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Australian Politics General...

There was a woman on her back screaming obscenities only last year at the Mardi Gras.
And it was none other than the charming Ms Thorpe.
And hers another one of the sweet Lydia giving a mouthful outside a nightclub.
Lydia and the Greens had no problem brushing those little incidents.
At least Joyce had the good sense to admit it was a d!ckhead move.
Green, thy name is hypocrite.
Well, according to Expat Tax all the states have land tax on their books already.
Some might call it double dipping.
Well, according to Expat Tax all the states have land tax on their books already.

Some might call it double dipping.
There has been heaps of blue prints and never ending reports into how to broaden our tax system, all of them are collecting dust, mainly due to the fact all politicians appear to be only thinking about their immediate future not the Countries future as a whole.

Hopefully someone grows a pair and decides to take the risk, Hawke did it, so did Howard, whether we have anyone in the wings with the same single minded attitude, we will have to wait and see.

If not we will just grind our way into a third World economy, one welfare agenda at a time, until they are no longer affordable.
Well, according to Expat Tax all the states have land tax on their books already.
They do but not for owner occupied residential.

That's where I see the danger. Government knows full well nobody wants to lose their home and will give up pretty much everything in order to keep it. A very easy tax target.

Versus consumption based taxes where they can just not buy whatever's being taxed.
Mr sp hang on hasn't Airbus Elbow got the answers.
I suppose he has to be in the country long enough first to espouse his wisdom upon the peasants.
Then of course he is raking it in with his rentals.
No such financial problems await him.
Peter Dutton needs to step up and explain WTF he was doing as Home Affairs Minister.

Peter Dutton intervened to allow criminal to extend stay in Australia

Then home affairs minister granted two-month visa despite his department finding the applicant ‘did not pass the character test’

Paul Karp Chief political correspondent
Wed 14 Feb 2024 01.00 AEDTLast modified on Wed 14 Feb 2024 10.39 AEDT

Peter Dutton personally intervened to allow a person with criminal convictions to stay in Australia for a further two months despite his department refusing on three previous occasions.

The revelation about Dutton’s decision in February 2018, when he was home affairs minister, is contained in documents that were produced to a Senate inquiry that investigated his personal intervention in favour of two au pairs.

Dutton granted a visitor visa to the person two days after his office requested a submission, despite there being no evidence of a required change in circumstances since earlier refusals and departmental concerns about the person’s claim to be married to an Australian.

I think this is the most brilliant piece of straight political reporting in a satirical context I have seen.

By dwelling in the past, the energy available to be deployed into the present is diminished.

To my mind, regardless of whichever political pony we hitch ourselves to, we should all make the sitting govt hungry for approval and give them curry when they take their eye off the ball.

We have current govt ministers deflecting responsibility and accountability on the previous govt of the Crown and the fanboys are all too happy about that, without realising it takes pressure off good governance.

We are supposed to be discerning and critical thinking grownups, with our own independent thoughts. Just sayin'

I think that asking serious questions about the integrity of the current Leader of the Opposition when he was the Minister for Home Affairs is absolutely about good governance. One of the best ways of putting pressure on incumbent Governments to do well is having an competent, conscientious opposition. You can't call the current Lib-National party that at the moment.
Then wouldn't your criticism be better spent directed at filling the vacuum of accountability for the sitting govt? You don't train your dog by beating on another.
Then wouldn't your criticism be better spent directed at filling the vacuum of accountability for the sitting govt? You don't train your dog by beating on another.
True, but the current leader of the Opposition could be PM one day, his character is relevant, as are all those in power or likely to be.

There has been a lack of vision since the Hawke/Keating days. Dutton certainly has none, maybe Labor has a bit more, but they need more time to show it.
I think the current government is doing quite well. I thought the decision to review the Stage 3 tax cuts was politically courageous but also politically astute.

The government is united. We don't see Ministers leaking against each other. On balance I believe they are doing agood job.

I certainly couldn't see the current Opposition being a more competent government.
If Dutton becomes next PM, the current govt didn't perform to expectations and might well have benefitted from constructive criticism from its flock... criticism wasted on a two party neutered opposition whose job is to hold the govt to account, not the other way around?


The current government could do better in a number of areas imo;

* they could have the guts to introduce a tax on resource exports instead of having people worry about the GST rising.

* they could abolish negative gearing and cgt discounts on all residential property purchases from now on, and limit existing deductions to one property per taxpayer and put the savings into social and affordable housing.

* they could invest more in renewable energy themselves like hydro and solar instead of expecting the private sector to do it and putting a barrel over governments (gold plated poles and wires).

* they could cut down on immigration until infrastructure can properly service the people already here.

* they could set up and fund schools concentrating on STEM subjects that State schools are now failing at in favour of "ethics" or LGBTI "awareness".

Lots of other stuff, but that's enough for now.
So... how many of us good folk here are exercising our right to disconnect ?

I think it's a winner against the sinner...
Yeah, well, I may disagree vehemently on a couple of those points, but *strongly agree with your thought process.
Duttons mess

a. a company whose owners were suspected, through the ownership of another company, of seeking to circumvent US sanctions against Iran, and with extensive suspicious money movements suggesting money laundering, bribery and other criminal activity;
b. companies under investigation by the AFP;
c. a company whose CEO was being investigated for possible drugs and arms smuggling into Australia, although, at the time it would have been unrealistic to have expected those responsible for contract and procurement to be aware of this; and
d. an enterprise suspected of corruption

Friendlyjordies made a couple expose videos on it:

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