a nothingburger. And we're talking about something he did 20 years ago.
My sentiments exactly, just shows how immoral they all are IMO, one for lack of respect for wearing the uniform and the other for lack of loyalty to their fellow politician by running off at the mouth about something someone did years ago.

This isn't just some politician running off at the mouth about another politician.

This is David Elliott doing the dirty work of Clubs NSW because Perrottet is daring to show some spine against them.

Not a ghost. A ghoul.

I don't follow NSW politics, but from the outside looking in, it is pretty poor form to be throwing people under a bus like that. IMO
No one likes people who show no loyalty, it just reflects badly on all politicians, it wont be long before politicians have to give cockroach baits a wide berth IMO.
They are starting to look like bottom feeders, they are starting to make used car salespeople and real estate agents look like saints. Lol
Alleluia, alleluia. Rejoice. It seems the (alleged) passing of Cardinal Pell was altogether too hasty.

We may yet hear from the most Venerable old bugger again...

High Court overturns George Pell’s death

Millions of Australians were today devastated /delighted to learn that George Pell’s death has been annulled and he will be released back into the living immediately. The decision comes after an appeal was lodged by the Catholic Church.

The Church, known for its litigious nature, argued there was no proof Pell had actually died. “Apart from a body and a death certificate, there is no solid evidence at all. It is a classic he said/she said situation,” lawyers for the Church argued.
The High Court said it was forced to overturn the death on the technicality. “We understand this is a disappointing development for many Australians,” the Court said in a statement.

George Pell’s funeral will not be held until the appeals process is concluded.

More to come

It is a nothingburger to most people apart from Jews who take this sort of thing very seriously.

Whether it will be an electoral liability depends on how much influence Jews have on the election.

I fancy the NSW Libs may face a drop in donations to their coffers..
I can remember at least of 15-30 people in my life I've seen dressed up, in their 20s, in a nazi/german/hitler war uniform at some form of costume or Halloween party.
Nazis and Hitler have long been fair game for ridiculing and dressing up as. The whole thing's been milked to death by comedians for half a century now.

Nothing even slightly radical here and it's a complete non-issue in my view.

I'd be more worried if he was preaching religion or was charged with drink driving. Both of those ought rule someone out of contention in my view but dressing up 20 years ago, yeah whatever. I'll excuse his failing to foresee how easily offended society would be in 2023.
There is a push in some circles for Tony Abbott to be installed as the replacement for the recently deceased Jim Molan.
The fact that an ousted politician would even be considered shows the narrow thinking of the (mostly male) liberal party.
What has Abott got to offer, apart from becoming the Liberal version of Kristine Keneally?
Other candidates include the CEO of catholic Schools NSW, Dallas McInerny,
There are a host of female liberal women who could be selected- Natalie Ward, the most senior women in the NSW state cabinet, Melanie Gibson who lost her endorsement in Holdsworthy in a factional deal, or maybe go for someone who is not a political staffer, or merely worked the numbers in the NSW liberal party.
Go tap the shoulders of someone who has run a business, had to work to make money under Government regulations.
Though i suppose those sort of people would be reluctant to lower their standards to become a politician.
I'm surprised they aren't approaching Josh Frydenberg given the esteem they have for him.

Last I heard about Abbott he was working with the FUD spreaders known as Advance Australia - that's where he belongs
The only ones that would benefit from Abbott being installed would be the media, they would have a field day, couldn't be them pushing the suggestion could it?
I'm surprised they aren't approaching Josh Frydenberg given the esteem they have for him.

Last I heard about Abbott he was working with the FUD spreaders known as Advance Australia - that's where he belongs
Frydenberg is from Victoria, he has no chance.
Kroger from Victoria was one of the first to call for Abbott, the NSW response to him was to worry about the debacle in Victorian Liberal Politics before sticking his nose in NSW.
So the chance of a Victorian being installed as a NSW senator is less than zero.
It seems that Nine entertainment, the AGE and the SMH may have had to sell out a few shelkels for a hatcet job on a liberal power broker.
From The Evil Murdoch empire

Not being a TV watcher, I had not seen the episode in Question, and now mot likely to.
However, despite coming from Victoria, I also have to admit to never heard of Mr Bastian, so i don't know how devastating the report may have been.
But I am sure the lawyers from both parties will have welcomed the initiation of legal proceedings, along with their dissolution.
I would accept that analysis, providing of course others accept the analysis that the the Labour party is a retirement village for Union reps.

Probably true, but Labor is in government and looks to be for some time as the Libs are out of touch with mainstream sentiment.
I don't think it is clear cut as Kohler is presenting. As an ex Liberal voter, I see a party in complete disarray, not even knowing what they want to be ideologically anymore.

They're not conservatives.
They're not classical liberals

They have utterly failed to formulate and represent their position to the electorate (haha what position?).

The point about housing for millennials is a good one but I don't see either party actually addressing that in any sense whatsoever. Labor Party politicians are property investors as well and they will do nothing for housing affordability.

The Liberal Party has to regroup, figure out what sort of party they are and not try to be labor light.
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