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Australian Politics General...

Yep. It's rigged. All those sort of polls are. They're not real, a bit of light entertainment at best.

It a poll still running ffs. It's not rigged, the turnout and the flavour of the voters is the driving force. I'm the one who voted Malcolm and it registered LOL
LOL! You gave Malcolm Turnbull 8 votes???
LOL! You gave Malcolm Turnbull 8 votes???

Two actually on different PCs, so there must be another 3 people out there who can see the same strength of character in Malcolm that I see.
Sugar tax and the power of big business: How influence trumps evidence in politics
I thought it might be worth a read, until I saw the author, Emma Alberici!

At the national broadcaster, the least she can do is provide balance in her articles. But this is just an anti-sugar advertorial, masquerading as news. Journo playing activist. Typically, more tax is the answer to everything. But where does predatory taxation start and finish?

On a good wage at the ABC is Emma .. but ordinary folks must pay higher grocery bills apparently. What's next on the Nanny State hit list? Chocolate? Ice cream? Breakfast cereals? Fruit juices? We already know that an alcohol tax is in their sights.
If I had a choice between a sugar tax or broadening the GST onto food I'll take the sugar tax any day.
Gotta be kidding. Victoria is violent enough thank you.

Mass shootings all over the US and these boofheads want guns on streets here?

Nah... I'll vote for law and order, not guns and ammo.
In Victoria -

The State Funeral for Sisto Malaspina will be held at St Patrick's Cathedral in East Melbourne, at 10:30am on Tuesday 20 November.

He could only get a knife. Thank Howard for our gun laws. We must keep enforcing them vigently.
I was working one block away from the incident.

Even with our gun laws there have been several shocking gun crimes recently.

People killing their own families, wives, ex wives or partners and children, but the media doesn't make a fuss about that sort of thing even though it costs more lives than any terrorism attack to date.

It can't be said that we have gun laws "right" at this point in time.
and orders of magnitude better than the USA.

Virtually anything would be better than the USA.

No where else in the civilised world has a worse record, it's shameful.

I can see another civil war coming there if any government tries to tighten up the gun laws.
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