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Australian Politics General...

Oh you mean the last decade of Liberal federal government and work choices lol
Why are they so scared of unions if they're useless or is it they outperformed the banks super funds
It was Julia Gillard who originally wrote the act allowing the casual work force to happen and the unions signed off on it
The latest edition of it yes th e NLP did up date it. Labor and unions signed off on it again
The NLP were never for the unions and alp apparently were the workers party and unions were to.
What makes the ALP worse than the NLP and that’s rather an achievement is that still pretend that they are for the worker. Labor are for migration and has far friendlier laws for the over seas worker. To believe the ALP and unions are still this is like being a grown person and believe in santa

No cover up.

Abbott attempted a stich up job on the unions and it fell flat.

Heydon was biased and the results speak for themselves.
A classic example of the very thing the Libs accused the unions of...

A taxpayer subsidised job for one of Abbotts' mates and a dirty womaniser to boot.

Of course Setka Heydon must be innocent 'til proven guilty which is fine for as long as the unions were similarly treated which they weren't
If it's "whataboutism", then all public service and those suckling from the teat seems to think taxpayers money is there to be wasted.
There's a longer list of grievances against politicians. The whole system is shoddy. Even the creation of some of these useless governing bodies.

At least unions have a core function that is vital. But denying they don't have a racket going on is blind. There's a bloody racket going on everywhere.
You cant be very old if you reckon casualising the workforce started with Gillard
Again you're from NSW....
You cant be very old if you reckon casualising the workforce started with Gillard
You can’t have much of an idea about the whole topic if questioning that.
There was laws that the casual had to get equal or more than the full timer and had to be made a permanent after x amount of time usually 6/12 months.
Gillard and the unions destroyed all that
At least unions have a core function that is vital. But denying they don't have a racket going on is blind. There's a bloody racket going on everywhere.
Before anyone jumps down my throat, I was a fully paid up member, my whole working life and did do shop stewards position.
What @moXJO said is the crux of the matter, the union used to be about workers and workers rights and conditions.
Now that has become secondary, the primary function now is to present an avenue for aspiring politicians to display their attributes, or for thugs to get into a racket IMO.
There are obviously still good people in the unions upper echelons, but those positions in the most have been hijacked by uni graduates, that could talk rings around them.
No one's denying there's a racket - just putting it in context was well outside the motives of that royal commission.

Even in tennis there's been a racket
Well congratulations on being a genius!
Nothing beats continuing the lie that they are there for the workers and the Australian whilst selling Australian assets and constitution, mass flooding of migration and weak immigration 457 laws when in power then blaming it in the opposition!
In mean pests pretend to be friends of the first nations people and screw then at the same time and blame the evil conservatives whom are not much better

being so far up the ar** of the multinational companies whilst holding any government sector to ransom
The unions are globalists, are usless and the worst thing for the Australian worker!
The irony when them and the alp still hold Whitlam, Hawke and Keating as greats when they are some of the greatest oxygen thieves that have walked the land of Australia!

the alp stopped being the alp under garbage Gough! And become a sell out globalist party
You need to do some research because everything you've said there is arse about face.

The Howard govt's aim with workchoices, abolishing workers rights and banning strikes was to effectively make every worker a casual because they had no safety net apart from a minimum wage.

Let's stick to the facts...

Keating ALP introduced the unfair dismissal law

Howard LNP revoked it

Rudd ALP put it back in

ScoMo and Co wanted to revoke it.

And Christian Porter as Industrial Relations Minister? Funny as fark
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