Since I began posting on ATN 8 days ago the number of views on this website has gone from 136 up to 766 views as of today! Of course its probably the same people viewing it each time, maybe it has grown a bit since that time and of course that means there are mainly repeat viewers, but my point is that some people clearly are interested to read about ATN.
Whilst I have spent a lot of time posting on ATN re recent trading activity and the games that are played by people from time to time, I don't want people to lose sight of the facts about ATN re its Obi Island gold/silver/base metals project. In particular:
1. We are only 6 trading days away from a Gen Mtg of ATN for shareholders to approve some share/option arrangements for 2 directors. That allows them to be fully motivated to get the share price up thereafter! (BEfore that date there is not so much motivation, esp the pricing of the option package is the VWAP of ATN for the 5 days from Tuesday trading to the following Monday). I therefore suggest that ATN's share price will probably be under wraps until the date of the Gen Mtg (19 april).
2. A drill rig and all its ancillary equipment is being shipped to Obi Island to shortly after commence a 3,000 - 4,000 m diamond drilling program.
3. The fundamentals of this raw project are compelling, and just to re-iterate an earlier post on here, taken from ATN reports previously:
" Re: ATN - Ashburton Minerals
ATN’s Obi Island gold/silver project has the hallmarks of being a company maker for a number of reasons, and an investment at current levels in the company will provide an excellent entry point, even though it is speculative in nature.
ATN’s project on Obi Island is targeting a large epithermal gold/silver/base metals system that has been the subject of extensive recent artisanal gold mining by around 1,000 miners – that area of artisanal mining is substantial:
The 7,700 Hectare licence area consists of NUMEROUS BRECCIA ZONES AND VEIN SETS, CHARACTERISTIC OF A LARGE EPITHERMAL GOLD/SILVER PROJECT (possibly similar to Gosowong - see *Note below), with OVER 1 KM OF STRIKE on current main artisanal workings – those artisanal workings include over 200 pits, shafts and adits scattered on the northern slopes of a hillside. Some of the larger veins appear to be continuous along strike for several hundred metres. At least 4 - 5 separate veins are noted across strike of the main zone, with individual veins occasionally worked to depths in excess of 50 m.
Random sampling of run-of-mine ore by Ashburton geologists, comprising 15 samples which were brought back to Perth for analysis, showed average grade to be 16 g/t, ranging from 4.3 g/t to 42.3 g/t.
Reconnaissance by Ashburton staff along the corridor extending southwards of the main artisanal workings confirmed scattered workings EXTEND FOR AT LEAST A FURTHER 3 KMS within the licence area. Numerous epithermal quartz vein boulders were noted in the river upstream from the artisanal workings indicating more mineralisation occurs to the south and southwest within the licence in areas yet to be investigated in detail.
* Note: Obi Island is situated to the south of the larger Halmahera Island which hosts the FIVE MILLION OUNCE GOSOWONG GOLD DEPOSIT with REGIONALLY SIMILAR GEOLOGY comprising a range of Late Eocene to Pliocene volcano-sedimentary sequences CHARACTERIZED BY EPITHERMAL MINERALISATION. "