Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Australian coins - Legal advice needed

Haha this is hilarious. Do we have any science wizzes on the forum who would be able to confirm the feasability of melting 10c coins? Not that I plan on melting 10c coins even if it were feasible :D
Nickel ”” Melting Point: 1728 K (1455 °C, 2651 °F) :burn:
Copper ”” Melting Point: 1357.77 K (1084.62 °C, 1984.32 °F)

Apparently there a metal melting/casting enthusiasts out there in internet land

I'm gona start collecting 5 and 10 cent pieces anyway.:rolleyes:

With silver, nickel and copper prices rising a fair bit of late I was wondering how your coin collecting is going there So_cynical.

The thread did encourage me into 1966 coins and some have nearly doubled in price since 2008.