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Australian Politics General...

Well, at some time in the future the only people that count, the voters of NSW, will be able to pass judgement.
I thought Barry O and Bjiggles were pretty good till they got caught out. I don't want a religious conservative in charge.
I've had a few interactions with these sorts and imo not made for a lead position
I thought Barry O and Bjiggles were pretty good till they got caught out. I don't want a religious conservative in charge.
I've had a few interactions with these sorts and imo not made for a lead position
Unfortunately, this is a perfect example of identity politics, an unhealthy trend that has developed in Western Societies.
People seem to be pigeonholed by the identity they seek, or are given.
Instead of asking what are your policies, what are your values, where do you see this city, state, country or region heading in the future, people are more concerned about what group or groups they identify with, or labelled to identify with.
Now people are dismissed because of a label stuck on to them, not because someone has put down a cogent argument, and reasoned why the position is true or false.
Its just so much easier to stick a label on them and dismiss them without having to prosecute their case.
And its not confined to one side of politics.
People from the left are labelled as marxists, fascists, communists, Unicorns, fairies at the bottom of the garden.
I'm catholic, went to a catholic school, mingled with catholic judges and lawyers in nsw that tend to enter politics. You can definitely pigeon-hole those running on a "catholic" platform.
Gladys To Avoid ICAC By Joining Federal Politics

Former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says she wants to take a break from the high-pressure and constant scrutiny of state politics by running for a seat in the Federal Coalition Government.

In an emotional speech today, Ms Berejiklian said it was time to take a step back and do something less demanding. “After four and a half years in the top job, I need to give myself a rest. I need a break from the expectations, the daily press conferences, the scrutiny and the anti-corruption hearings. In short, I need to spend some time on the Liberal Party front bench in Canberra”.
She said being held accountable to the electorate day-in-day-out took its toll. “It’s gruelling. As a member of the Morrison government, that’s one less thing I’ll have to worry about. Perhaps I could become Health Minister or Attorney General – something where you don’t need to be answerable to the people for every little thing. Or every big thing”.

The former Premier said the prospect of being held accountable for corruption also weighed heavily on her. “Which is why I need a spell as a federal Minister, just for a bit of me time”.

Wrong choice for nsw

We'll obviously have to see how he goes, but that type of person usually favours the rich and the old mates network (the Catholic church) rather than the broader society.

However I could be wrong, but Tony Abbott was the last Conservative Christian leader we had and he did a great job right ?

I was taking you seriously for a while there Bas.
And is a continuum of past behaviour, NSW Nationals have elected a complete Tool(e) as their leader.
ABC News

Sometimes I just shakes me head at some of the strange things that happen in Politics.
The new NSW premier has dumped the head of the prime Ministers dept before he actually got to start.
Jim Betts has been replaced by Michael Coutts-Trotter.
I don't mind the fact that he was once convicted and served three years of a nine year sentence for selling heroin at the tender age of 19.
I mean we all make mistakes.
What i find even stranger is that as head of the premiers dept , the bloke who is going to be privvy to all sorts of secret things concerning the coalition in NSW, is married to Tanya Plibersek, a Federal Labour frontbencher.
So there will be no Pillow talk??
Ye right.
What the hell are they thinking??
I don't mind the fact that he was once convicted and served three years of a nine year sentence for selling heroin at the tender age of 19.
I mean we all make mistakes.

Indeed. And no-one is unaware of Michael Coutts-Trotter history. But it equally clear that he is an exceptionally capable administrator who has handled numerous senior positions very capably.

I think the no-one might be a bit strong.
Australia consists of a number of states, and I suspect that like me, a lot of folks who do not live in Sydney will have never heard of him, much less know his history.
Maybe you should try a religious socialist, like W.A did @moXJO, much better than a religious conservative. ?
I must admit, religion isn't my bag and I think it should be kept at arms length from politics, but as with most strongly opinionated people, they tend to be attracted to positions of power and control.

So first we had the Vic liberals ousting their leader without ever giving him the chance to face the electors, and replacing him with the same bloke who led them to a devastating loss at the last election.
Then we had our Glad caught up in the no bonking rules of parliament in NSW.
Which triggered resignations in the state coalition which ultimately led to a Tool being installed in the NSW nationals foghorn position.
Having lost one minister due to the quarantine fiasco last year, now here in Victoria we have just had our fourth member resign after the incumbent labour party had one of its own spill the beans on branch stacking.
I am not sure why there is such a fuss about branch stacking, its not a federal or state offence, its being going on for years, and all the major parties do it.
Adem Somyurek, the sleazy little creep who started all this kerfuffle over branch stacking posted two tweets yesterday.
The first about it being coincidental that he and Daniel Andrews also both started in parliament in 2011.
The obvious inference being that Genghis Dan would be leaving parliament with Adem at he next election.
Big call.
The second being that people such as Fed MP Richard Marles should be implicated as well.
The whistleblower is a Federal labour MP, so this little problem has now spread to federal ranks.
Internal feuds are never a good look for Political parties.
It just reinforces the views that so many have that its an ego driven power scramble.
Whats a bet the minor parties and independents have a big impact on the upcoming elections, both state and federal?
Could Pauline Hanson, despite her being cancelled by the sisterhood, start to rival Nellie Melba in comebacks?
We live in exciting times!
Interesting when you consider what you say in context, this guy was sent to jail for selling hard drugs as a teenager, but that is o.k because he is an exceptional administrator, Porter was accused of a crime as a teenager and you wanted him strung up from the tree on the outskirts of town, without due process.
This is why it is difficult to debate with those who hold extreme views, which are based on emotional factors, rather than actual facts.
But having said that, it is entertaining, you could replace Michael Coutts-Trotter's name above with Christian Porters and there would be right wing extremists that would agree whole heartedly with the same statement.
Yet there would be a left wing group, that would be screaming for you to be banned for writing the quote.
But it just shows how biases drive perceptions, thankfully most people fall in the centre of the bell shaped curve.
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