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Australian Politics General...

Ya gotta love the way those liberal toffs in Double Bay manage to squeeze some money out of the Feds to get nicely subsidised solar panels for their up market exclusive sailing club.
Poor Ba$tard$ must have been down to their last mill.
I just hope that Australians don't vote for the other mob of rats.
Whether people like it or not Labor are the only ones who can sort this, if people like the result will be another issue, but ATM Labor it is IMO.

They are the only ones who can bring about the changes required, there is no way the media wouldn't allow the Libs to make the changes that are required..
I'm not usually a fan of Labor, but I think there is no alternative. My two cents worth.

That says it really.

The LNP are old and tired, out of ideas, afraid of scrutiny and beholden to vested interests. They can't be trusted to implement any policies that their financial backers don't want, especially not an ICAC.

Labor has to be careful not to be branded with the old hackney "big spenders, big taxers", the have to explain where the money is coming from and that it won't be from the working middle class.

If they can do that they will be in like Flynn in my opinion, with all the scandals of Porter, Higgins and Tudge, the lack of policies , the submarine bungle etc, the LNP don't deserve to get back.
Labor has to be careful not to be branded with the old hackney "big spenders, big taxers", the have to explain where the money is coming from and that it won't be from the working middle class.
Unfortunately that is what has to happen, it is only Labor who can get away with it, but it has to happen.
The engine room is the only ones who can be squeezed, big business will just move, welfare is a no go and SMSF in reality is too small to achieve anything.
The big costs? Healthcare, NDIS, welfare, education and national debt.
So options, GST up, retirement age up, minimum and maximum withdrawals on super possibility of introduced, death tax which will probably just be aligning super death payout with a tax bracket 15% + Medicare isn't really much difference to the 19c lowest tax bracket, tax lump sum withdrawals from super.
Where can the middle class be squeezed? Interest rates, increase super contributions, reduce tax deductions, fuel excise, land tax? (more state based), raise tax rates(unlikely),shift tax brackets?(possible)
One thing for sure as last election showed, no matter what we guess we will probably be

Something has to happen, the Libs are going nowhere
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While I agree the LNP is an absolute clusterf***, if you thing Labor has any answers, you are freakin' dreaming.

Well, apart from what you have intimated, and that is screwing the middle class, which is an answer at all and which will guarantee the steady decline of this country and a descent into more and more division... Wherever that ultimately leads.

I see Labor romping in in the next federal election... Well, actually, it will be more like the LNP romping out, but my sincere hope is that the minors get a controlling minority in at least the senate and hopefully the reps as well.

That would make things very interesting.
A "police" response to the Jenkins Inquiry

Police urge residents not to visit ‘seedy, unsafe’ district of Canberra

Federal police have erected fences around an area in central Canberra, saying it is unsafe for residents to visit, urging them to avoid the area where possible.

Police spokesperson Andy McCallum said the area was renowned for its seedy and at times violent nature. “This is an area that is frequented by drunks and other unsavoury characters. Visitors regularly report experiencing verbal and physical abuse,” he said.

“In the last week alone we’ve seen women growled at and told to ‘keep their legs shut’, as well as heard accusations of assault, intimidation and threatening behaviour. That’s on top of several reports of rape and physical abuse earlier this year. It’s seedy, it’s aggressive and it’s unsafe, which is why we’re advising people to avoid the area at night. And during the day.

He said people should only travel to the area if they absolutely had to. “As far as we know, there is no work being done in this location, so we see no reason why anyone would have a need to go there”.

The area has been shut down until 2022.
Another "Honest Government Ad"
Excellent very funny, presentation on why a "well hung" Parliament is the only way to get action on a decent Federal ICAC and CC action that isn't undermined by fossil fuel interests.

Background to the latest Honest Government ad on creating a "well hung" Parliament.

Dear Patrons

Here is the latest Honest Government Ad that you've helped to make possible.

This is our last Honest Government Ad for 2021. I want to thank all of you for supporting our The Juice Media this year; we've covered a lot of topics - especially on climate and energy policy. And thanks to you, we've continued to remain 100% independent.

This HGA is also our first episode in what will be our coverage of the federal election that will happen here in Australia in the first half of 2022.

It's an absolutely crucial election because we can't afford another 3 years of climate shitfucxery like the world witnessed from this govt at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

And whilst their climate policies differ in some regards, neither major party is going to this election with a science-based emission target or a policy to phase out coal and gas this decade - which is what the science says must happen.

Which is why the key to ending this ****-stained chapter of climate inaction in Australia is to elect a Crossbench full of Not-xhit MPs who will force both major parties to adopt Not-**** climate policies, if they want to govern.

(“Not-xhit Candidate” is my short-hand for a party or Indy candidate with science-based policies for responding to the climate crisis and who doesn't take money from coal & gas companies - which unfortunately excludes both major parties. There are of course also xhit Indys and 3rd parties - so it's important to check their policies before you give them your vote!)

The Morrison Government is xhitting itself about all the Not-xhit candidates running in safe conservative/Liberal seats coz they know voters there won't elect a Labor/Greens candidate, but they might elect a small-l liberal Not-xhit Independent (as they did in Indi, Mayo and Warringah). And its strategy for dealing with this threat, will be to run fear-campaigns about Indys, hung parliaments and minority governments - with help from uncle Rupert.

Which is why it's so important that more people understand what these things are in the lead up to this election. And it's why we made this Honest Government Ad.

One of the things I love doing with this series is helping to improve literacy and understanding about legislation, policies and how government and elections work. So I've been working on this video for several months, trying to figure out the best possible way of explaining these rather complicated concepts to people ahead of the election.

There is of course much more to say about this HGA, but I'll leave it for the podcast companion - which I'll share with you here shortly. (Ellen and I are currently editing it!)

Meanwhile, if you haven't seen our Honest Government Ad about Preferential Voting, I encourage you to check it out. The Hung Parliament HGA acts as its sequel - explaining what happens when Not-**** candidates are elected to the crossbench.

I hope you enjoy this Honest Government Ad, and I'll catch you soon with the podcast for a more in-depth chat about well hung parliaments and more...

Till then, take care
From The OZ
My experience with Diplomats when working in the Pacific region was never terribly encouraging, particularly the ones from DFAT.
They may have had a lot of diplomatic skills, but their business and finance acumen left a lot to be desired.
Not sure if replacing career diplomats with ex politicians would offer anything of great consequence.

This video put up in the past few days. MSM yet to pick it up.

Why did John Barilaro resign again?
New ‘Honesty Box’ system – ATO to ‘trust Australians to do the right thing’

The Australian Tax Office has taken the Prime Minister’s lead and will move to an honesty box system whereby citizens will take personal responsibility for the amount of tax they pay.

Announcing the changes, the ATO repeated Mr Morrison’s words, saying it was time to move away from a culture of mandates and instead let Australians use common sense when managing their own affairs.

“Australians don’t want the ATO in their lives, and to be totally honest, it’ll cut down our workloads quite a lot if we don’t need to be in theirs,” a spokesperson for the ATO said.

“So, in the spirit of personal responsibility, we’ve decided to scrap tax returns and employee payments and we’ll now just have a box out the front of our office. If you feel compelled to pop some money in there, great. If not, that’s fine too”.

The ATO said they were yet to brief the Prime Minister on the changes, but assumed he’d be fine with it. “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t support the socialist, nanny-state idea of the Tax Office mandating the payment of taxes!” the spokesperson said.

The new ‘pay-what-you-like’ taxation model has been successfully trialled in some sectors already, with companies such as Google, Chevron and NewsCorp operating on the optional taxation model for years.


This video put up in the past few days. MSM yet to pick it up.

Why did John Barilaro resign again?
Only 200k odd views of Mr Jordies abstract connect the dots on 'johnlikestolick' after 24hrs up and not to my understandind not a peep from Fairfax, Murdoch or Aunty...
So from me here out iin the provinces ... Merry xmas 'Bruz'... and it looks to me to be a very good new year. Ohh and bruz your balls hang on my and many another a key chain.

Maybe Not so good a year for politically enabled rouge terror squard ego-maniacs though....'Che sera sera"
And it seems John Barilaro's twitter account has been deleted in the past few hours.

And it seems John Barilaro's twitter account has been deleted in the past few hours.

View attachment 134705
Could it possibly be because as Barrilaro has resigned, he will no longer be a state MP and thus could not have an MP's twitter account?
I suspect the main reason that the MSM have not followed this up is because they see the Jordan Shanks for what he his- a foul loudmouth who will end up with a series of court cases that will eventually bankrupt him and anyone who reproduces his crap.
What like Google.....good luck with that
Its before the courts now isnt it?
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