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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

More lies from Rudd on the reduction of boat arrivals.... Rudd calims 30% when in actual fact it is 19.7%.....

Most likely the weather has been adverse.

I just listened to the interview on ABC with Tony Bourke and Scott Morrison by Leigh Sails.

Bourke was all at sea with his answers and was quoting a reduction of new arrivals at between 20 and 40%. That would have to be a wild guess I should imagine.

He said there was another plane load sent from Christmas Island to Manus Island today but he did not elaborate whether it was a Cessna 402 or a Jumbo jet so it could have been bertween 8 and 300+....He did not have a clue how many were sent.

Bourke also made a foolish remark that Morrison was helping illegals to exit PNG through Thusrday Island....I believe the smugglers are a bit smarter than Bourke and they don't need Morrison to tell them how.

The PNG Nationals have been coming across the Torres Straights in thier tinnies for years. I have just spoken to one of the state pollies in Townsville who informed me The PNG Nationals come across to TI for TB treatment. They go back with thier medication and instead of utiliising it themselves, they share the medication with their families resulting in the failure of any cure.

I believe it costs the Queensland State Government some $6 million per year of which the state receives back a measely $2 million from the Federal Goverment.

So for Boutke to say Morrison would be helping people smugglers to set up a trade between PNG and Queensland is absolute crap.

Bourke looks like a man way out of his depth
While it's hard to find a count on the numbers coming in, there is a count on the numbers being sent to PNG under the so-called new arrangements. So far it's 8 groups comprising either 39 or 40 each. 5 of these groups have been sent in the past week.

Also of interest is this and other similar posts on Michael Smith's blog,

I think the suggestion is that asylum seekers are being brought of Nauru in secret.
I think the suggestion is that asylum seekers are being brought of Nauru in secret.

Why not bring them back into the nearest UN camp?
They'll be as safe as all other refugees and can be routinely assessed to be resettled in an orderly fashion.
Can you imagine anyone, except foreign affairs expert Rudd, being stupid enough to talk about making a "deal" with this ratbag? You can't make deals with blackmailers...they keep upping the ante. O'Neill knows he has only three weeks to extract more cash.

PAPUA New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says his government remains "100 per cent committed" to its asylum seeker agreement with the Rudd government following questions over the deal.
Ben Fordham serves it up to Sarah Hanson-Young and judging by her reaction at the end, she didn't like it.

Ben Fordham is a smart **** little prick.

If you watch him on Channel Nine's "Today" program you would swear butter would not melt in his mouth. But, when he dons his super shock jock facade on 2GB he turns in to a vicious attack dog. He has zero credibility.

To be fair to the Greens, they have stuck to their position on asylum seekers and for grubby Fordham to claim that Sarah Hanson-Young is responsible for "a thousand plus people drowning to the bottom of the ocean and dying, they are not on the earth anymore" is bloody outrageous.
Why not bring them back into the nearest UN camp?
They'll be as safe as all other refugees and can be routinely assessed to be resettled in an orderly fashion.
That's an excellent idea. Pretty hard to argue against that just in terms of fairness and logic.
Why not bring them back into the nearest UN camp?
They'll be as safe as all other refugees and can be routinely assessed to be resettled in an orderly fashion.

Yes. Gillard tried to do this in a limited way with Malaysia, but somehow it never got off the ground. The trouble is there is no such thing as an orderly fashion ...Only chaos.

A refugee camp in Malaysia.
Boats are still coming while the real needy refugees are kept waiting for years in camps. Whether this one is really in trouble or looking for HMAS taxi service remains to be known.

Boat with 200 asylum seekers reported sinking
I didn't hear him saying she was responsible for the drownings. He did refuse to allow her to obfuscate in her answers and that's what he should do imo. She has been around long enough and is sufficiently media savvy to know what to expect if she accepts an invitation to be interviewed by him.

I agree that they have 'stuck to their position on asylum seekers' so can claim consistency, unlike the multiple positions of Labor.

But what the Greens never, ever address is the unfairness of the hundreds of thousands of genuine refugees, so classified already by UNHCR, waiting for many years in refugee camps throughout the world, with no hope of admission to Australia because they cannot pay people smugglers, and the places that might have gone to them via the humanitarian refugee program are all being usurped by the boat arrivals in their designer clothes.
This is what I want the Greens to address, but they never do, making them as hypocritical as all the other politicians.
Ben Fordham is a smart **** little prick.
SHY is either an alien whom having saved her own species is showing us the way or she is just an oversized spoiled brat.

Of the 50,000 odd arrivals that have come by boat and the 1,000 or more that have perished at sea in the attempt, it's perhaps worth considering how many deaths there would have been out of that total had none come at all by boat.

It's an interesting consideration, but not one that stands in the way of Green dogma.

I also note the latest arrival with 205 on board. In terms of the numbers that are currently being sent to Kevin Rudd's Gulag Manus, that's a weeks worth in a single boat.
This is what I want the Greens to address, but they never do, making them as hypocritical as all the other politicians.

Its not just Australian politicians who are hypocritical. How about this?

Indonesia's security co-ordinating Minister Djoko Suyanto has protested about a 'flotilla' from Australia illegally entering Indonesian territory.

Mr Djoko said in a note circulated to Jakarta journalists.
“I told the Australian ambassador it would be better if no country became the departure point of anybody who wants to disturb another country's sovereignty,”

Did Mr Djoko perhaps mean to say this?:

"I told the Australia ambassador it would be better if Indonesia was not the departure point of anybody who wants to disturb the sovereignty of Australia"
Masses of people arriving according to Shaz on Christmas Island. Is Rudd trying to hide this?
Judging by when the boat arrival announcements stopped on Jason Clare's site, I can only assume they're hiding behind the caretaker convention although other announcements are still appearing.

I don't know where the media are getting their numbers from at the moment, Michael Smith has summed the recent arrivals,
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