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Australian Politics General...

it seems that the poer drunk egotistical premiers just can't help themselves.
Under the guise of fighting drug importation, WA police have been given new search powers that even the Premier is unceratain as to what the extent will be.
FromABC News

Well if they are not broad stop and search powers, put it in writing instead of the vague crap they give.
One thing that has been consistently shown is that Police in all jurisdictions will always overstep when they think they have unfettered powers.
We in Victoria saw it time and time again during the pandemic when they completely overeacted on so many occasions, pepper spraying people, arresting pregnant women over face book posts, taking the phones of old ladies as the filmed police overeaction.
There have been two court cases instigated this week by journalists who were pepper sprayed by over zealous police.
The old saying about power corrupting, and absolute power corrupting absolutely, never rang more tru.
The queensland premier has now joined the queue to ban "symbols of Hate", such as the Swastika from being displayed in Queenlans.
From Queensland Government

I look forward to them adding this symbol of hate to the list.

I was hoping this authoritarian reach would stop under Labor. But lib and Labor states seem to be pushing further with this bullsht.
I was hoping this authoritarian reach would stop under Labor. But lib and Labor states seem to be pushing further with this bullsht.
When they're on a roll and there is no resistance, push the boundaries.
They never know when these opportunities will present again, may as well get laws in place, that might be useful down the track.
I was pleased to see Jacinta Price got a Senate seat. She will be a great counter to Lydia Thorpe.
Kristina Keneally like most political failures blames outside influences for her defeat by another female immigrant.
The red bandana boy gave her s sympathetic hearing.
from SMH
No consideration to the idea that perhaps her opponent ran a better campaign, was part of the local community, had not been parachuted into a western suburbs seat from the uber rich areas of the North Shore, or perhaps voters just don't like her.
No she says its all Clive Palmers fault, and a general pox on both your houses due to lockdown.
This despite the fact that all the lockdowns were not put in place at a federal level, but put in place by state governments, and in the case of this particular NSW seat, a Liberal one at that.
Nah, does not compute.
Surely now the labor party will finalise realise she is pretty much unelectable.
Yea, her political career is finished. But good on SMH for interviewing her. Nice to get her take even if it does betray her lack of self awareness.

Did you see the other well thought article about the Teals? That they are basically a franchise? And like McDonald's, once they get common they appear everywhere. The article stated the safe Labor seats will be targeted next election.
You mean This one ?
Interesting analysis, but not sure if I accept the premise.
Time will tell as to whether the franchise model targets inner city labour seats at the next election or not.
We have the best part of four years to wait.
Simon installed as El Presidente?
He should be treasurer...
$10m for 10 seats... Clive Palmer $100m for no seats

As for Kristina Keneally, her name should be added to the ASF swear filter.
Frankly I hope this favouritism costs Labor their majority. Nothing gets my goat up more than working your backside off for years only to get passed over because of some blow-in bimbo with NFI about the job.

Penny Wong is another irritant on my sheet list - but at least she's done a few hard yards... Keneally has done jack all.

"It's a pretty ugly table guys"

I'm sure they will find something for Kristina to do. She may end up a Minister's Chief of Staff or something.

As long as we can't hear her whining voice.
I'm sure they will find something for Kristina to do. She may end up a Minister's Chief of Staff or something.

As long as we can't hear her whining voice.
LOL. I think she should do herself and the country a favour. They didn't go all the way with KmKK either

"Rewarding the plotters against the former premier Nathan Rees will fuel criticism that Ms Keneally is a ''puppet'' of powerbrokers Eddie Obeid, Joe Tripodi, Mr Della Bosca and Mr Macdonald, who all backed her into the leadership against the wishes of Labor's head office."

Familiar names right ?

I CAC myself every time I hear that voice
You mean Governor General! ?
Can't see it myself.
It's a simple referendum and people have been proven to be dumb enough to fall for anything. I'm being facetious of course, but I wouldn't rule anything out in these Foucaultian days.
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