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Australian Politics General...

So where have you been now that you have been freed by the messiah?

I do think that we need stronger laws for the anonomous trolls who attack people at random, Not only famous folk but many teenagers suffer greatly with these attacks.

But we are also blocking free speech and open discussion in the MSM

At present the ABC and other MSM censor well credentialled people who just happen to have a different viewpoint to the "wokers".

Debate is silenced all the time on panels on the ABC, people from "the right" are cat called or cut off by the moderator and left wing radicals can call for arson and murder and still be allowed to speak.

Surely that is more damaging for democracy
Yes indeed , have a look at their Facebook pages sometime.

Limiting who can comment on posts ? Obviously I can't because I'm obviously some sort of terrorist.

Stopping all from posting because a few might say something nasty ? That's just nanny state nonsense.

and the goal posts will be shifted again. by the instructiuons of the over lauds directing our gutless positions
and the goal posts will be shifted again. by the instructiuons of the over lauds directing our gutless positions
I think they will reconsider.
Once boosters hit a certain % for those at risk ages, most rules will be dropped. Governments will be looking at the mess in Canada with fear.
I don't believe they would be stupid enough to mandate the vax. Although the public service is often living in some kind of 'dumb bubble'.
Perhaps in the Eastern States.

The huddled and terrified masses here in WA still see McClown as some sort of Messiah.

Just look at the likes of @Humid who are happy to acquiesce to the WAGestapo for a crappy overpriced beer in some sh¹tty pub full of boguns.

All for a cold.

Meanwhile, had a lovely weekend with fellow purebloods out at my place in the Swan Valley. Had the pizza oven going and did our best to work through the remains of the 14 pallets of Guinness and half decent woobla I bought.

Much nicer a party with friends than a pub full of terrified and sanctimonious w@nkers
you mean once the majority catch on the boosters are nothing more thsn a money making scheme?

the public service live in a leftist bubble along with corporate
there you have the working class waking up and small business protesting against the mandates and lock downs whom are protesting the issues of totalitarian governments & large multinational ! you know the issues the left are supposedly mean to do!
yet you have the idiot idiot left branding them the far right.

go figure
the evolution of a dumbed down society!
as lenin put it "useful idiot"
there is a reason why leftism has never worked
Are you and your family vaccinated Wayne ?
Yes, we've had the TB, Cholera, Smallpox, Tetanus, Yellow fever, measles and probably some others I can't remember.

Not covid vaxed ?

I just wonder why you are making so much fuss about covid vax when you accept the others without complaint.
Not covid vaxed ?

I just wonder why you are making so much fuss about covid vax when you accept the others without complaint.
It's not the shot (don't care either way), it's the both the mandates and the otherising of people who have decided to see how the shot plays out longer term... You know, like all those other vaccines had to do.

nothing to see here!
Labor and it’s band of self righteous followers the first to throw stones despite doings the same as they accuse others of
Humid; I was keen to get onto InvestorAdsy about his view of the political economy through the lens of Prof Von Hayek... but it appears Adsy's picked up a copy of 'The Road to the Asylum' instead .... I can only hope he makes it.
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