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Australian Politics General...

I don't imagine the current Libs are much better, it would be interesting to find out.

For both sides of politics take out the unionists, lawyers, career politicians / political advisors, failed businesspeople and selected professions (notably doctors, teachers and the media) and it doesn't leave all that many.

At least it didn't when I looked through it some years ago.
A lot of duds occupy those hallowed halls.
Interesting to see on the TV news tonight that the Deputy Liberal leader Dr Steve Thomas has fallen on his scalpel.
He was stupid enough to be associated with ex in-mate of Wooroloo Prison Farm, former WA Premier and Labour leader, Brian Burke.
I would have thought that anyone with half a brain would have stayed well and truly clear of him.
Burke usually flies under the radar these days. Pretty careless to have been busted as such.

Dumb bastid.
Indeed. This is going to get juicy and interesting, it is easy to have a guess.

Federal parliament live updates: Deputy PM dismisses calls for ex-politician cultivated by foreign spies to be named,​

Distraction anyone?
I am deeply sceptical of the whole issue.
If this is true, why has the politician who cannot be named not been charged?
Keeps all the other crap off the airwaves.
I smell the odour of a decaying rodent.
If this is true, why has the politician who cannot be named not been charged?

If (s)he did it before the political interference legislation was passed, it may not have been a crime.

National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Act 2018

In June 2018, the Australian Parliament passed legislation, which criminalises foreign interference and strengthens our ability to successfully prosecute acts of espionage National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Act 2018. These laws criminalise covert and deceptive or threatening activities by persons intending to interfere with Australia’s democratic systems and processes, or support the intelligence activities of a foreign government. The laws also introduce offences for preparing or planning foreign interference, which gives law enforcement agencies the means to investigate preparatory conduct and arrest a person before Australia’s national security is prejudiced or the national security of a foreign country is advantaged.

However, opinions differ on the matter.


Very likely but surprised there is only one.
I see Craig Kelly, ex Liberal, ex UAP has got involved with Pauline Hansons One Nation.
He is to become Federal Campaign Director according to Sky news
Today I received some political advertising in the letterbox.

OK so that's not unusual but the style and wording of it looks very much like election campaign advertising. This wasn't just "I'm your local member, here's an update" stuff it was very much of a campaigning nature.

It was from Labor and clearly focused on federal politics not state.

Is something up? Early election?
By elections normally swing 6%, or something, but this one is different since the member died and was apparently liked.

Albo is going to be there on Saturday am but is choosing to do the right thing and rush to the Mardi Gras in Sydney on his private plane for some happy snaps in case they lose.

Losing this one would be really bad for Labor, and bad for Australia. It will probably push them closer to the Greens and Teals to get supply and we know where that goes.

Well can you see the economy being in a better state early next year?
Housing is still hot, rents are hotter, mining is sliding and the building industry has its own challenges.
Electricity next summer is obviously Going to be on life support and not many projects are starting.
There really isn't a lot of upside to waiting until next year, October before summer starts might be an option.
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